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When renting, does it seem suspicious to ask to change the locks?


Active member
Wondering what you think. I don't have a ton of experience renting, so is it a normal thing to ask for? This is a private landlord and I certainly want to be the only one with access to my apartment, but hesitant to come across in a suspicious way. How should I approach the subject?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I wouldn't think so, would be normal precaution. An old renter could have a key. Of course the landlord will want a copy.


Active member
That's the thing I don't want the landlord to have a copy. What if they come snooping when I'm not around?


Wondering what you think. I don't have a ton of experience renting, so is it a normal thing to ask for? This is a private landlord and I certainly want to be the only one with access to my apartment, but hesitant to come across in a suspicious way. How should I approach the subject?

In the distant past when I rented an apartment I did exactly that -- changed the locks (actually upgraded them to include a deadbolt.) I explained to management that I didn't want any prior residents using their old key to rob my apartment (management just juggled their recycled locks around from one apartment to another). Of course, management wanted a copy of the key for emergency access to the apartment, which I had to comply with. Times have changed since that time, and I don't know if you could get away with that today but I would definitely ask ...



Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Any respectable landlord will want a copy. Find a landlord who won't snoop. Also, lock the room your grow is in. Out of state landlords are the best kind.


Wondering what you think. I don't have a ton of experience renting, so is it a normal thing to ask for? This is a private landlord and I certainly want to be the only one with access to my apartment, but hesitant to come across in a suspicious way. How should I approach the subject?

don't ask man just do it. if they ever figure it out either stand there and say "these are the keys you gave me" or "oh fuck, forgot to tell you" if they are asking you about it really soon and there was no reason for them to try to get in anyway, you just learned something about your landlord the easy way..


That's the thing I don't want the landlord to have a copy. What if they come snooping when I'm not around?

Good luck with that, regarding not giving them a key.

Hopefully, your contract would specify 24 (48?) hour minimum written notice for scheduled inspections and service, such as exterminator service. But they are very likely to demand a copy of the key for issues such as a water leak, electrical fault, or fire that demand rapid emergency access -- if they let you change the lock at all.

Your only protection in that regard would be a covert video surveillance system, along with renter's insurance. It may be your home, but it is somebody else's property. That's the nature of rental property ...



I always change my locks and have never botherd to tell anybody either. There no fucking reason for my Landlord to ever enter my house when im not home. Fire: there going to kick the door open anyways, Water...Turn it the fuck off at the street. They got my #.


Active member
Any respectable landlord will want a copy. Find a landlord who won't snoop. Also, lock the room your grow is in. Out of state landlords are the best kind.

The apartment has old style doors with old style knobs that don't lock, and a modern know with a lock wouldn't fit without drilling a larger hole.

There is actually an attic with no stairs or ladder going up to it, just a square opening with a wooden cover (house built in late 1800's). The landlord is a single woman who has admittedly never been up there, and mentioned it as a side thought during our conversation. It was a surprise to hear because that would have been a feature if I were renting the place. She's actually quite large and wouldn't fit through the opening even if she wanted to. I was gonna grow up there.

She lives on the first floor though. lol I know that's probably a big nono to rent there but the thing is I have really bad credit and am having a hard time getting someone to rent to me. No income on the books. Bad credit. No landlord references. My options are slim. I would just move on but for that, and this woman seems kinda gullible. I have not signed a lease but it's available and I need a place quick. Should I just move on? I think I know the answer already, but it's my first and so far only option right now and I'm trying to find a way to make it work.


The apartment has old style doors with old style knobs that don't lock, and a modern know with a lock wouldn't fit without drilling a larger hole.

There is actually an attic with no stairs or ladder going up to it, just a square opening with a wooden cover (house built in late 1800's). The landlord is a single woman who has admittedly never been up there, and mentioned it as a side thought during our conversation. It was a surprise to hear because that would have been a feature if I were renting the place. She's actually quite large and wouldn't fit through the opening even if she wanted to. I was gonna grow up there.

She lives on the first floor though. lol I know that's probably a big nono to rent there but the thing is I have really bad credit and am having a hard time getting someone to rent to me. No income on the books. Bad credit. No landlord references. My options are slim. I would just move on but for that, and this woman seems kinda gullible. I have not signed a lease but it's available and I need a place quick. Should I just move on? I think I know the answer already, but it's my first and so far only option right now and I'm trying to find a way to make it work.

growing in an apartment when the land lady lives in the same house? brings new meaning to the term ballsy. don't count on her grandkids not fitting through that hole. good luck man i really hope it works out


Active member
Greenmatter and Sci-fi- Great advice. Yeah I guess there is no reason for the landlord to know the locks have been changed. And it's a great test for the landlord.

David762- Yeah the surveillance system was another thought I had. Wonder what something like that costs.

It's probably a bad idea to rent there anyway but that attic situation is actually just what I was looking for.


growing in an apartment when the land lady lives in the same house? brings new meaning to the term ballsy. don't count on her grandkids not fitting through that hole. good luck man i really hope it works out

Yea, Now that is the part you should be worried about. Mabey you should just work on getting some decent renters history so you can get your own place?


Active member
growing in an apartment when the land lady lives in the same house? brings new meaning to the term ballsy. don't count on her grandkids not fitting through that hole. good luck man i really hope it works out

She's young, single, unattractive, obese, very shy and insecure, and seems not extremely bright. If there ever was a landlady that it could be accomplished with, it would be this one.

But I hear ya, loud and clear.


Active member
Yea, Now that is the part you should be worried about. Mabey you should just work on getting some decent renters history so you can get your own place?

Yeah that renters history part is what I'm trying to work on. That and the credit. Now I wish I'd paid my credit cards. It's tough getting an apartment with bad credit man. That'll be priority #1 once I get a place.


Well-known member
A landlord must give you at least 24 hours notice to check the premisis. Only exception is there is an emergency ie. broken pipe. By the same logic, if there is a broken pipe, he shouldn't have to kick the door in. Or let his property flood, because you don't want him snooping around

Your landlord is responsible to provide a secure abode. He should be responsible for the locks. Most leases have this written in. He should also have chaged the locks after the old tenant moves out.

What I would do is to ask him if you could put a lock on an interior door. And remember to get a new door when you leave, or it will come out of your security deposit.


She's young, single, unattractive, obese, very shy and insecure, and seems not extremely bright. If there ever was a landlady that it could be accomplished with, it would be this one.

But I hear ya, loud and clear.

sounds interesting GW but again all i can say is BALLSY and good luck. she also sounds like someone who would be more likely to call the cops instead of telling you to pack your shit and get the fuck out on her own.


Active member
Yeah I'm contemplating how big my balls actually are. I'm thinking she might be the type who would snoop. Has no life of her own, why not rummage through the handsome tenant's stuff when he's not home?


Well-known member
If you look like your avitar...I hate to break this to you....You ain't handsome....your a psychopath.

If you don't look like your avitar....ya got a chance.

W is at it again....invading Attic.

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