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When knowledge is suppressed we all lose.

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Game Bred
keep pushing that lie. anyone who bothers reading through the thread can see your obvious sarcasm.

whatever gets you through the day :tiphat:
notice the bolding maybe i was actually pointing out which definition of peril was appropriate.
but when a person joins a cult they get VERY defensive.

and thx GMT
sorry if you got your feewings hurt too..baby need hims baba


The Tri Guy
sorry gramps I clearly accused you of a great evil that you were innocent of, that of god bothering. But in light of your achievement of shaking off the culture you were raised it in that regard, I'm confused by your reluctance to shake off the other conditioned responses that your culture tries to enforce upon all. why are you so against poluting the planet that we live on? if you dont believe in a god who will either reach down from the sky and clean it up for us, or grab those who pay a few bob each sunday to their local ped,,,, cough cough church organisers, and take them to heaven for the rapture, then why would you oppose anyone who says its bad to pump the air and oceans full of poisons and cut down the forests that generate the air we breathe?


The Voice of Reason
whatever gets you through the day :tiphat:
notice the bolding maybe i was actually pointing out which definition of peril was appropriate.
but when a person joins a cult they get VERY defensive.

and thx GMT
sorry if you got your feewings hurt too..baby need hims baba

the use of the word peril was inappropriate and laughable.


Game Bred
Does everyone get the humor in dagnabit refusing to review the scientific evidences of which he is unaware... in a thread about denying science?

where did i refuse?

no im looking at it..

but by your standards it is not credible as it is commercial and biased.
Look at the climaterealists.com (.com, lol...it's commercial, for profit, sells advertising) "headlines". Every article attempts to debunk AGW science.


The Tri Guy
dag, you clearly took a post from head, intended for someone else and edited it to start with my name as if it was intended for me. So I neg repped you. What else would you expect from taking a cheap shot like that, you cant even be bothered to insult me you just take somone elses words to someone else and insert my name? did you really think you were being clever?


The Voice of Reason
sorry gramps I clearly accused you of a great evil that you were innocent of, that of god bothering. But in light of your achievement of shaking off the culture you were raised it in that regard, I'm confused by your reluctance to shake off the other conditioned responses that your culture tries to enforce upon all. why are you so against poluting the planet that we live on? if you dont believe in a god who will either reach down from the sky and clean it up for us, or grab those who pay a few bob each sunday to their local ped,,,, cough cough church organisers, and take them to heaven for the rapture, then why would you oppose anyone who says its bad to pump the air and oceans full of poisons and cut down the forests that generate the air we breathe?

he hates being governed more than he loves his fellow man.


The Voice of Reason
where did i refuse?

no im looking at it..

but by your standards it is not credible as it is commercial and biased.

My standards have nothing to do with wether a website is commercial. It is all about the verifiability and veracity of the science. I'll open mindedly consider information from any source, and I frequently seek out 'denalists' articles so I can thoroughly examine the claims therein. Their science fails, independent of their financing.

You seemed to be blowing off educating yourself with the following.
yeah your link seems a bit biased?

not to mention its a .com
and you told me that were bad...
now i is just stoopid hill folk and wees dont know much but wees can tell bullshit from choco puddin.
but ill not be engaging in debate with cultists...

like i said before

take your cookie and stfu ;):comfort:

forgive me if I misinterpreted "take your cookie and stfu".
perhaps you could also include a more clear phrasing of your thoughts.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
then why would you oppose anyone who says its bad to pump the air and oceans full of poisons and cut down the forests that generate the air we breathe?

I never said is it was good to pump the air and oceans full of toxins. I never said I don't believe in global warming. I simply dispute the alarmists view we are sole cause of global warming and how much man has contributed to it. I'm not a fan of deforestation either. Hell, I love watching Whale Wars. I just find fault with AGW alarmists.

Don't get me wrong. Energy independence, which I believe will eventually come from solar power, is necessary for our survival as a species.


The Voice of Reason
You can have all the education you are willing to seek.
Every single lecture for several prestigious universities is available for free on iTunes.
And, papers are published when new discoveries are made or new theories are formulated.
There is no excuse for wallowing in ignorance.
There is no excuse for getting your science from political pundits.
The truth is out there and discernible for anyone willing to honestly study all sides.

Actively trying to disprove theories is a component of all proper science.
Science does not cling to ideas in the style of religious dogma.
In science the most prestige goes to the ones who disprove convention...
the whole point of science is a constant improvement of our understanding.

Why be satisfied with intellectual stagnation?


The Tri Guy
well that all sounds great, but why would you oppose the cap and regulate policies that try to achieve just that?

And the climate change guys dont say that global warming is soley man made. Science never atributes cause and effect, they group observable occurances into predicatable events. for instance when co2 rises one of 2 things happen, either the vegetation has a field day, or the temperature rises. Given the number of people and the way we developed the land around us the first option cannot happen, therefore the second will. They then point to the way in which mankind is generating more co2 gasses to be released onto the atmosphere and remind us of the options that will follow. I dont understand where the confusion is there.
Alright, I'll take it from a different direction. Who cares about "scientific consensus?" The scientific consensus sucks! Often, often, often it's not even scientific.

Just go with the best information possible and apply it wisely. All information should be analyzed and given a continuously variable likelyhood of being true. In this way the ego is more or less circumvented because there is only a mental model of "how things probably work" as opposed to a "position" associated with the ego that has to be "defended."


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
There is no excuse for getting your science from political pundits.

Please I despise all politicians. They are nothing but bought and paid for talking heads for the banks. Our system is in decay and dying. No love lost here when it finally goes. Your assumption fails.


The Voice of Reason
I never said that that is where you personally get your science, I was simply making a true statement. I made no failed assumption. Nice try, though.

also... politicians and political pundits are two completely different things.


Game Bred
dag, you clearly took a post from head, intended for someone else and edited it to start with my name as if it was intended for me. So I neg repped you. What else would you expect from taking a cheap shot like that, you cant even be bothered to insult me you just take somone elses words to someone else and insert my name? did you really think you were being clever?

i dont involve myself with negative k or r but hey you are free to be as negative as you like.

i was just pointing out the tactic you were using.
sorry your wittle feewings got hurt.
but like i said you cultists get uber sensitive....


Game Bred
forgive me if I misinterpreted "take your cookie and stfu".
perhaps you could also include a more clear phrasing of your thoughts.

sure. i acquiesced. i conceded that all your points are correct. i agreed to every postulation you and every other type of doomsday cultist has ever espoused.
my "take your cookie and stfu" can be taken to read "dont go past the close" or "stop beating a dead horse" or "know when to shut the fuck up because your "opponent" has given up"
like i said there was no debate to be one in our subtopical discussion over manners and peril but you win the nondebate soooooooooo........................ stop "debating" you "win" (as laughable as that is) would be the cliff notes.


The Voice of Reason
I'd be much happier thinking you bothered to try and learn something of the science you deny, than reading your patronizing capitulation.
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