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When is the time to change the lights from 18/6? How do you tell?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I should be careful what I wish for, but it would be nice if my plants grew a little stem. How do you know when it is time to change to 16/8, or 12/12? I have the light over 2 ft above the plants, and feeding about 700 umoles.

Would feeding alfalfa help them grow stems? How is that fed via the top if I need to add some:

AK47 skinny leaf, Runtz rabbit in back...

Click image for larger version  Name:	DSC00285.JPG Views:	0 Size:	108.9 KB ID:	17803957

AK47 fat leaf, serious bush (kush) in back.

Click image for larger version  Name:	DSC00286.JPG Views:	0 Size:	122.3 KB ID:	17803958
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Active member
flylowgethigh Hey my friend how long have they being vegging ? I like to veg for a month and a half, by then i have topped them and they have recovered and are ready for the flip to 12 and 12.
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
flylowgethigh Hey my friend how long have they being vegging ? I like to veg for a month and a half, by then i have topped them and they have recovered and are ready for the flip to 12 and 12.

I have a grow thread, but these have been doing OK for about 2 weeks in this tent. I have pinched bout as much as I think I should. These are bushes, especially the Serious Bush. mostly I want them to start growing stems. Maybe alflfa?


Active member
I have a grow thread, but these have been doing OK for about 2 weeks in this tent. I have pinched bout as much as I think I should. These are bushes, especially the Serious Bush. mostly I want them to start growing stems. Maybe alflfa?

Hey flylowgethigh i find the pinching method tends to make round bushes like you are showing. I tend to really go to town with defoliation on the inside fan leafs to get the light down into the center a bit more. That is something you have to do a few times i suspect, I have one cream caramel doing the same thing right now it looks like it is going to give me a bowl of nugs lol.

I also like to use the scrog net to open up the plants centers as they poke through, food for thought...:D


Well-known member
In the beginning, most strains concentrate on growing roots rather than stems/leaves. Also depends on how deeply the seedling was buried. Looks good and as soon as the lights are changed to 12/12 the stems will shoot up (be careful what you wish for!;)).


Well-known member

Hi mate, Indoors I usually veg my plants for 3-5 weeks or so, depending on the size of the pot, size I want the plant, space I have dedicated and all that other stuff

I usually leave them untrained for the first couple weeks, then top them, leaving around 6-8 arms, but not the very bottom ones, they will get defoliated before topping, to allow for air flow and space to work under the canopy, all that shit at the bottom usually gets shaded out anyway so not worth keeping.

If I were you, I would go in for a defoliation now, remove some of those lower fan leaves and bits at the bottom of the branches, give your girls another 2 weeks or so, let them gain abit more size, wait for the arms to grow, then consider flipping them.

In future I wouldnt start LSTing them/ tying down so early, unless you are microgrowing and extremely limited on head height.

I dont know about organics or if your growing organic only, but with synthetic nutes I think people normally feed liquid silicon if they want to fatten the stems up. I used Aptus regulator in the past, it was alright, but I didnt notice enough of a difference to justify the cost.

Edit: Just seen you are using a 4x4x7 tent, youve got plenty of head room, I would probably let those plants get to a height of around 12-18 inches above soil level before flipping, either that or another 2 weeks or so of veg.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Thanks. I have to leave the plants alone for a while and let them grow. The tallest ones are 11" above soil. Might as well start to remove the lower folage. I have read about silicone, and don't think I have any in the soil. I'll look into it.

Training them is also fraught with danger, such as pulling the top two branches apart too hard, too soon.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have the light over 24" above the tops, and just under 700 umoles at the tops. Plants are drinking a consistant 1/2 gallon per pot per day. Must be too much gravity at that tent. Net time get hanging nets, and dangle the branches down at the light which is on the floor (pointing up), and hang fishing weights on the branch ends to make them stretch?

vanilla dutch

Active member
I have the light over 24" above the tops, and just under 700 umoles at the tops. Plants are drinking a consistant 1/2 gallon per pot per day. Must be too much gravity at that tent. Net time get hanging nets, and dangle the branches down at the light which is on the floor (pointing up), and hang fishing weights on the branch ends to make them stretch?

Could u explain a lil more.first grow? Think of your plant like its a person. Nobodys born full grown.the older and stronger they get the bigger they will be.the weak light thing was a bad advice joke.u want to wait for bigger plants. Seeds vs full grown harvested buds. Lets chat. To answer your question. if your plants big enough.helpful?


stretch is strain dependent too so good to know what itll do after the flip. Indica crosses id definitely get them 3/4 as big as i want in veg, sativas might double after....

vanilla dutch

Active member
Depends on many variables.but a plant that small needs to veg more.especially from seed.needs to be sexually mature first.second runs are always better than first seed pops.

vanilla dutch

Active member
Mite.key word.indica dosnt stretch much just branches out.can u imagine an 11 inch budding plant.no offence just saying.good things take time and its all worth it in the end.


Well-known member
Thanks. I have to leave the plants alone for a while and let them grow. The tallest ones are 11" above soil. Might as well start to remove the lower folage. I have read about silicone, and don't think I have any in the soil. I'll look into it.

Training them is also fraught with danger, such as pulling the top two branches apart too hard, too soon.

Alright mate

Dont be shy with regards to removing the lower foliage, the sooner you do so the better, as more energy will be channelled in to everything at the top. Same goes when your training them, it doesnt matter if you snap a branch or split the middle stem, just get some gaffa or electrical tape and tape it back together, a week or so later it will heal and knot back up and be stronger than before. It acts similiar to super cropping.

With regards to training plants, I usually do as posted above, veg for 3-5 weeks, top to leave 6-8 arms, then I put the nets in the tent. I add the nets just before 12/12, or a week or so in to 12/12 once theyve got some stretch going on. I will normally slide the nets down the tent poles on top of the plants, then start bending the arms under the squares in the nets. In a week or so they will find their way back through. Its worth noting, I normally double or triple net the tent. I would say the first net is around 12-18 inches above soil level, then the additional nets around 12 inches or so apart. Come week 2-3 12/12 once stretch is over, any foliage under the first net is fully removed, and any small buds coming of the branches between the 2nd and 3rd net are removed, just leaving shoots and tops, minimising any larf and maximising buddage. You dont need to bother with fish weights or anything like that.

Biggest piece of advice is dont get too worried or stressed if something doesnt go to plan, its all a learning curve!

Wish you all the best.

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