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When is the latest to pollinate??



Can anyone give me a clue about when is the latest to pollinate a female Auto if you want to get the seeds ready before harvest? I have about 5 weeks to go on my himalyan blue diesels, some are looking real nice and a thought it would be good to get a couple of seeds, thinking of pollinating a lower branch so i get some seeds and not only bud from my beauty.

Cheers my friends.

Green Supreme

It can take up to 6 weeks for nice seed to form. I would shoot for that if I had never grown or seeded the strain before. Good luck. Peace GS


Active member
6 weeks would be ideal...but I've got nice seed 3-4 weeks after pollination. But I do agree with Green Supreme,the longer you wait the better.Good Luck.


Thanks for the quick answers. Ill just pollinate asap and then leave the branch I pollinated for an extra couple of days if that is needed.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i pollinated when the first signs of bunches of hairs were forming. my plants in my room right now will have enough seeds for years.
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4 weeks is all thats needed provided you provide the plant with everything it needs to ensure good growth, healthy plant should mean healthy seeds.

id pollenate after atleast a week of flowering, prob neerer to the second week, the more calyxs that are there to be pollenated, the more seed you will have


If you are talking autos, i have the best luck pollinating on week 5 or 6 of the plants life - assuming it is a true autoflower.

If you use 20 to 24 hours of light per day, you will definitely have healthy, mature seeds by the fifth week after pollinating.

This is one case where more light has a noticeable effect on seed development. More light, more starchy endosperm in the seeds. No other way about it.

Feed the plants well while the seed is growng. Use something with lots of micronutrients, or a supplement. You want the seeds to be full of everything they will need to grow their first two weeks without any ferts when you plant them.

DON'T flush for two weeks, or else your seeds will suffer for it! Actually, if you want good seeds, it's better not to flush at all!

For four to five weeks, I get 100% germ.


Active member
Yeah 4 weeks to mature seeds is fine if it's just seeds for your own use. Definitely 5-6 if you want max germ rate.


This all sounds good to me! Was thinking that using light 24h a day would help the seeds developing and making 4-5 weeks enough, and from what you all say i looks like that is true.
Cheers again for all of your comments, very appreciated.
/Mr S



Related question: how long does it generally take for a male to start opening his balls and spreading his love powder? I've got a male that showed his first balls 4 days into 12/12 and now they are everywhere at day 8. Like the OP, I need to get some girls knocked up ASAP if I have any hope of growing viable seeds. I'm sure that it's strain specific, but I'm looking for generalities.

Has anyone had any success manually busting open the balls? I assume this is a bad idea?