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When is it safe to stop pulling tarps in Oregon?


Hey guys I have a question I'm hoping to get some insight on. I have a couple light dep greenhouses that are a a few weeks from being finished. I'd like to stop pulling tarps before they're completed so I can cut down on moisture related issues, but I'm a little uncertain about when its safe to do so. I have a house that is 2 weeks from being completed, and another that is 3 weeks out. I'm in the middle of the Willamette Valley. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Active member
panick503 im not from Oregon but I use the weather channel app to see when the sunlight goes down to about 12/12. It will tell you the sunset and sunrise times for you location. Hope that helps


Well-known member
If you match your photoperiod it won't matter. Sunny or cloudy days don't make a difference in photoperiod either. Light protons are light protons, strong or weak. Problems occur when the original nighttime hours fall out of sequence with light deprivation hours. Match your hours and you will be good. 😎


I decided to stop pulling on one house the day before I made the post. The rest I stopped pulling the day after. Didn't have any issues to speak of


Well-known member
I decided to stop pulling on one house the day before I made the post. The rest I stopped pulling the day after. Didn't have any issues to speak of

Nice! What are you growing? The cultivar surely plays a part in this, seeing as some start flowering earlier than others (i.e. when days are still longer).