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When is AB 390 being voted on?

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So there was one other thread covering this question, but then there was some trolling or something and everyone left it alone for the last 3 months. I have heard multiple times that AB 390 is going up for vote this summer, but can't find anyone to give me a solid confirmation on the date.

I have searched the Great Google and found no answer, if you know could you please post the date and where you got that info.

Dank Sinatra
When is AB 390 being voted on?

As far as I know... never.
Do you think a politician would risk their office over this unrealistic legislation?
Plus it would never make it to the senate.

AB 390 is wonderful idea. But the reality is it would fly well at Disneyland but not with voters who think a joint is a one way trip for their kids to hell.

Get gas prices up to $10 per gallon for a year and look for another incarnation of this bill.

Till then, consider that a full 1/4 of California's operating money comes from federal sources. Can you imagine the billions that would be lost by being cut off? Universities close, road construction and healthcare dollars stop....

It's what's known as a "heat reduction bill" a bill designed so politicians can say "look at this citizens! We are earning our salaries with this nifty but impassable assembly bill, don't vote us out next election! See we are doing something"

Politician is a very dirty word for "No work and lots of graft makes rep. X a happy camper"

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Actually the action has been delayed until march of next year. This has been mentioned many times in other threads.


As far as I know... never.
Do you think a politician would risk their office over this unrealistic legislation?
Plus it would never make it to the senate.

AB 390 is wonderful idea. But the reality is it would fly well at Disneyland but not with voters who think a joint is a one way trip for their kids to hell.

Get gas prices up to $10 per gallon for a year and look for another incarnation of this bill.

Till then, consider that a full 1/4 of California's operating money comes from federal sources. Can you imagine the billions that would be lost by being cut off? Universities close, road construction and healthcare dollars stop....

It's what's known as a "heat reduction bill" a bill designed so politicians can say "look at this citizens! We are earning our salaries with this nifty but impassable assembly bill, don't vote us out next election! See we are doing something"

Politician is a very dirty word for "No work and lots of graft makes rep. X a happy camper"

I'm thinking with 56% of Californians in favor it is going to get a run.. Sure we may have to go to the ballot in 2012 but it's coming..

While I agree with most representative living in their political comfort zones the pro-decriminalization/legalization movement has moved forward..

Really what's the problems if I smoke a joint and watch Real Time with Bill Maher? Okay maybe that doesn't sit well with Rush Limbaugh but who cares..

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
As far as I know... never.
Do you think a politician would risk their office over this unrealistic legislation?
Plus it would never make it to the senate.

AB 390 is wonderful idea. But the reality is it would fly well at Disneyland but not with voters who think a joint is a one way trip for their kids to hell.

Get gas prices up to $10 per gallon for a year and look for another incarnation of this bill.

Till then, consider that a full 1/4 of California's operating money comes from federal sources. Can you imagine the billions that would be lost by being cut off? Universities close, road construction and healthcare dollars stop....
Actually, CA would not be cut off from federal funds if this bill passes next year. Full legalization would only happen in CA under this bill if and when it happens at the federal level. So it very well may pass, but will have little impact beyond keeping some people out of jail. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Heat reduction indeed, but in a little different way than you described.


Tony I think he is contrasting State's rights vs Federal law.

To that Yeah it's a strange mix... But if we go all Federal there are states that don't want that because of some their laws.. Southern states...

So for now with Obama we will enjoy some State Rights..

What really "yanks my chain" is the fact that I can't get the very people who would benefit from change to care..
My latest thing is promoting the "public health care plan" the Obama people are trying to make sure get included in health care reform..
I'm in line for prescription pickup and I am in the $4 line at Wall Mart cuz I'm unemployed.. You would think folks would perk up on the news of a choice of a public insurance for all..
Not really...

And over the years I have also noticed the same kind of response to Marijuana reform in the forums.. While it's true I can't really know what someone sitting at a computer somewhere in the world really thinks there is a general atmosphere of low energy about change.

Well with Cannabis reform it's main stream now.. It's a permissible topic in general conversation as far as i can tell in California.


So there was one other thread covering this question, but then there was some trolling or something and everyone left it alone for the last 3 months. I have heard multiple times that AB 390 is going up for vote this summer, but can't find anyone to give me a solid confirmation on the date.

I have searched the Great Google and found no answer, if you know could you please post the date and where you got that info.

Dank Sinatra

We have tossed this about here in this forum.. Search AB 390 here

yea, i ran a search before i posted this, but didn't see anything. ran it again post posting this and found everything lol. Weed is weird
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