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When is a male plants pollen mature?


New member
ok to put my question in a different way...

How long would it take for a males pollen sacks to split?

Though i dont want to know when it disperses its pollen, i wish to collect it and use it with certain females.


2-3 weeks gotta watch close. Only a couple pop sacks open first, then more each day. They drop a white or yellowish powder. When they open like an umbrella, then the pollen is ready to go. One sack produces quite a bit of pollen. The faster pollenating males should breed faster flowering females.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
If u are going to do this m8, u really need to build a small seperate chamber for him, comletely isolated from the rest of the ventilation. Or u could use a seperate flower room, put ur girls which u want knocking up in there, and add a couple o males, then jus let nature do its thing, but most I hear about peeps using a small artists brush to dust the pollen on individual branches.


the moment it starts dropping pollen

the moment it starts dropping pollen

It really depends on how many seeds you want. I've used two chambers and a q-pic to get about 25 to 50 seeds per plant. My last seed crop i just put a selected male in with my females and removed him at only two and a half weeks. I ended up with more seeds then weed! I now have thousands of skunk#1 x skunk#1 skunk#1 x nlxhaze and skunk#1 x Shiva Shanta.

BTW i removed the male only a couple of days after he started pollinating. And misted to prevent too many seeds needless to say that did not work. So unless you want more seeds then weed i suggest you use two chambers. Good luck.
desert-What is the definition of a "faster pollenating male" or possibly an example?? Are you saying that a faster flowering male will produce faster flowering offspring? If so by using this fuzzy logic we should be able to produce a faster flowering say Haze plant by selecting the fastest flowering Males. I think flowering times are strain based traits. The males I have worked with do start kicking out mad pollen in 2-3 weeks and it would be an advantage to have fast flowering males but I really don't think a fast to show male has much to do with dropping a female offsprings flowering time (unless you were crossing strains with differing flowering times to begin with then the results would vary and you would if you wished short flowering plants select your gene pool based on how fast both new parents flowered). I'm not saying you're wrong but I am skeptical. If you have more info on this subject please share it with me.


HerbWeedman said:
desert-What is the definition of a "faster pollenating male" or possibly an example?? Are you saying that a faster flowering male will produce faster flowering offspring? If so by using this fuzzy logic we should be able to produce a faster flowering say Haze plant by selecting the fastest flowering Males. I think flowering times are strain based traits. The males I have worked with do start kicking out mad pollen in 2-3 weeks and it would be an advantage to have fast flowering males but I really don't think a fast to show male has much to do with dropping a female offsprings flowering time (unless you were crossing strains with differing flowering times to begin with then the results would vary and you would if you wished short flowering plants select your gene pool based on how fast both new parents flowered). I'm not saying you're wrong but I am skeptical. If you have more info on this subject please share it with me.

I really do believe that IS the case....which is exactly how people have been selecting!! Yes, flowering times are strain based.....IE the average sativa goes from 9 weeks to 16 weeks....Say you have a 16 week strain where 1 in 30 flowers in 12, consistently.....Its a male.....
1 in 45 flowers at 13 weeks...its a female.....
Are you saying that their offspring would NOT be earlier? Or perhaps that chance has more to do with it?
Are you saying that selecting for a specific trait (early flower) is only applicable across strains? I do understand that (ie the Dutch practice of crossing hazes to manage flower times), but I also thought that within strains it was possible too.
Also, when people say "I used my fast flowering stud" to make their special cross, that its merely hyperbole?
Not speaking of showing sex here....but actually pollenating....and in females finishing...

Now....I do understand also that fast flowering is not always a good thing.... My longest flowering Nevilles was my trippiest where the fast flowering (female) was average at best! And I am talking about full flower NOT pulling when a few "hairs" go brown....

But...Im curious about the theory and practice.....

Has noone selected for faster flowering? What were your results!


Sorry to break in here, I am not trying to hijack a thread! I have an interest in this (Doing some 1 off crosses and it was one of my goals!)

Jah Bless!
I'm quite aware of differing flowering times between strains. I was questioning a statement before mine as it confused me a bit. I wasn't saying nay I was just trying to get more info. I have never considered the flowering time of a male when making seeds. If I make a cross between 2 different strains of varying flower times I'm going to expect varying results. I personally pick the parents depending on their potency first (yeah I puff a few male leaves to judge this as well as visible trich production),and structure second (I lean towards stout in both Male and female). I consider the Females flowering time and taste too but less then the others cause if I didn't like the taste to begin with or the strain took way too long to finish I would not bother breeding it. Sorry if I came on strong but like I said deserts post confused me and I hadn't thought of a males flowering time until today. Peace and good Growin Herb
P.S. The seeds and subsequent Offspring I have produced of the same strain in a filial crossing or a hybrid of 2 different strains have always resembled their Mother in structure and flowering time. I have never counted the days it took for a male to show and the dudes Never hang out for a females full flower period. I get some plant sex on when a female has entered bud set and the male is usually flowered a couple of weeks later then the female as to insure I don't get that High Seed to Weed ratio also mentioned earlier.


My definition of a faster pollenating male

My definition of a faster pollenating male

would be one that drops pollen in 2 weeks as opposed to 3 weeks of flower time.

What I was trying to say was that a male that drops pollen sooner than the other males of the same strain should indicate a faster finishing time in that individual male. Therefore that trait since it is expressed in that individual male should breed over to the cross to some extent depending on the genetics of the 2 parents. :canabis:

I don't remember where I got this info, or if it was a conclusion I made from previous research on selecting males. And I was stoned when I wrote it. :joint:

My experience is very limited in breeding, my 3rd set of crosses flowering out with beans right now, and I've only been growing a few years indoors, although my first grow and mj book read was over 25 years ago. :headbange

It'll be a few months before my next breeding project, but I will plan on using 2 males of the same strain to compare results noting which drops pollen first. Should be interesting, NOT. I'll let you know in a year or two. :friends:


when are the females ready to be pollenated?

At about 2-3 weeks flower time. The beans will need about 4 weeks to develop completely in the female buds.
Yeah "I want to breed " we covered that already. Just Kidding the fresh meat. I'm an asshole but I mean well. Thanks for clearing that up desert. Like I said no diss or challenge. Your post made me think about the males flowering time and I hadn't even considered this. I've been at this on and off for 20 years and the last 6-7 steady growing so you have added to my knowledge. Thank you. I'll be using some studs soon but unfortunately they have been selected already. I guess I could slip and root a cut and flower it to get a time frame on how long it takes to drop but my schedule is already set back a month. I'll give this a go on a later seed crop. Thanks again for some Brain Food. Peace and good breedin Herb


Faster males...

Faster males...

Faster developing males... they shoud reach sexual maturity at a faster rate & full flower faster, and grow at a faster rate... even in veg... you need to grow (if possible) male plants to (senescence) or Max pollen realease to know if that plant is really early... a few early pollen dropping pods... mean nothing... They will develop faster sexually, just as a fast flowering female shows flowers and finish's early... early males develop over-all faster... in all departments... peace.


New member
Arghh my threads been hijacked!!

I didn't mention, im growing outdoors, and the male will be a mile or 2 away from the females. So i need to collect from the male and bring the pollen to the selected females.

If i just brush pollen on 1 bud i will just get 1 buds worth of seeds? im pretty sure about this but want to be 100% just incase i end up polinating all my bud...

Also the plants have only just started growth, im in UK and suitable time is beggining of April but these are going out early, beggining of march, so im gunna have to take good care of them.
