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When Do They Actually Start The Flowering Process ?


Iv been searching on google and i can not find an actual answer for this

Im wanting to feed my girls molasses but i was told to wait till they started flowering

well my 4 girls that i have outside are shooting out their white hairs everywhere

Does this mean they are going into their Flowering stage or is it that their just mature enough to show their sex but still just veggin ?

its only about a week or 2 into summer so their still are long ass days here , nothing that would be like a 12/12 cycle , defiantly veggin hours

much thanks for your comments


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Many have there own way. I veg for 4 weeks. I have to top or super crop all plants before I get to 4 weeks. By the time there all topped and ready to flower ther pretty big 12"-18" if you have room you can go longer. the longer you veg the more yield you will get. I typically wait until 2 weeks have past in flower 12/12. They need to transition and that takes about 2 weeks. If you have that many preflowers it sounds to me like she is flowering? are you seeing buds forming at the tops?


Sorry it took a while for me to get back , i had to go out to my grow area to take the pics for you

idk if they will upload in order but i took pics of 3 plants and a close up of each also ( 6 total )

2 Royal Hash plants and 1 N.l plant

The big Bushy one is the N.l and the other 2 are the Royal Hash

if they upload in the right order then the first 2 pics will be the royal hash with a branch pic

and the last 2 pics will be the N.l with a branch pic

can you tell by the pics if they started their flowering process ?

or are they still just veggin but mature enough to show their sex ?


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still are long ass days here , nothing that would be like a 12/12 cycle

12/12 is just what indoor growers do to get plants into flower quickly. Outdoors, past midsummer, plants experience a gradual shortening of days and may typically start flowering when the days shorten to 15 or 14 hours.

Hey, your 4th pic certainly looks like it's starting to flower proper. It's hard to tell with the others. They all look nice and mature though.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes I would say they are flowering if they where still in veg they would not have that bud crown Should be all leaf . They look fine to me.


That`s crazy that their flowering and its only the 2nd week of summer

so should i give them flowering nutes from now on then instead of veggin nutes ?

and so is it ok to start feeding them with molasses also ?


There is are so many types of genetics from all over the world mixed together now that you cant be sure what happens when. They could have some auto flower genes in them. Even when plants start to flower they will still grow significantly. I would still keep up on the nitrogen and gradually add what ever flower nutrients you have. The molasses is to feed the bacteria in the soil and add micro nutrients and is beneficial throughout the plants life. Some discontinue the last couple of weeks to keep their buds from tasting to sweet some bump it up for sweetness. I have done both without a noticeable taste. Just keep an eye on them and harvest when they say they are ready not what a book says.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
yeah they look like they are trying to start

did you have them indoor? what light sched? they look like mothers or reveggers? how long ago did you put them outside?

at my lat, under normal conditions, I would expect most strains to start flowering around August 15


yeah they look like they are trying to start

did you have them indoor? what light sched? they look like mothers or reveggers? how long ago did you put them outside?

at my lat, under normal conditions, I would expect most strains to start flowering around August 15

The N.l was started in march , and the royal hash early april

their in m.g all purpose soil

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
You only learn the answer to this question with years of outdoor growing Buddaluva. I dont think you'll find it anywhere in the litterature because most of the experts havent spent years growing outdoors and dont know the answer. I know it..

Use this tool link at the bottom of my post, put in your lattitude and determine daylegth on any given date. Generally speaking, strains that have significant degrees of indica will begin to flower between 14.5 and 14.25 hrs of daylenth. The tool will help you determine when that daylength is reached at your lattitued.

Once you know when 14.25 hrs of daylenth is , add the flowering time of your strain +2 weeks to determine your approximate harvest date. You add 2 weeks because once lighting reaches a level that will induce flowering, it takes nearly 2 weeks before flowers are actually produced and seen.

Let me give you an example. I live near the 38th N. My plants generally start to flower and display several dozen flowers by August 1. Because of the 2 weeks it takes for real flowers to appear, my plants actually trigger into flower (14.25) mid July. 2 weeks later i see flowers.

If im growing sensi star, it flowers in 55 - 60 days. I start counting on Aug 1 and 60 days later on Oct 1, im close to harvest.



If im growing sensi star, it flowers in 55 - 60 days. I start counting on Aug 1 and 60 days later on Oct 1, im close to harvest.


Wutup toker. I have a like 10 or 12 Sensi stars i got from a breeder friend of mine. They're actually hybridized F3's. DO you have experience growing the SS in the past? THey seem to collectively be less healthy than the other strains i picked up. Do you have any advice in specific nute regimen/soil temp/ph that is strain specific?

thanks boss


You only learn the answer to this question with years of outdoor growing Buddaluva. I dont think you'll find it anywhere in the litterature because most of the experts havent spent years growing outdoors and dont know the answer. I know it..

Use this tool link at the bottom of my post, put in your lattitude and determine daylegth on any given date. Generally speaking, strains that have significant degrees of indica will begin to flower between 14.5 and 14.25 hrs of daylenth. The tool will help you determine when that daylength is reached at your lattitued.

Once you know when 14.25 hrs of daylenth is , add the flowering time of your strain +2 weeks to determine your approximate harvest date. You add 2 weeks because once lighting reaches a level that will induce flowering, it takes nearly 2 weeks before flowers are actually produced and seen.

Let me give you an example. I live near the 38th N. My plants generally start to flower and display several dozen flowers by August 1. Because of the 2 weeks it takes for real flowers to appear, my plants actually trigger into flower (14.25) mid July. 2 weeks later i see flowers.

If im growing sensi star, it flowers in 55 - 60 days. I start counting on Aug 1 and 60 days later on Oct 1, im close to harvest.


I put that info in like you said

im getting 14hrs and 32mins today , so according to what your saying ( if im understanding right ) then thats enough for them to flower

so im assuming that the days are not gonna really get any longer from here on in

the site i got the seeds from said the N.l flowering time is 7 to 10 weeks

and the royal hash flowering time is 8 to 9 weeks

So do i just start the countdown now and add 2 weeks like you said ?


Yea i put my lat in their and the day

and its showing 14.3 hr of daylight ,

also going by that graph im in my longest days right now and on july 7th the days will shorten by a min or so every day after that

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Yea i put my lat in their and the day

and its showing 14.3 hr of daylight ,

also going by that graph im in my longest days right now and on july 7th the days will shorten by a min or so every day after that

Buddaluva if your daylength is currently at 14.3, youre getting very close and many strains will start. You must be about 36n.

But ill bet its still another week to 2 weeks before the trigger. Then, since it takes a plant 2 weeks to show flowers once its triggered, youre looking at flowers appearing at the end of july. My guess.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Wutup toker. I have a like 10 or 12 Sensi stars i got from a breeder friend of mine. They're actually hybridized F3's. DO you have experience growing the SS in the past? THey seem to collectively be less healthy than the other strains i picked up. Do you have any advice in specific nute regimen/soil temp/ph that is strain specific?

thanks boss

Hey vorzh

hmmm.... the shouldnt be less healthy vorzh. Ive been growing SS every years since 2000. I grow regs, fems and clones and I would describe their vigor as moderate to good. I plantted 8 around May 5th and all are about 5' now and will finish about 8'.

This is a clone at 8'. Ive grown a lot of f2 plants and they had vigor similar to f1's. I cant explain the lack of vigor but there are a bunch of things that can cause it. Breeding with a reveg or breeding to a inferior plant - all seeds arent equal and vigor needs to be considered when breeding for outdoors but who knows.


As far as nutes and temps go, ive never had any temp probelms outdoors or indoors for that matter. Indoors and in a pot SS is nute sensitive but outdoors i pour it on. Its hard for me to describe my nutes: I work a cup full of osmacote in late fall and another cup full in late april and i dont have to fertilize until flowering starts.

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