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When did you start appreciating the medicinal benefits of Cannabis?


When I started smoking cannabis, I would classify myself as a recreational user, however, I noticed the instant body relaxation and analgesic potentials it had from day one.

Years later, when I developed PTSD I realized again the positive effects certain strains had on making things seem more normal.

When did you realize that marijuana was medicine for you? Was it a surprise that you noticed relief from your symptoms (like me), or did you seek out marijuana as relief from a debilitating medical condition?


D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I realized cannabis was a legitimate medicine for me about 5 years ago but I didn't have a connection with a dispensary or anything like that and buying my pot was hit and miss. I've since linked up with the right connections and get stuff grown in California like GSC and all the other hype as well as things like sour diesel. I usually get the sour diesel. It's a legitimate medicine for me. I suffer from PTSD too and some social anxiety but my medicine makes me 100% normal. Cannabis is a medicine.


ICMag Donor
Many moons ago, circa 1979-1980 I was in the precious metals ( and another business ) business in NJ based in Toms River. I purchased all the precious metals purchased by jewelers and others sometimes buying more than 15-20,000 oz's a day. I was driving 1800 miles a week scrapping out after making my stops going all around the area down the shore than up to Basking Ridge, over to Brooklyn then back, sometimes twice a day. I was a young guy in my early 20's and at some point I was experiencing unbelievably sharp stomach pains. I would pull off to the shoulder of the road and lay across the front seats holding my stomach. Finally went to see my doctor who at the time was the same doc that saw me when I was a child. After some tests he told me I had the beginnings of an ulcer and I had to treat it. He took out his prescription pad and I interrupted him by telling him that I felt much better after I smoked a joint.

He got up and closed his door, sat down within a couple feet face to face and told me " I would much prefer you to smoke the weed rather than take what I was about to prescribe you", then put his pad back into his pocket and that was that.

30+ years later and I've never developed that ulcer :tiphat:

Now there was an honest doctor with integrity.


D.B., I agree completely! It definitely is medicine, and the tricky part about conditions like PTSD and Anxiety is that from a third-person perspective, we appear normal. Nobody can see what we live with. And I know the value of good connections! I'm glad that CT will be opening up its first dispensaries this month (it'll be nice to be protected by the police for a change! lol)

Tudo what a cool Dr.! It's hard to find one who is not wrapped around the insurance companies/pharmaceuticals finger. I also have GI issues and let me tell you, certain strains (Indica dominant) really make a lot of the esophageal spasms feel lessened. One of the reasons I'm getting into medicinal marijuana is because of the toll alcohol has taken on my esophagus. Why drink when I can feel 10x better & higher after smoking 1 hit of water hash? It's a no brainer.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
wtfisloud sounds like with the dispensary open you'll be golden man! I'm still waiting for the dispensaries to open here in Boston but for now I still have my god connection. I;m pretty sure he gets his stuff from California and it was supposed to go to a dispensary but they make more money selling it by the 8th rather than getting like 2k for a pound they prob each make 2k


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
When did you start appreciating the medicinal benefits of Cannabis?

probably in '80 or '81, my best weed connection was Rex, his bud was so good I started calling him Doc.......


Well-known member
i never thought about the medicinal side of it until i was in my forties. i had suffered from migraines my entire life, & began noticing that a bowl or two seemed to help. when arthritis kicked in later, my shoulders hurt so bad that i would get out of bed at 2 or 3 in the morning & smoke a bowl so i could get to sleep. now i'm hunting work & not smoking at all. :eek::