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Whats YOUR next upgrade?


Active member
my very next upgrade will probably be the fans in my cabinet so i can use my carbon scrubber cuz it's gettin funky in here.

after that i plan to upgrade my cabinet to be twice as deep as it is now and 1 foot wider, and then i will get a 400w+cmh as that seems to be the best bargain.
just bought a maverick sun superwide reflector and a 4x4 Secrete Jardin.

now running 3x 600w

just need 3x3 tent for veg, have everything else for it already.


Senior Member
i bought all the stuff to do my uprade this past week, so that i could spend this weekend doing all the work after my wednesday harvest, and have a new crop going before the weekend is over...unfortunately i made some bho and have instead spent my weekend knee deep in ben and jerrys Steven Colbert's Americone Dream icream, drooling and laughing on my couch to past seasons of futurama....now i have to do it all today to remain on schedule lol.

i have to cut new, much larger passive intakes in my cab, wall off 8 inches of the floorspace, top too bottom. in the walled off section goes a much more efficient, integrated light trap system that should keep my whole room flowing much easier.

i am also putting my ventilation fan in this new walled off section, i bought a roll of house insulation, i'm going to fill the wooden enclosure that the fan is in with insulation, so that the fan is nested in it rather than bolted to the wall, that should cut sound down significantly, i am also lining the rubber maid tub that sits above my cab for my cf to exaugst into with the same insulation, to turn it into a muffler box.

i bought a new lightbulb, not the most expensive but pretty good, lol damn hortilux were upwards of 90 bucks for a 400w!

i made a new bracket to hold my lightbulb more into the center of my cool tube. i tore down all the mylar in my cab and am replacing it with panda film. switched from an oldschool way to trap light at the doors to my own design that is literally flawless.

bought a new lock and fancy handles for my wardrobe, as well as new paint. i'm trying to make my cab both more efficient inside, and more stealth outside...

in the near future i plan to switch from 1 190cfm fan to 1 80cfm fan exausting through a cf and one small fan to keep the cool tube flowing, should be more quiet and eventually i would like to trade my 400w hps for a 330 watt led lamp like SOTF uses, further eliminating the need for my big ass loudish fan...

every time i fix up my cab i get high and brainstorm a new way to improve it. i could probably spend two pages of this thread listing all the tiny things i would like to do to my grow cab. as it is i only focused on the flowering half of my cab, the lower portion, the veg portion, is completely unfinished and i will be putting a good bit of time into that the next few weeks as well!
bought dr90 for veg...

need enviro controls like fan temp dial and whatnot...

need a fan, and extension cord.... pretty basic... just finished my room up.


Parker Schnobel
gotta build a dedicated cabinet for my Mother plant,shes an inch and a half thick at the base and been living in a half gallon pot for almost two years.I keep telling myself to do it,,,,,,,or flower her out and pick a new mom.Damn decisions:)


I just ordered a controller from dxsoundco so I guess that's my next upgrade. After that another 1000w Galaxy and a reflector plus a bigger AC unit.

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