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what's your home page?

Midnite Toker

Active member
:chin:Good evening! I've used yahoo as a home page for WAY too long now. I'm hoping some fellow "old stoners" can help. I'd like it to remind me of a newspaper(remember those?)

Ideas? Thanks~mT


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
usatoday.com is gold for a home page imho. Around the world in 15 minutes but as far as the truth in news goes well that would be bbc.com.

Happy Reading

Midnite Toker

Active member
Thanks guys! I'll check into your suggestions this eve! @mrwags~nice avatar, my cat Mr. Walter likes alittle sweet smoke blown his way now and again! Btw, I just popped 3 Bubblegummers! I cant wait till spring!
@monkey5, thanks dude, I'll check startpage! When I get to 50 posts I'll hit you with some rep!

Thanks again~mT:thank you:

lost in a sea

usatoday.com is gold for a home page imho. Around the world in 15 minutes but as far as the truth in news goes well that would be bbc.com.

Happy Reading

bbc.com lol thats a joke right !?

no offence but thats one of the most propagandised news corporations going,,

icmag is my homepage


iGoogle has a decent start page, but it's only got headlines and updates from sites like CNN. I'm more a McClatchy Dispatch/Drudge Report/Al Jazeera kinda gal. So my start page is just Google, because Mozilla's Firefox start page drives me bonkers.