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Whats Wrong With This Lady?


This is lady is today @ 44 days 12/12. What is wrong with her? What should I do for her at this point? Any & all comments are appreciated! Thanks, 4-H



Active member
over fert,, or possibly BIG pH problem?? did you checj through MyNameStitchs' guide to sick plants thread? might help,, she looks like she's nearly done,, if it were mine i'd flush the dicken's out of her an only plain pH'd water from here on out,, :chin: just my :2cents:


Active member
that's what i thought at first too Zepp,, but with the leaves so fried at the tips,and curled under like that, makes me question the pH or fert,,, natural yellowin is proper at the end,, but they looked fried ,,, 'eh,,, i my be wrong tho,,, what if any nutes are you giving her at this point 4-H?


Active member
:wink: i also say fert, or p H due to the looks of the clones 4-H has posted here in the inferm. too ,,, seems like a common problem....


I have given her only water for the past week. She was flushed really good yesterday & I have just been watching her today. She was getting Earth Juice Bloom until last week. I have only had 3 plants due this to me this time round. I don't know whats happening here! No I havent checked out MyNameStitchs' guide, but I am going to go find it now! Thanks wikidcalibudgrl! 4-H


Cannabis Helper
this is over waterd and possible root rot...

Pull the plant out of the bucket by the stem(dont turn it upside down, pull it straight up bu the stem) and look at the color of the roots, they should be white as snow...

How often do you water and how much water do you give???



Hello there friend ...From the looks of her calibudgrl is correct looks like a severe case of over feeding on that gal..Check the rams horns style curling of the leaves..You are doing the correct thing buy with holding all nutrients from now till harvest wich doesent seem to far away...Good luck with her shes quite a monster..

take care


Bakin in da Sun
4-H said:
She was getting Earth Juice Bloom until last week.

Do you bubble your mixture over night? EJ doesnt have PH buffers, and so the PH wiill fluxuate ALOT after mixing... it usually settles down after 12-24hrs of sitting


Active member
burnt tips and yellowing leaves should be remove. I flush in the shower usually taking a half hour or so. This assures that I've fflushed it more than ten times its volume, plus it removes the built up salts and stuff. I try to flush each plant once a month and the S-flush just before harvest. Really makes for some nice smokin and tasting herb, especially if allowed to cure more in jars
But, again, remove the effected leaves to determine the effectiveness of the flush. By the looks of the plant the remaining leaves are ok.
Really good lookin plant.
Success w/ya grow.
stay safe


Watch em grow!!! :canabis: