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What's wrong with my plant? Too much fertilizer in the soil?


How long has this problem been going on? 7 Day
What STRAIN are you growing? Jack Herer – Ghe
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) Seed
What is the age of your plants? 40 day
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? I transplanted 14 days ago in smart pots 11L
Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what mixture were they in before? yes the same
How Tall are the plants? 60cm
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Vegetative
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) SCROG
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) Smart-Pots 11L
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) Compo Sana Unirvezal + 20% Compo Sana BIO + 20% perlite
What brand Nutrient's are you using? Atami Terra (ATA Bloombastic Box)
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* So far I have used 30% of the fertilizer mixture with water.
How often are you feeding? So far only 1x
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
Terra Leaves 2ml/1L + Root fast 5ml/1L
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? PH 6,5-6.8
How often are you testing pH/ppm/EC/TDS? In every watering checking PH
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? Ph Adwa EC/TDS Digital
How often are you watering? 2 x per week and water 1x a week with fertilizer
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? 10 days ago
What size bulb are you using? 2x 600w MH grow, 4x600 HPS flower
How old is your bulbs? 2 month MH
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) Day 35%, Night 50%
What is the canopy temperature? 26°C
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) Day 24-26°C, Night 20-22°C
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) Lamp ON ( 500m3/h), Lamp OFF (200-300m3/h)
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
Automated climate 20m2 ( IN- 160mm 660m3/h, OUT- 760m3/h, Automated climate control)
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? Yes, directly at plants
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? Yes
Is your water HARD or SOFT? Medium Ph 7.00
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Tap water
Are you using water from a water softener? NO
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? I do not have pests
Are plant's infected with pest's? NO

The problem has appeared 1 week ago with 3-5 plants. PH regulates water with vinegar / lemon! I do not really know where the problem :/ The lights are 60 cm away from the plant. Yesterday I washed the soil and plants I hope I did the right thing!






What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Tap water

That could be the culprit, almost all tap water is above 100ppm, if you use pur filtered, RO, spring water etc. you should be able to get the ppm under 50 and the plants will love it, you can also use it to flush some of the crap out of the soil, then a couple days later do a light foliar spray. One time I gave my plant a tea that was a little too high in nitrogen and it looked similar, a little more localized, but similar yellow edge curl. I cut the edges off similar to how people trim clones, those plants are strong they can take a lot. And when in doubt, do nothing but give it good water and good air :)


Thanks for the quick reply! I bought today Reverse Osmosis and use purified water for plants! I hope it will be better. why it occurred only in 3-5 plant (in total I have 40 plants)?


I checked tap water

PH- 7,9/ 25°C
PPM- 152/25°C

Is it a problem in my water?

I checked in distilled water

PH- 7,7/20°C
PPM- 2/20°C

Today I ordered a water purifier Reverse Osmosis (RO). Does anyone ever mix tap water and distilled water? Is it wise that?


Active member
I've only used tap water at a .3 EC in every type of system imaginable with outstanding results. So I am not one to jump on the RO! bandwagon. But I also checked out the profile from my water department and have awesome quality. Since the surrounding plants look good, RO is nice but probably won't help much.

What you have is more than likely a K, potassium, issue. You might be giving it enough but other factors are inhibiting.


Maybe the reason that the soil is basically too much fertilizer?

Compo Sana Bio Unirvezal
PH 6,3 KCl <1.7

150mg/L N
550mg/L P
1600mg/L K

Compo Sana Unirvezal

PH 5.0-6.5 KCl <3.0g/L

200-450mg/L N
200-500mg/L P
300-600mg/L K

Maybe it's too much K potassium? Compo sana universal I added 20% perlite and 20% COMPO SANA bio.


My plants are not any better: (What should I do? Soil I washed with water and there's nothing better! :(


Why do you use vinegar to regulate the ph?

Why do you keep the medium wet/moist all the time?

You have a lockout due to ph problems. Have you checked the ph when you were flushing? Te medium needs time to dry in between watering, several problems can occur if you keep it wet/moist.

btw never let the fan blow at plants directly. but its not causing the problem in this case


Until now I have always used vinegar or lime for pH adjustment. What else could it regulates the pH? I water the plants when the soil is dry. Ph I checked before washing, and I control the level to 6.6 (to regulate I used vinegar). I made a mistake? How should I action now? I do not want to cause larger damage to plant


Then I have a ph problem? Can be used in washing ph-? It is not clear to me whether the pH is too high or too low? Plagron Lemon Kick ( ph down) good product?


Active member
Then I have a ph problem? Can be used in washing ph-? It is not clear to me whether the pH is too high or too low? Plagron Lemon Kick ( ph down) good product?

So if I read it right, you are watering in w a pH of 6.5 - 6.8 and you haven't checked runoff? 6.5-6.8 could cause an iron lock out, and is at the high end of acceptable. 6.0-6.5 in soil, and 5.6-6.0 for hydro is pretty standard for weed.

I missed the vinegar part for pH down. That's basically acetic acid (CH3CO2H) and is a weak acid, which means they only partially dissociate H+ protons (H+ protons is what lowers your pH). And at room temperature, only 0.4% of all acetic acid molecules are dissociated. This means its a poor choice for pH down.

Further, the remaining carboxylic acids react with bases to form carboxylate salts, in which the hydrogen of the hydroxyl (-OH) group is replaced with a metal cation.

Any group 1 metal, including K, can bond the acid making a salt.

What does all this mean? It should mean that you should use a strong acid for pH down and a strong base for pH up because they completely dissociate. But Phosphoric(H3PO4) acid is a very common pH down but is a weak acid. One reason it works better is that it is a polyprotic acid, which means it has 3 H+ protons to donate and it dissociates better than vinegar. Also, I like to have another pH down with Nitric acid (HNO3), which is strong acid and will dissociate completely. So, whatever you buy, these are really the only two acids you'll want.
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You read it right. If I represented you well, not okay to use vinegar to adjust the pH? I wonder now how to repair the damage or act?


Active member
You read it right. If I represented you well, not okay to use vinegar to adjust the pH? I wonder now how to repair the damage or act?

Yeah, vinegar not best for pH down. Go buy pH down for plants. I personally use nitric over phosphoric acid, but either is fine.

Just correct by watering in w nutes and pH'd at about 6.2 I'd water in w lots of runoff, at least 100%, or until runoff is about the same as going in. Not sure about those nutes tho. I always use a complete nute including all micros and in correct ratio. Sounds like you already do it, but make sure solution is at about room temp, not cold like most tap.


Well-known member
as a suggestion you could try and apply nutrients via foliar sprays...i use fish emulsion for nutes and seaweed concentrate as a plant conditioner/strengthener to get you through till the roots are back on track...


Now I do not know what else is wrong :/ Some say I'm too much ph, others that I have low ph. How do I do nothing? My water has 7.8ph / 156ppm and I have 24 hours leave in the tank. Should all plants now wash with water? What exactly should I do? Should the pH adjusted water and wash down plants?


Active member
Now I do not know what else is wrong :/ Some say I'm too much ph, others that I have low ph. How do I do nothing? My water has 7.8ph / 156ppm and I have 24 hours leave in the tank. Should all plants now wash with water? What exactly should I do? Should the pH adjusted water and wash down plants?

No one should be saying that a pH of 7.8 is too low. Anyone who claims that will get flamed. Your pH for soil should be 6.0-6.5, that is the accepted value, period.

It takes time for the plants to visually respond. Applying a foliar spray will give quicker results however.

So to answer your questions, I'd do both a foliar spray and a flush w 1/2 strength nutes.

For the foliar, I use a product w plant or fish protein hydrolysate and sea weed aka ascophyllum nodosum. I use floralicious plus by GH.

And the flush should be with nutes that have all macros and mircos in proper proportions. I use GH three part.

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