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What's West Virginia like???


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my dad used to own the pool hall in Nitro WV bro, & I know a few nice twisty mountain roads there to be riding my HD through, sweet riding country. now if my back were well enough for a ride.

stay OUT of the fucking mines, it'd be safer to run those twisty roads @ 95mph than to take any time in the mines.

but be prepared once you actually find yourself 'out in the hills' to see a few local hillbilly types with vacant stares in their eyes and even less teeth in their mouths. not stereotyping here just stating a fact, been there working & riding.

awesome beautiful country, the colors in those hills each fall, vistas along the highways & mountain roads. breath taking shit, enjoy.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
it sounds nice....their weed laws according to NORML are whack tho. my buddy from there said that they don't mess w/ ya for weed tho.
It goes against my better judgment but have a party and invite a couple of the local leo over, have your crib festooned w/NASCAR stuff, lotsa beer cans, a few stars 'n bars flags (sorry bruthas) and be wearing a 'Better off Dead than Red' t-shirt. play country music and bitch about the low grade Texas rot gut moonshine you've been forced to endure for so long.

then start a nice lowryder garden, stealthy, ready to harvest @ day 65, very potent crosses these daze.......



Active member
I worked there once. their license plates say "Wild n Wonderful" They aint shittin about the wild part.
Now West Virginia's favorite saying is "Open For Business" and they ain't shittin' about that one either just look at the environmental destruction caused by mountain top removal in West Virginia.

Despite all that West Virginia is still a nice place and there is some great marijuana to be grown around here and those farm boys know what they're doing. I will put marijuana grown in Appalachia up against anything in California and it will knock your head off. The good ol' boys switched from shine to marijuana. These mountains are perfect for growing too.

Also West Virginia gets made fun of a lot even by rural rednecks in the mountains of North Carolina where I live.


Active member
great stories and insight here peeps!!!!

thanks soooooo much!

i had a bit of a phone interview today regarding the position, and def. told the foreman that i want the job and that we are willing move.

the company is owned like 1/3 by my stepdad if that says anything.

i didnt get a good or bad feel about the talk, just sort of a feeling out thing, but my resume was delivered by the Senior VP (my stepdad)...so prolly just a matter of paperwork.

.....to complicate things.... i did take a job to start on the next monday ...nothing major, but i'd be putting together bicycles and fitness equip. for sporting good stores (making 20-ish an hour...some days lots more)...i can set up bikes in my sleep.

no UAs and no set hrs really....just set up bikes for 3.50 each and 38% retail....no worries....and no less than 50 bikes a day....(i can do that blindfolded)


Well-known member
west virginia is one of the prettiest places i have ever been. some of the prettiest scenery, best fishing, kayaking, deer hunting, farming:) etc. state has a long tradition of not giving a damn how things are done somewhere else. on the down side, Charleston is (largely) a chemical plant, & the Kanawha (spelling?) river that flows thru town has been known to CATCH ON FIRE & burn millions of dollars worth of bridges...mixed blessings.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I neighbor Wv and have family there. For the most part, the scenery is naturally beautiful. Just like in my state, the coal companies and logging has destroyed many of the most pristene areas

Culturally, Wv sucks. the population is uneducated, extremely conservative and fundimental in their religion.. I grew up with family in the klan and with fundementalist views: I can smell it on you, and west virginia culture equals the worst that rural alabama has to offer. If you meet 10 west virginia natives, youve met 10 white racists. They don't really like outsiders either, so.....


Active member
I lived there for years and still consider it "home". I have lived in the mountains out west, Upstate NY, Maine, CO, etc and nothing is like those rolling hills in W VA.

The people are stand-offish a bit in the small towns but the gals are always happy to see a new man - expect the jealous boys to follow. Had some trouble with some folks for having dreads down to my ass but other than that, it was pretty great.

If you play music, there are always jams going on. Every party I ever went to there had people picking and slapping.

They sell their nugs like they sell their liquor - in mason jars. I have never been charged over $200 for a jam packed jar of G13 or Afghany. The season is short so expect to set up lights if you like Sativas.

The open markets are great for produce and homemade sauces, preserves, canned goods, etc. and the flea markets are about the only place to buy tools in some areas without traveling for hours.

I love the state though when I got popped they gave me a choice to leave the state or spend a year in lock-up. I filled a pack with 2 extra sets of clothes, a half lb of herb, a few thousand $ and hitched to Baltimore, sure do miss it.

Edit - the bars are open to 4am!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I love the state though when I got popped they gave me a choice to leave the state or spend a year in lock-up. I filled a pack with 2 extra sets of clothes, a half lb of herb, a few thousand $ and hitched to Baltimore, sure do miss it.
sweet, the old 'get outta town by sundown' scenario, a sense of fair play and frontier justice combined.......



Active member
sweet, the old 'get outta town by sundown' scenario, a sense of fair play and frontier justice combined.......

hell yeah!...i like those old tyme justice systems :jump:

sorta like "ya get out of line you get whacked"...everyone knew the rules. waaaaaay better than todays injustice system...plus us potheads "generally" dont get out of line.


New member
great place to live if you can get work there, were retiring to there in a few years, beatiful place and mostly nice people
much of my family lives there,
attitudes toward herb range WIDELY very open to very, very, tough minded dependeing on local customs, life pace a bit slower but thats a bonas for most
again, great place to live if you got a good job


Active member
well i know the highways suck as they are full of cops . never seen so many cops . the cops there suck. once gps tells me i have enterd west virginia i slow down and let the suckers get pulled over


St. Elsewhere
Take me back to West Va, take me back to Charleston...

It's them dog-gone busy city streets that I'm ridin' to get far from, ridin' to a small town...


Elite Growers Club
I wanted to bump this.....I'm back in WV after living outside Chicago for about 20 yrs....gonna relax and do some big outdoor grows. Anybody still around here I know poverty has overtaken this place. I'm also not a racist like some of these videos show. I come from the treat people as you wanna be treated school. Anybody in the Appalachia Mtns got any outdoor grows going???


Well-known member
spent a lot of weekends in WV when i was in USAF. crazy MFs around Princeton. was up there on Halloween once; they stole a police car, rolled it on roof & torched it in the road leading up to the party, lol. miss those days big-time...i would wait & see who wins the Governors race before i moved there though...:biggrin:


Elite Growers Club
Yes it's about 25 yrs behind a lot of states I've been too....especially certain parts but not so bad in others. Plenty of growing space outdoors. Just hard to get supplies...gotta order
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