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Whats up with hermis?


Active member
Mr meds in the AF section turned me onto a product called Ducth master reverse. Supposed to prevent male flowers(nanners), or some thing along those lines. google it, i got a jug on the ready, going to see what's the hype.BH

Dutch Master reverse in combination with dutch master penetrator didn´t save my last grow. I had a satori hermie and a few seeds at the end. Before that I thought reverse is great... not so sure anymore. On the other hand who knows how many seeds I would have got without it? Still got enough for three grows so I will use it again... but with less belief.


dj nitro

New member
I got my first hermi ever in my last run. About 7 weeks into flower my Super Silver Chem Haze started chuckin' nanners. I have been picken them off like the nanner nazi.

I got 5 other strains in the room and no other hermi's. I do think it is a light leak in the room, not sure though. I know for a fact I have a bit of a light leak. I am going to re-seal it and run it one more time though.

Should I just kill it? I don't know what to do. What do you guys think?
light leak?? you've answered your own question. light stress during the dark period will make male flowers. so will unstable genetics. so many times, so many strains have I seen hermis. my theory is that seed companies are selling some unstable and unreliable genetics. more so in Canada... although not to exclude the Dutch from having unstable strains on the market as well. if you femenize a plant by means of stressing it by light or environment or giberellic acid(yikes!) won't the genetics that follow carry that same hermi trait and produce an unstable variety with male flowers? keep cannabis pure and natural and go with quality genetics from reputable suppliers. once a herm always a herm. if you take cuttings from a herm plant your clones will be herms.
I believe there are some major issues with feminised seeds, hermaphroditic tendencies being one of them. I just saw my first all out real hermaphrodite a couple weeks ago when one of my jack herer phenos showed.
I am not talking about an inter-sexed plant, a plant which has undergone stresses and begins to throw off male flowers, or portions of male flowers, which is what most folks here are referring to.
This plant had each branch a different sex. One entire branch would be female, another, exclusively male. It's genes told it to, in perfect growing conditions. Not stressed.
On the subject of 'nanners', one of my favorite varieties, even in the best of conditions, throws a few out. These are not whole male flowers, and in 9 runs, not one of these has ever thrown any sacks, or pollen.
Don't confuse environmental stresses inter-sexing your plants with questionable genetics.
You might throw out a prize.
Happy gardening!
man i wish i woulda seen this a few weeks ago..threw out a nice indi with a few nanners on it, thought it was a weird one.
oh well.:smokeit:


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