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Whats the worst bag of weed you ever bought


I was young, it was like.. the 90's.
I asked "dude" to bring by a "dub."
I hopped in the rusty buick, and took a look.
At first I was like, "whoa bro, this is some fire, it smells all minty brohan,"
..and since it was one of those shady hit-n-run kind of deals I was like "well okay then," and hopped out of the rusty buick.
I swiftly peddled my huffy back home to further inspect, and then.. thats when I realized..

I had just bought a piece of mint gum rolled in schwag shake for $20.


..So like any young noob, I meticulously salvaged the two hits-worth of minty saliva-moistened shake, and smoked that shit!!


:tiphat: There..See I'm Not lay.. laug... lagh.. ah gotta go


Street bud. I named it Epic Fail.


dude that really doesn't look bad

sorry to hear about you guys getting fucked over

I had bought some moldy stuff myself... why. god knows

hard time finding anything else I guess

bought some ruderalis cross, that looked nice, didn't get you high, tasted like hay


the lizard/mouse in the schwag

LOL f*cked up

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
don't know about bought but,
worst shit i ever grew was Buddha's Cheese and an allegid Blue Berry


Well-known member
Had a bro that drove to Indiana and loaded the bed of his truck up with feral hemp and drove it back to Alabama. It was sooo terrible, but he made a killing. It was like smoking lawn clippings. Dude wouldn't even bother to de-seed it, he'd roll a fatty and put it on the table, then crush it with a book! I had pretty low standards and even I wouldn't pay him $10 for an OZ. Lotsa folks did though, he sold a whole pickup truck full.

The shit made schwag seem like primo.

Had another bro find 6 bales of commercial 'lumbo washed up on the beach in '81. It'd get you stoned, but it was nasty seaweed. He ended up giving it away after awhile. Man, he made serious bank on that stuff though. I did buy it now and then when it was reallllly dry, but I made him give me a serious discount.


I've bought really shit weed in the past occasionally but just last week i bought 2 grams which was as bad as any. My sources weren't doing anything and a neighbour was scoring that afternoon so i gave him £20 and he came back with a generous looking 2 grams, it looked good and resinous but had been over-dried and had lost all smell, taste and potency .. it looked like outdoor to me too. Tasted horrible and did nothing for me so i threw it away.

It reminded me of what happened to some of my harvest from last years outdoor grow. It dried to mutch and went bad. I threw 4oz away. I hate buying shit like that so i wouldn't sell it. Loads of peeps happily sell shit like that and have the nerve to call it skunk.


I have been waiting hours for a guy to come back with my bag. <-- Years ago

I was in high school and got ripped.

The worst bag I ever bought for sure.

Only happened once, never again.
A friend paid 400 for an ounce of decent looking buds, looked better than most schwag I used to see (people really smoke that stuff still?) but there was one problem...it smelled and tasted like salmon. Probably around 10 years ago now.

Swear to god, it must of been packed or transported near fish because the smell was absolutely unmistakeable as salmon.

One of the few times I wouldn't smoke even if I had been dry for a while...I would seriously crawl in the attic and look for a high school metal pipe from 20 years ago and scrape resin out of it than smoke that again.


My very first bag of weed (25 yrs ago) was oregano...for 30 bucks.

A few years ago my buddy grew some of the dankest looking herb ever outdoors..that shit wouldnt get a fly high. we called it "(his lastname)NO High". he still gets shit over that one every harvest.


There's a guy in my town who's been selling the same rubbish bud for over two years now. I reckon he's got like a ton of it buried somewhere because it's always been exactly the same ... damp and old and musty, has a slight bubblegum taste and gets you high ok but then the CBN hit ... totally sends you to sleep in a not nice way. Too many people buy it and it annoys me that so many can't tell the difference between what's good and what's not. I refuse to buy off him, it's a predictable outcome.


I've had awful brickweed before, however... Currently I'm waiting for my harvest and had to buy some from a friend grower, he told me there had been some spider mite troubles but that he had taken care of it, and now I'm looking at buds that I'm about to pack and they're fucking polka-dotted with black dots and I'm about to puke because I'm gonna smoke it anyway. Fucking budget.


In college I was buying mexi from another student who was friends with my roommates who intro'd me to him. I had a cheap scale and noticed the bags got lighter and lighter every time. When I mentioned it to my roommates, I remember them teaching me about the Pot Buyers' Golden Rule: never complain about the weed/weight to your dealer.

When the 1/4 oz. got down to 5g I finally said something in front of all the roommates. He said, "You're a little bitch." I said, "You're a greedy motherfucker." That's when they had to break it up.
Worst I ever had was when I went to get some sid (it was good!). Bought an onion from 5lbs was more seeds and stems than anything tokable tasted like burnt paper. Was reimbursed as I was the first one to try it. YUCK!


natural medicator
Probably the worst bag I ever bought was an O of mexi brick some years back when I was moving O's to smoke for free. Had a pretty consistent hookup on mids, same price every time, not the best, not the worst. Usually the stuff was green and got me nice and stoned, good for sleeping. since i dealt with him all the time and his weights were always pretty much on at a 26.5-27g oz (just a little short) I didn't bother checking my stuff at his place.

One time, I got back to my place, and the shit was brown frown. Just bricked up, crap smelling weed. It got you about 1/2 as stoned as the mids i was used to getting, but tasted like shit. Just unsmokeable. I wouldn't sell that stuff for risk of ruing my rep, and couldn't bring myself to smoke the rest of it, so I got what little hash/kif I could out of it, then made ISO hash out of the rest.


Active member
i think the worst weed i ever bought was back when i was a teenager like 18-19 it was always hard to find weed back then cuz we didn't have any connects and had to rely on "hey you know where the green at?" anyway after some random crackhead looking character tried to sell us some weed with a pinner joint on the street as a demonstration (no thanks i don't just smoke random rolled up shit from obvious crackheads) we went and found another, some sort of drug addict who told us he would sell us $20 worth of weed, we give him $20 and he has to go get it from his apt up there. we follow him down the street to some apartment and he goes in, i think we were excited because it was supposed to be some sort of fancy shit like purple haze or i can't remember another one from back then, maybe some Kali-O or some sort of thai or chocolate, there was a surprising amount of interest in sativa's on the street back then lol.

anyway after about 30 minutes of not coming back down we finally realized we had been duped and we would never see our money again.

worst bag of weed i ever bought. i actually thank that man for stealing our money because im pretty sure that was the day i told my friends we would never pay for weed or get shysted again. still working on never paying for weed we pay much less now, but we have never been taken again.

well my friend got taken one more time, he's not a weed scientist like myself he's smoked just as much as i ever have but i usually do the bringing and the building, he just reaps. someone sold him one of those little bud clusters that grow on certain trees i don't know which ones specifically but im sure you've seen em before. looks like a rock hard nug of some beast, you get excited and go to pick it up and you realize its just some other kinda plant with bud clusters that look like weed.

he so wanted that to be weed, and i so wanted it to be weed too, he was so happy when he was telling me about this awesome weed he just bought that we were gonna smoke when i got there. but it wasn't.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I bought a hundred grams of hash with my 1st summer job money, back when i was 15 or so. It was the worst shit ever, dry and hard as a rock, had no smell, and the only effect it had, was that it gave you a nasty headache :) This was back in the day when i had to give money to someone and he would then go and buy the shit from someone else, so i didn't really have a say after i passed the money on. It wasn't very expensive, but still, ruined my summer vacation and then some. I ended up giving it to pals who didn't care so much about the quality and tossed the rest.. Last time i ever did business with the dude who picked it up, too :blowbubbles:


Back in the day my brother was given a OZ of Mexi Brick Weed for his birthday
you could smell the Diesel fuel when you walked in the house. It was nasty first time I turned down a smoke HELL I didn't want to be in the room when he put a lighter to it for the first time.
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Grouper weed. Bales that were improperly wrapped and taped or that got left behind and floated in damaged by fish and such. Dry it out and it would get you stoned but tasted like the ocean. Everybody had a stash of it for hard times. Or company that you didn't want to come back.

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