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What's the quickest way to sex from seed? Trying to get clones ready for outdoor

Hey all. I'm feeling a little stressed and short of time, trying to get everything ready for my first outdoor grow this summer. I'm shooting for around 50 outdoor plants set in 5 or so different sites. Since it's my first grow, I'm assuming I'll only harvest 1/5 of that, which is why I'm shooting for 50 clones(maybe only harvest 10)

So my 10 seeds just cracked and I've transplanted them into Root Riots and put them in the prop. What I'd like to know, is what's the quickest way to sex these AND be able to clone them ASAP?

Since I'm running out of time, I don't really want to go 12/12 on the lights right away to sex these. because I've heard it's then difficult to clone them after doing that, even if I put them back into veg.

I've also been learning about how to spot preflowers that show after the 4th or so set of leaves. They seem very hard to detect and I don't know if it depends on strain or not

So basically, what would you guys do to take 10 seeds, sex them and clone them ready to go outside by end of May?

PS. I'll be vegging in a RDWC style system



Active member
First off, pre flowers can take 8 weeks or more to show. I have NEVER seen pre flowers on a plant grown from seed with only 4 nodes. Just my two cents.

If i were you, I would veg the plants you have until you can take several clones off each. Make sure the clones survive and label them. Once you have taken the clones flower the plant that the clones came from. Two weeks later you will know what plants are male and you will have clones starting to root.


First off, pre flowers can take 8 weeks or more to show. I have NEVER seen pre flowers on a plant grown from seed with only 4 nodes. Just my two cents.

If i were you, I would veg the plants you have until you can take several clones off each. Make sure the clones survive and label them. Once you have taken the clones flower the plant that the clones came from. Two weeks later you will know what plants are male and you will have clones starting to root.

I recommend this. I have four plants at 32 days old fromseed. No preflowers at all. Just flipped to flower yesterday.

Train your tops or cut them so the lower branches start growing faster. Take a cutting of each, flower them, then you know who your mothers will be. This process might take a month if you can take a cutting soon, whereas flowering those plants then re-vegging will be longer. Plus they will have stretched considerably during that flower period. So if you are space restricted def. take sample cuttings to flower.


I've never gotten pre-flowers before 30 days of veg.

You can go 12/12 from seed and you might get them to show a little earlier, but even 12/12 from seed can still take 30 days before they show sex and yeah it would take some time for them to revert back to veg mode.

Shoulda bought fem seeds.

But if you are shooting for the end of may I'd say relax you have plenty of time to find out the sex.