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What's the name of the best quality Afghan hash?


even in the 80's when I smoked off a block of black hash which had a big seal pressed into it, made from gold leaf, in the form of a circular crest

It had afghan writing and a pair of crossed guns and other symbols and in big english letters said
(I swear I both saw and smoked this around 1982)
they had been invaded by Russia a year or 2 before...
and rumor was, and it seemed true, this was for gun money, this hash

we smoked the edges of that by gram chunks ($12 at a time... first time i had to pay more than $10) till my friend only had the seal left
it was so cool...

even then there were many stories of how its made and possibly all had some truth
The story where they ran through the fields with leather aprons and scraped tha hash off after...

The story where they beat it on the floor in whole dried plants in a bare concrete rooms...
(I have seen this being done on youtube, too)

but with the rise of the american fabrication of kiefs and other types of concentration its no longer anywhere near cost-effective to import such things and then its risky too...

so whats the best now?
Send me a postcard from afghanistan :)


Oh and the redneck d1ck who taught driver's ed in my high school also taught drug education class and told us they add horse shit to hash so
"you stoners say 'Good Shit!', and it REALLY IS REAL SHIT you are smoking!"
but I found out years later this is true
but they use old sun bleached horse shit to add binding to some black and lebanese blonde hash
by the time its been rained on and sun dried more than once there isnt much horse left and only basic fibers of grasses...


Well-known member
And if you know, how it's made?

In the 70s, the best was known as " Shirak I mazar " which means milk of mazar... I believe it was dry sifted.
Get hold of Rob Clarks book "Hashish" for more info, an incredible book.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I have the book Hashish and man thee's a tonne of encyclopedia level history on Hash , it's making and the cultures that have revered it all throughout history
anyone who is a hash buff will love having that book.

I have no idea what the best hash is/was, I can only speak to what was around when I was in my 20's, so the late 80's up to the early/mid 90's.
I grew up in the outlying areas just outside the city of Vancouver BC.

I was a rebellious youth and tho I had a killer job getting outta high school making 20 bux an hour union wages , I found myself living on my own at 19. I had smoked a bit of weed in high school but I didn't become a regular toker till I met hashish. By 20 I was selling pounds a month LOL
The first time I saw an ounce , as a total newb to buying dope, I figured I needed a bigger chunk. At the time, "green bud" was selling for 300 an ounce if you could find it, Skunk was grown and coveted but wasn't around much by then. Imported hash however, was plentiful and conveniently, I was dating a gal who's dad was eyeball deep in the scene back then.
he introduced me to a fellow we all refered to as excaliber. Once I met that guy I was buying small boxes of hash in kilogram blocks. We had the Gold Seal hash which had the gold seal stamped in, Romeo and Juliet hash that came wrapped in red cellophane. We had a greeny hard but malleable 'Lebanese' hash and an even harder hash that excaliber called morrocan kief.
It all came to a screetching halt one day when 4 or 5 semi trailers containing tonnes of hash were busted in a warehouse in tilbury or annacis I can't remember.
ever since then, the only folks I know getting real imported unmolested/cut hash are getting it from sources in quebec. I think with that bust years ago in BC , whoever was getting those loads thru the port, lost their in.
I miss those days and that gold seal hash but make up for it every chance I get with making water hash that is just a killer to smoke ;)

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I have more , because I forgot to mention what I thought was the "best" hash from back in the day that came around our circles.
I used to know these Asian dudes from back in highschool and in my mid 20's we reconnected. I bought a 1/2 pound chunk of hash that was marbled with opium.
I'd have to say that was the best shit I ever smoked LOL and then it was gone.
Again, years later a friend of mine from van isle, an old crusty fucker, missin an eye, fingers, leg .... no kidding. we were all sittin around the fire out back and he says *****, you like hash right? I'm like ya man, haven't toked on good hash in a few years. And the fugger pulls out a couple ounce chunk of that very same opium hash. haven't seen it since and I think that guy moved on to the weeds fields in the sky.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
hate to shotgun spatter this thread with my posts LOL but I have a bit of info for the OP

dude, Robert Connell clark's book hashish would be a bible for you. So much info it would take months to soak it all in.

according to the book, the best hash in Afghanistan ended in around 1971/72. traditional hash back then was sticky. Also, from what I understand, this hash came from the hindhu kush mountains and because of drought in 72, the hashplant gene pool was never the same. further assaults on those genetics came in 73 when the govt of the day ruled cannabis cultivation and hash making illegal.

it was westerners who drove the demand for pressed hash as before this, most hash there was apparently sieved and mutton was used as a binder (ya.... that's sheep fat rendered). The pre 71 "sticky" was reserved for personal stash and apparently rarely available outside the country. By 73/74 the afghan hash industry had been all but decimated due to the 72 drought and efforts by the army to eradicate fields in 73/74.

the best afghan hashish is stuff of folklore that only the brotherhood and the old hippies got to experience. According to Clark, there was almost no weed grown in Afghanistan between 73 and 75 for the hash market.

Todays hash lore started in the hindu kush, and the best sticky came from the mazar-i-sharif most notably and Kabul/gereshk/lashkar gah.

also might be neat to know, the hash we know and love today was taught to the hashmakers over there by westerners. westerners created the hash markets of old by bringing the modern sieving and pressing methods to Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan ect.

By 1979 we start to see a resurgence in hash supply from Afghanistan but apparently nothing like what was to be had 1971 and prior. Modern methods created the new modern pressed Afghan black and the "best" of this modern hash apparently came from Samarkand in present day Uzbekistan.

so there ya go man ;)
some afghan hash history. you might wanna get that book tho because I just barely scratched the surface.
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Hey Tynehead...keep those anecdotes coming.

Generally speaking, droughts will greatly affect plant size, health and yield, but not the quality of the resin (unless the plants were subject to lots of wind laden dust, some of which stays on the plants and ends up in the sift)..actually some growers reckon that the resin from constantly thirsty, stunted plants that never were rained on during the last 6 weeks of flowering have a better high than resin from plants of the same strain grown with abundant rain that results in big, lush green plants.


I used to buy Lebanese hash in Australia in the early 70's.....it too was stamped with symbols, but it wasn't gold leaf, it was gold paint!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Hey Tynehead...keep those anecdotes coming.

Generally speaking, droughts will greatly affect plant size, health and yield, but not the quality of the resin (unless the plants were subject to lots of wind laden dust, some of which stays on the plants and ends up in the sift)..actually some growers reckon that the resin from constantly thirsty, stunted plants that never were rained on during the last 6 weeks of flowering have a better high than resin from plants of the same strain grown with abundant rain that results in big, lush green plants.

in Clarkes book he describes the crop of 1970 to be some of the best resin production , both for yields and for phsycoativity. The latter was lost in what is described as a natural weather event that saw extremely hot and favorable conditions in 1970 but this led into a winter of almost no snow pack in mazar I sharif area , coupled by lack of rain and another blistering summer, there were massive die offs of plants before the seeds ripened, altering the gentetic pool forever, according to clark.
The years following and up to about 1975, saw widespread culling efforts by the military, having a further impact on the genetic diversity of the region.
By 1978/1979 it appears that the hash smugglers were back in action but they could no longer get the old school "sticky" in any kind of commercial quality. So standard screen and press afghan black became the new afghan hash.
According to clark's book, the western influenced 'export" hash from other areas like Nepal, Pakistan, Jamaica ect was pretty much all pursued in an effort to find another product like the original afghan sticky.

I'll repeat that while I've read clark's book a few times cover to cover over the years, I don't profess to be a hash officiondo hehehe just a big fan of Robert Connell Clark and a huge fan of fine hash. ;)


Green Mujaheed
Most reknowned Afghan hash is from Mazar-e-Sharif, best along with that one from Shebarghan.
It's of the dry-sieve kind, sivd resin is then stored until cooked & pressed into the dark & gooey stuff we all know about.

Irie ! :)


Well-known member
in Clarkes book he describes the crop of 1970 to be some of the best resin production , both for yields and for phsycoativity. The latter was lost in what is described as a natural weather event that saw extremely hot and favorable conditions in 1970 but this led into a winter of almost no snow pack in mazar I sharif area

the 'best' hash we ever smoked was in 1970, and we were told it was affie... further we were told at the time, that we would never see that hash ever again... of course at the time we poo-poo'd it... wow..maybe we weren't being bull$hitted..

nothing we have smoked ...whether bought locally or in the 'dam or in turkey, or made ourselves has ever come close to that one particular hash... I gotta read this guys book...:thank you:


we were told at the time, that we would never see that hash ever again..
The one thing I've learned about buying hash is that when you come across excellence, buy as much as you can and you will never regret it.


Rubbing my glands together
76 and 77 we had an abundance of killer blonde and black hash then it just dried up. Those days set in stone my love for hash. Memories


Imo the Red Lebanes was /is superior to any other hash.. Even though i once smoked something named Tiger Maroc because of its Black strips...we Got so stoned for 6 hours that nobody of my friends Can recall What we did .. But the Black Afghan we get here in cph is very good..but u have to know the right folks...

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
The hard thing for the vast majority of us westerners was the breaking up of the major hash players from back in the day. I know that back in the early/mid 90's in the Vancouver area, there was a major distributor who was know as Excaliber. When he got taken down in a massive raid on his house in north surrey, the Vancouver hash trade never recovered. In that same bust, 4 tonnes of the finest quality import hash was zeized in semi trailers in North Delta Bc. I've got what I consider pretty decent connections and I haven't seen real imported hash here in a great many years. That said, I have bumped into it from time to time and whenever I have it has come to BC by way of the ports in Quebec and the maritimes.
Most of those old time hash importers are too old now or long gone to rekindle those connections. Not so for our brothers and sisters on the european side of the planet, who seem to have faired well and in good supply over the years.

One of the reasons the traditional afghan was in such large supply through the 80's and 90s is that Afghans would traditional sieve the weed and collect the dust, drying it and filling bags made of goat stomach. These were stored quite deep beneath the ground for many years, curing before ready to consume. Most afghans did not consume fresh sieve but rather aged it and consumed after a cure. So between 1971 and 1978 when the trade began rolling again, Afghan farmers bank a shit load of hash bricks under ground , waiting for the western buyers to return.

in todays bubblehash and waterhash methods, no one dries it and stores it for curing as they did back in the hash countries. Something I would like to try one day..... just need to find me a desert climate and a goat or 2 LOL

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Gold Seal


Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
beautiful...... oh how I miss those bricks.
wish that was on my coffee table right now. I'd carve a bowl in the middle, run a drill bit thru the side to make a hole into the bowl, hook up a hose to that hole and light that bitch up hahaha


Green Mujaheed
One of the reasons the traditional afghan was in such large supply through the 80's and 90s is that Afghans would traditional sieve the weed and collect the dust, drying it and filling bags made of goat stomach. These were stored quite deep beneath the ground for many years, curing before ready to consume. Most afghans did not consume fresh sieve but rather aged it and consumed after a cure. So between 1971 and 1978 when the trade began rolling again, Afghan farmers bank a shit load of hash bricks under ground , waiting for the western buyers to return.

Another reason is that cannabis is grown all over the country, from Mazar to Kandahar, from Nuristan to Herat, through Bamyan and what-not, everywhere !
It is not goat stomach that is used for storage/curing, but goat skin. It add some fatty/musky flavor to the hash, personnaly I like it :p

Freshly sieved resin (or plain buds for that matter) is usually not smoked because people consider it will make you mad, just as I heard about freshly hand-rubbed charas in Himachal Pradesh.

Although goat-skin is still used in Pakistan's tribal areas, in Afghanistan they use more and more arge pastc sacks. I remember about a large haul seized nearby Kandahar during the latest war (was it 40-something metric tons ? Very large anyway), the stuf was stored underground and stacked in quite large plastic sacks, probably no less than 25kg per bag.

Nowadays most of the Afghani stuff that is not used localy or in Pakistan is bound for Middle-East, especially Yemen (well, probably less since the war has started overthere) and Saudi Arabia. When a ship gets czught in the area it's usually with loads of 10 metric tons minimum.

in todays bubblehash and waterhash methods, no one dries it and stores it for curing as they did back in the hash countries. Something I would like to try one day..... just need to find me a desert climate and a goat or 2 LOL

I do ! I do ! I'm a dry-siever and I sieve excusively during winter time, preferably with temps below 0°C.
You don't need a goat skin bag for good curing, the most important factor is temperature which should be around 10°-12° (celsius) and stable.

Irie! :)