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Whats the longest youve waited for germination?


Curious to know whats the longest youve waited for a seed to germinate? At what point would you give up?


10 days I think. I gave up when I saw mold. Maybe two weeks, I can't remember.


+- 10 days for me too. Even dug that seed out after a week thinking it was a dud and found it had a taproot so I replaced it. It is a blue widow freebie growing just fine now. I probably would have thrown it out if it still hadn't germed, but if I paid for the seed I'd probably wait at least 2 weeks haha
FYI I don't germinate my seeds before planting them so these were just soaked a little and put into promix so they may have taken longer than others.


Active member
if it dont pop and show its head in 7 days . it gets tossed in a used soil pile. seeds have popped up a month later in said pile.

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
^^^^^^same^^^^ dumped a cell pack of coco seed that didnt pop into a bucket going into flower and found them on thier first true leaf during harvest...go figure.


I don't give up as easy since I had successful germination after 8 weeks. If they are valuable and don't pop after 2 weeks, I stick em in a pot heading to the flower room now.

I have had many seeds germinate at 1000 - 1300 ppm now, anybody else experienced this?


i use plastic wrap over my cups of soil and if they haven't sprouted after a week i go ahead and remove the plastic and let the soil dry out a little and wait a few more days. sometimes they sprout when the soil gets to the right moisture level.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I just plant the seedling straight into Promix and water enough to soak it really good. One time I waited 2 weeks and gave up, put the cup at the side of the grow and after a month I saw a little sprout peaking out from the soil. She eventually grew into a healthy mature plant. That was a total of six weeks from planting to sprouting!

So now I routinely wait a week and then place the cup aside under a light and make sure she is moist, and sometimes I will get seedlings coming up that I previously would have thrown away. Seeds are expensive, so it pays to give them a little more time. I don't believe IMHO that a seedling sprouting earlier than another makes it more vigourous in the long run. Just my 2 cents.



anything after 4 days is being frowned upon over here,way too many viables to pop!


Old seeds, soak them, then crack open shell in my hydro press, as long as the guts are milky white and no brown, I get germination.

There are soakers who use kelp and H2O2 and more exotic uncommon stuff. If you have a bunch of older (20+ years), try everything.

Check 'em out under magnification, if the hull is intact, its worth a shot.

3 weeks max for me.