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What's the "Best Way" to germinate Seeds?


To all of the experts out there or at least the ones that know more than me!

I know somebody that knows somebody who has some really good quality seeds "White Rhino" (from Amsterdam).

So I need some advice on the Best way to germinate!

I think this person will use Hydroponics System to grow once germinated.


I have no idea what I am talking about!:laughing:

Thank You!

Bud Greenleaf

Boil some water - use some of it to plump some peat pellets, and let the balance of it sit for 2 days at room temp.

Take your beans, and soak them in the water for 24 hrs. - put the container w/ the beans on something "warm - not hot" for the 24 hrs. Computer case, router, computer monitor, stereo, etc.

Take the beans, and set them into the peat pellets approx. 1/4" to 1/3", and move some of the peat on to cover them.

Put the peat pellets into a tupperware/plastic container - put that back onto "warm" surface.

Beans will sprout in 24 - 72 hrs.

Easy peasy lemon squeesy

mens rea

New member
It's been a very long time for me, but I was always under the impression that the best method was to put them in a cup of water until they sink, then to put them in a wet paper towel, put that in a zip lock bag, then put it on top of something warm, like a cable box, router, etc. Once they sprout, then you can put them in the medium of your choosing -- just be gentle with the taproots.

Mr Apricot

Ya peat pellets are ph 4.5-5.0 so i find sprouting in them is not the greatest.
Sprout directly in soiless mix about 1/4 down. Use bottled watter with a little hydrogen peroxide. For Hydro though most people use small rockwool cubes. Remember to use ph 5.5 water for rockwool and 6.5 for soiless mix.

Finding a good soiless mix is the hard part. Find something with lime and is very aerated peat with very little(1-3%) perlite.

Good luck.


the shot glass method is by far my favorite/ the easiest
just get some seeds put them in the shot glass full of water and let them float and wait
its pretty simple, i have even forgot a seed and it fully poped out in the water and was fine


Garden Nymph
Prepare Rapid Rooters by soaking them in water and squeezing excess water out. Place seed with pointy end upwards, into the hole, water a little bit just to get seed moist, place Rapid Rooter in humidity dome, place on top of warm place (like HPS ballast :D) and cover with a face towel for darkness...


Boil some water - use some of it to plump some peat pellets, and let the balance of it sit for 2 days at room temp.

Take your beans, and soak them in the water for 24 hrs. - put the container w/ the beans on something "warm - not hot" for the 24 hrs. Computer case, router, computer monitor, stereo, etc.

Take the beans, and set them into the peat pellets approx. 1/4" to 1/3", and move some of the peat on to cover them.

Put the peat pellets into a tupperware/plastic container - put that back onto "warm" surface.

Beans will sprout in 24 - 72 hrs.

Easy peasy lemon squeesy

Wow, that sounds more like a huge pain in the ass.

How about:

1. Soak seeds in water until you see a tap root.
2. Soak rockwool cubes for a few minutes.
3. Put seeds in rockwool taproot down.



Active member
u can check my sig; i tend only to run proven moms in hydro and use coco for the rest but my tek works fine with rockwool cubes; just soak the cubes in thrive alive non-organic with the red label at 10ml/gal overnight before u put the germ'd seeds in em... make sure to give em a good shake with your hand till water droplets stop flying off em; don't squeeze the cube at all; put under a t12 flouro about 3-4 inches above the cubes on 24hrs a day uncovered in a room at 75-80 degrees, do this ahead of time so the cubes are the same temp as the room and seeds (no shock from say soaking in non room temp water etc); as they grow rehydrate cubes with soaking solution from bottom allowing em to wick up what they need if they dry out due to excessively low humidity but u should b ok; move to t5 lights after second set of true leaves show and feed when cotyledons yellow and fall off

good luck; if u can wait till the 28th of this month; the moon will be IDEAL for starting seeds so if u want to stack the odds in your favor why not ;) i've had very good luck following the moon


Active member
Plant them.

The end.

I love this guy...so pithy...so to the point...

It works for me...

I must admit that I soak my seeds overnight but that's all. Throw them in a "shot glass" of water, float a piece of paper towel on top to keep the seeds in the water, and in the morning they'll all be sitting on the bottom. Transfer them to their growing medium (planted SIDEWAYS), keep everything MOIST (not soaking wet) and warm (not hot) and wait...

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
My homemade seeds are about three years old. They germinate fine....but, have a hard time throwing the seed shell off. They will grow and stretch 3-4 inches for 2-4 days...and still the initial leaves can not bust out. When they do bust out...they have stretched the stem...alot!...and is very weak.

Would soaking the seeds help?...am I too shallow?...in soil, about 1/4 inch deep.


Active member
little spray bottle of water and delicate fingertips get seed shells and innner husks off... practice a bit and you'll be able to do it without even hurting the cotyledon leaves... just wet the husk a bit and start gently pinching and pulling with ur fingers


Plant them.

The end.

Thank goodness, yes...
Pre-soaking is not only not needed (only old seeds, etc), but can be bad for fresh seeds, as very advanced growers made me notice.
If they go in soil, just plant them.
If not, jiffies work best...

My 2 cents...


Active member
There is no 'best way', just the way that works best for you!! :)

Personally I use the small rockwool cubes, soaked in 5.5 ph water, place the seeds in the rockwool, stick em in a styrofoam container or tupperware, and stick in my hot water heater closet for 24-48 hours and they bust open with the quickness.

Everytime i have sprouted in soil, I have had issues of some sort. Coco/perlite works excellent as a soilless rooting medium.

But Freezerboy is right too....it is a weed. plant them in a warm and moist place and they shall grow! good luck with that white rhino!


New member
I have been doing Germinating for 10 Plus Years and this method is FailProof,Spray a paper towel with Lukewarm water,place seeds in the Paper,fold over,Place seeds in Small Sandwich Bag,Blow some Work brethren in Bag and seal.Place in Mild warm ,dark place,like face cloth with Grown light over,Leave for 24to 36 hrs,Check For Popping,If so Plant taproot Directly in medium ,Grow Cup,Place Saran Rap over Cup for Moisture ,Watch For GROWTH,You are on You way,ALWAYS BE CAREFUL AND PATIENT,THE WILL ALL GROW TOWARD THE LIGHT,PEACE OUT

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