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What's the best way to fly with weed?

The Bling

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airport security is like millitary intellegence. Put it in your pocket !!!! OMG Ive flown with pipes in my carry-on with a bowl packed in it...my girl put 1 bubbler 3 pipes and a 5 gram piece of hash in her check on bag she was a canadian ex coke head kinda dumb but we had no problems...it comes down to you, what do you look like how are you dressed body language i just put cargo pants on and an old navy white polo and put 1/2 o o 2 oz in my cargo pockets in a oven bag notice the TSA are mostly black and mexican they dont worry about weed

bottom of a vitamin bottle vitamins back on top has worked for me also

so has a small glass jar packed tight and checked in my shave kit
xrays detect differences in density glass is denser then bud(duh) the x-ray sees the jar btw they have drug dogs a customs and bomb dogs in domestic remember dogs have no reasoning skills
sunnyside said:
carry ons are always x rayed.

If you are going to fly with stinky herb...which I do 2-3 times per month. All you need to do is vacume seal it up for the smell and use electrical tape to tape it right under your nutsack. If you grind your herb ahead of time it makes the package much smaller and easier to hide.

I have been one of the people chosen to be randomly searched. It isn't as intrusive as you might think. They run the metal detector all over you then you get a light pat down. They never get close to your balls though. You could sue over something like that....remember :)

If you tape it and vaccume seal it properly you should have no issues. I've done this now I'd say close to 30 times, never an issue. The only time I was worried was when I was asked to step aside for further screening...but that was a breeze.

Yeah I've been selected for the random screening before too, on a domestic flight at that. They ask you to empty your pockets and pat you down, but no they don't reach into your genitals. That would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Anyways, grinding the herb to powder is an excellent idea, whether you ultimately put it under your sack or up your internal storage chamber (ass if male, pussy if female). I hate turning good bud into shake, but it should be just as potent when consumed.

If you store the bag internally, then the only 2 possible methods of detection are:

a.) dogs
b.) xray

And both these detection methods are problematic, because to get a good xray of a human body, it has to be still (remember the doctor's office?) and you wear a lead vest and all that stuff. I suppose its possible they could take you aside and subject you to a random xray screening, but it is highly unlikely, and I've never seen it happen. They'd have to have a tip of some kind from an informer.

As for dogs, I'd like to see a dog that can sniff what's stored inside of a body, covered in two or three layers of plastic wrapped up tightly, inside of a condom. I just don't think that a dog can do it. For one thing there are powerful competing smells for the dog to contend with. Even if the dog could do it, it would have to be pointing its nose right up your crack. Again that is highly unlikely.

Domestic airport security can be viewed as lax, and yeah you could probably get away with a bag in your pocket or carry-on 99% of the time, especially if you're clever. This thread is for those that want an even better chance of success. I think a 1% chance of getting busted sucks. The consequences can be pretty bad, and at the very least you would miss your flight. Better to reduce that chance as far below one percent, to maybe .00001%...why take an unnecessary risk, is all I'm saying.

mister c

Anyways, grinding the herb to powder is an excellent idea, whether you ultimately put it under your sack or up your internal storage chamber (ass if male, pussy if female). I hate turning good bud into shake, but it should be just as potent when consumed.

If you store the bag internally, then the only 2 possible methods of detection are:

a.) dogs
b.) xray

And both these detection methods are problematic, because to get a good xray of a human body, it has to be still (remember the doctor's office?) and you wear a lead vest and all that stuff. I suppose its possible they could take you aside and subject you to a random xray screening, but it is highly unlikely, and I've never seen it happen. They'd have to have a tip of some kind from an informer.

As for dogs, I'd like to see a dog that can sniff what's stored inside of a body, covered in two or three layers of plastic wrapped up tightly, inside of a condom. I just don't think that a dog can do it. For one thing there are powerful competing smells for the dog to contend with. Even if the dog could do it, it would have to be pointing its nose right up your crack. Again that is highly unlikely

Dude.....Do you realize you are trying to talk people into shoving weed up their ass?? We are not in prison man...and it ain't crack.

I've flown post 9/11 with a half elbow taped onto the inside of each thigh. Granted I was lucky that I didn't see a dog. But no problems even with the extra check before boarding. Would I do it again? No.

The shampoo bottle is all you need. And no, you don't need to stick it up your ass. :joint:
Daemon said:
^^Well, post 9/11, IMO, better safe than sorry.

That's right daemon, who needs the hassle of a pot bust.

Besides I said up the ass only for international.

Hopefully no bag seeds sprout during the flight.

If they do then grow them and post the pictures here. It will become a new strain - BUTT BUDD
Vacuum seal it flat or if you don't want to flaten it atleast try and not touch it and seal it. You are not going to beat the dog if he gets close enough and your packaging is tainted. However, you can definitely beat the person running the dog. Don't wear any metal, no puffy jackets or hoodies. Don't give them a reason for a secondary search or a pat down to accidentally alert them of things you don't want them to find.


Active member
travelled a few times with a little less then a 1/8 ground up stuffed up underneath my old spice large size deodorant cap on checked luggage. Have been through 1 baggage inspection where TSA "wanded" my baggage in front of me... Found the wifes sex toy, but not my stash:laughing:


weed fiend
IMO, several layers of plastic wrap controls smell better than bags.

It's not unheard of for peeps to fly out and drive weed back in rental cars. Keep yer eyes open and stay safe.


Active member
grind your weed up for easy bowl packing or joint rolling cut out a piece of cereal box the size of normal letter vaccum seal the weed put in envelope and fed ex that to your destination...ive done this tooooo many times....your weed is waiting no cops to be hating

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Vacuum seal it flat or if you don't want to flaten it atleast try and not touch it and seal it. You are not going to beat the dog if he gets close enough and your packaging is tainted. However, you can definitely beat the person running the dog. Don't wear any metal, no puffy jackets or hoodies. Don't give them a reason for a secondary search or a pat down to accidentally alert them of things you don't want them to find.

Maybe it isnt a good idea to do the Spinal Tap cucumber thing then huh...


I wouldent risk it.Not to many places you cant find weed.If you seen me you would never guess that im a smoker , but I still hook up.


Hazy, here's my take on it. As a retired airline pilot, I've been thru security many times carrying. I would put it in the crack of my butt, high enough and close to the jewels to be able squeeze the cheeks if hand searched. No one actually likes that job.

It's in your interest to dress like a business man and have no metal to get beeped and require a second chance. Actually did this 2 months ago in Chicago through the X-ray one where they get a full picture.

Mostly it's attitude. I'm on business, bored, but this is part of the whole shitty experience.

If a dog is involved you're fucked, no matter what. Smell occurs on the molecular level and can't be hid from them if you are in their detection range.

Good luck and I always enjoy your posts!


I wouldn't carry it on with u, but u can hide it in ur checked bag.. I put mine in a pack of ciggeretts rolled up.. didn't even have a problem.... even got some jamacian beans back... good luck brother


I wouldn't carry it on with u, but u can hide it in ur checked bag.. I put mine in a pack of ciggeretts rolled up.. didn't even have a problem.... even got some jamacian beans back... good luck brother
Well I eat about half a gram of Hash oil,then hit some fullmelt...doobs to stay in the air...That is my best way to fly with weed...:tiphat:


Active member
Could have brought anything i wanted back from amsterdam. Hand luggage seems the best way. Obviously covering smell is important but the customs guys are looking at your body language more than anything else.

travelled a few times with a little less then a 1/8 ground up stuffed up underneath my old spice large size deodorant cap on checked luggage.:laughing:

Are you allowed to take deoderant cans there? Over here we need to bin them before flying unless they fit in a sandwich bag. Those pesky terrorists and their deoderant/shower gel bombs!
Personally since after the "underwear bomber" I have refused to fly w/ weed, even domestic. The TSA folks have gotten even more gropey for my taste....

Though if hash is an option I have traveled with many grams of it without incident. I just buy a bag of individually wrapped Werthers caramel candies and wrap my hash up just like the candies and revacuum seal the bag and carry it on as my in flight snack...