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whats the best tasting strain you have ever had?


Well-known member
Outdoor grown God Bud clone from 2004, It smells like hawaiian fruits, lavender and fir trees with a touch of berries. You could smell it for hours, the taste translates 120% from smell with no MJ taste and makes anyone who has not tasted god say that it is not weed lol. Taste lingers for hours after initial coating.

some dude kicked me a nugg and called it chopped meat, it was nice kinda jerkey and chem dogy. Pepper corn from the bay area . Some cut of gsc tasted like ny cheese cake made with real funky bad milk. Oh and the elusive cut that smells like thanks giving dinner and ganga budder factory.


Well-known member
used to get what was called "cabbage patch" weed here. no idea what it was, grower went to prison, then dropped out of sight. big ass golf-ball size/shape buds, incredibly good tasting. but, the best buzz came from something we called "cat-piss" because that is what it smelled like in the bag. buds no bigger than your thumbnail, hard as a rock, and would melt your brain. that came from some old men that grew weed for the US govt during ww2 out near Crossville, Tennessee. it was $90 per oz when good Columbian was $30...