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What's something you know but most other people dont


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That you cant trust anybody except your mama

Sadly, my momma was a fucked up alcoholic. It took me 20 years of failed relationships (including 2 divorces), and being forced into psychiatry by a girl friend who had a masters degree in psychotherapy to realize "If you can't trust your own mother, what woman can you trust? hth

bock, bock

There are more people living on the earth today than have died in the history of humans.


Active member
there is a sea creature with a claw-type thing, that when it strikes, the bubble that is produced actually generates a spark inside of it.

Guest 88950

It just is:wave:



How many degrees Celsius are 68 degrees Fahrenheit?
Replace Fahrenheit with 68 and solve for Celsius:
C = (68 - 32) * 5/9,
C = 36 * 5/9,
C = 20
20 °C = 68 °F

At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures equal?
Replace both temperatures with "T" in one of the equations above and just solve for T:
T = T * 9/5 + 32,
-32 + T = T * 9/5,
-32 = T * 4/5,
-40 = T
-40 °C = -40 °F


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses


How many degrees Celsius are 68 degrees Fahrenheit?
Replace Fahrenheit with 68 and solve for Celsius:
C = (68 - 32) * 5/9,
C = 36 * 5/9,
C = 20
20 °C = 68 °F

At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures equal?
Replace both temperatures with "T" in one of the equations above and just solve for T
T = T * 9/5 + 32,
-32 + T = T * 9/5,
-32 = T * 4/5,
-40 = T
-40 °C = -40 °F
Man I was going to make em look lol. Thanks SSH

bock, bock

Originally Posted by bock, bock
There are more people living on the earth today than have died in the history of humans.

I think someone already called bs on that.

It seems that you may be correct :) , it might be inaccurate, but i think it is more of an example of how populated the world is today compared to all of history.

100 years ago we only had roughly 1.7 billion, today we have roughly 6.7 billion.


Anyway, I will try another one :)

A cockroach can live for days after it has it's head chopped off. It only dies from starvation.


Something that apparently a lot of people don't know:

The original text used for the bible was not written in the English language.

the "bible" was assembled at the council of nicea in the fourth century.

if you are a christian, you should rethink the 'god breathed' description of the text...


Bent Member
Jews are Philistines, they were the outcasts of philistines society and separated, then condemned the Philistines as being so different but they are one and the Same.


There really were Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch. However, following the Council of Nicea, all of the grenades, and the Book of Armaments were destroyed, lest the enemies of Christianity, being naughty in God's sight, would steal them, and use them for evil purposes.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Due to the way fat is distrubuted in our bodies, the best tasting part of a human is their forearms. Contradictory to most assumptions, the meat is actually most tender when cooked well done...

bock, bock

Due to the way fat is distrubuted in our bodies, the best tasting part of a human is their forearms. Contradictory to most assumptions, the meat is actually most tender when cooked well done...

Who can confirm this? Jeffrey Dahmer? :frown:


WW1 was started by a Serbian (which was part of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire) anarchist, who killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand (Heir to the A-H Empire). This caused Austria to force ludicrous terms to Serbia.

(Russia was allied to the 'slavic' people of Serbia, and Germany to the A-H Empire.)

Russia guaranteed Serbia protection from A-H Empire.

Austria mobilized against Serbia.

Russia mobilized.

(France was allied with Russia; Poland did not exist, the boarder was with Russia.)

Germany seeing war with Russia, and their treaty invades France.

Austria FUCKS Germany and invades Serbia (essentially Yugoslavia), rather than mobilize against the Russians.

Germany invades Belgium and NE France.

Germany fails to capture Paris and the Western Front is stalemated.

The Ottoman Empire allies with Germany, but it has been in disarray since Napoleon, and between fighting the Russians in the North and the British fueling revolutions in Cairo, Damascus, Riyadh, and Baghdad; they were doomed from the start.

Germany fuels Bolshevik revolution in Russia, going as far as to help Lenin get back to St Petersburg/Stalingrad/Petrograd.

It works and Germany and Russia sign a Peace agreement.

HOWEVER it actually backfires, as the Kaiser is unable to squash German revolution.

The USA finally joins the effort, and Germany is forced to retreat.

The Kaiser orders the Army on teh protesters, but they refuse.

Everyone wants Peace.

Germany signs an armistice, yet leaves 'without being vanquished from the field of battle', not losing on German soil, this sows the discontent for WW2.

'Poland', and 'Yugoslavia' and Czechoslovakia' carve themselves out of Austria-Hungry, and Germany and Russia.

I missed a lot, but this is the basic formula. Hitler blames Germanys loss on teh intellectuals, jews and communist for Germanys peace movement and capitulation and uses this to rise to power.
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Tropical Outcast
You guys ran out of stuff!?

Here's something new:

Insects can fly so much faster than birds and mammals.

It is because their muscles are attached to their exoskeletons, making them more efficient flyers because they have more muscle connections!

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