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Whats My Best Plan of Action?


Ok so after being dissapointed with the 1 plant we grew which turned out to be a bad boy, I have germinated 3 seeds which I planted tonight, they are on my windowsill to sprout

So what is my best plan of action in order to get them to grow as quick as possible?!

It will be an indoor grow under a 150 watt grow light, regular potting soil with lime and perilite, nutrients that will be used will be bio-buzz grow & bloom I will also LST them


Dr Dog

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what do you mean as quick as possible?

are you flowering from seed, are you gonna veg them at all?

I would suggest giving them some veg time, I prefer to sex mine first, leaves for less disappointment.


Do all the basic things you have been told in your other threads. Concentrate on growing the 3 healthiest plants you can. There ain't no way to speed things up...and if you try, you'll likely hurt your plants.

Patience is a real virtue whiule growing. I'm looking at 3 plants going into week 10-11 of flowering...after vegging 30 days....and one plant probably has 30+ more days to go.

I agree with vegging a few weeks before flowering.


Yeah, did you keep that male?


Hi guys,

cheeky boy still in grow box on 12/12, still haven't decided what to do with him, he's so pretty!! (need to reply to my thread about that coz I have a few questions)

Oh yeah I am definately going to veg them, read that thread about lighting schedules, it certainly looked like a lot of people think 20/4 is the best ?

Do you think the seeds will do ok on my windowsill untill they sprout? Once they sprout (or need to go under the light) a decision will def need to be made about my boy coz I will need to lower the height of the grow box again (have been considering takin 'im up the back of beyond and planting 'im!!)

So do you reckon i should just do what I did last time? Coz that plant did ok didn't it? Obviously i have learnt a few things, I will def LST sooner, and not use miracle grow (or if i do, which I dont plan to - be much more careful with it)



Is your windowsill about 25-27C? Sprouting seeds should be in a nice warm place. How are you germing them? In soil or in wet paper towels?

You probably want to move that male fairly soon else you'll have pollen all over everywhere. You don't want that to happen. 2 of my 3 plants got pollinated a LOT more than I wanted because I got careless with the male I had. If he has dropped pollen already, wipe down your grow area before you get too far along.

You should be fine growing these three out just like you did with your male...incorporating the lessons already learned.

What were the demensions of your grow area? I forgot.



Not that big just now, about 2ft by 3ft

3 plants are gonna take up more room than 1 so will have to re-think grow area - also have another grow bulb so could pos use the 2

Didn't think about that with the male - pollen hanging around - dont think he is pollinating yet


ETA: sprouted in glass of water in a dark warm cupboard, planted in compost mixed with over 50% pearlite and some lime Yeah my kitchen is probably about that temp during the day, my last 2 plants geminated there but got stretched trying to reach the light, so i guess i can shift them into the grow box once they have come up a bit?
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I've grown out a few strains from seed before, and honestly don't notice a difference in the plants between 20/4 and 18/6. I'm sure there is some difference, but I don't notice it, and I'm a detail kinda person. I'd say save some $$$ on electricity, but your results may vary.

Good luck!



DopeyChick said:
Not that big just now, about 2ft by 3ft

3 plants are gonna take up more room than 1 so will have to re-think grow area - also have another grow bulb so could pos use the 2

Didn't think about that with the male - pollen hanging around - dont think he is pollinating yet


ETA: sprouted in glass of water in a dark warm cupboard, planted in compost mixed with over 50% pearlite and some lime Yeah my kitchen is probably about that temp during the day, my last 2 plants geminated there but got stretched trying to reach the light, so i guess i can shift them into the grow box once they have come up a bit?

Hey DC:

You want to give those seedlings as much light as possible so they don't stretch as badly and develop closely spaced nodes....although that's governed by genetics as well.

On germing seeds. There are lots of ways. I prefer sprouting seeds in a mix with less pelite. And watch adding lime to sprouting mix. You don't want to overdo that. Seeds don't need much of anything when sprouting and first 7-10 days. I usually use a commercial seed starting mix "as is". Most are just milled sphagnum moss, a little perlite(10%) and a wetting agent.

There are some good Stickys both here and on Organics on seed germination, etc. Check them out when you have a chance.

Main thing I wanted to ask is what is the usable height of your grow. I assmue 2x3 feet is the footprint(floor space). The maximum plant height governs the style(s) of grow possible. If you are very limited in height, then you need to plan differently than if you have 6 feet to use? See what I mean?

And if you determine you have to limit plant height, you should do the topping and major pruning before flowering(12/12). You can still prune off unwanted shoots in flower but the major pruning should be soon before flowering.

2x3 feet though is enough room for 3 plants if you do a little shaping. Don't be afraid to prune them. Cannabis is a remarkably tolerant plant IMO and my limited experience growing it. The downside of pruning/topping is that it sets the plants back a bit. It takes them a few days to recover and beging growing again. And THAT is a reason why I preach growing the healthiest plants you can. Healthy plants ALWAYS do better at recovering from any sort of shock. All some folks think about is "yield". They obsess about yield. They should obsess about growing the healthiest plant they can for the grow setup they have. Yield will then be the best it's gonna be....in both quantity and quality.

These are my new babies :) I have 5 now and maybe more coming. They are from the first seeds I made. SSH x SSH. The plant the seeds came from is still flowering too. I think thats cool :)


Mom is still flowering. Old pic here She is now on Day 69 of flowering
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DopeyChick - Be careful of flowering out that male for too long. If his pollen sacs burst, you'll have pollen in the grow space and will get seeded females later. Boys are bad unless you are breeding or growing for seeds.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
i wouldnt keep males in garden past 10-14 days max after balls start grouping together. i just pulled a male other night day 14 flower today day 16 he's starting to open up, i'll have pollen flyn over the next wk to 10 days lol.

that was 12 days flowering on the male in the pic is the main upper top


Yeah I found out the hard way this grow. I thought I had tossed my male but I hadn't. I had broken off the existing flowering branches. The curtain over the area he was in was closed and he kept growing in the dark. and grew new flowers in the dark (a little ambient room light was all) He made these big flower bunches and they burst. F'in pollen was all over the shelf, etc. I had removed the filter from my air intake too. So I have 2 well seeded SSH plants. I have a lifetimes worth of seeds now. I'll be "carding" the seeds out of these buds on Parade magazine just like in the 60's and 70's. LOLOL.

I already have 5 seedlings sprouted from seeds from SSH5...and she is still in there flowering at Day 69 of 12/12!!


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