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What's been killing all of my grows for the last three years? PLEASE HELP!

Blue Socks

Most pH or nutrient issues in soil can be alleviated with EWC tea. Give them that for two straight waterings and I bet you'll see them perk right back up

The Hatter

I highly recommend using a different soil mix next time. I had these same exact problems growing in FFOF and after suspecting something was off with the soil mix ph or salt content I changed brands and sure enough problem solved. Then the store ran out of the new soil mix. I grabbed a bag of OF thinking it must have been a fluke and here I am at week 5 in flower with the same exact shit happening again.

I do not know the exact cause, but what I do know is that it has been directly related to using FFOF in both grows I have had this happen. It seems to hit more sativa leaning and sensitive plants first and hardest. It can outright kill them. It is even possible that there is some sort of pest that has come with the soil but I think it more likely to be something off in the soil chemistry.


ffof is so unstable ph wise.. ive seen dudes that were using it since day 1 of being out.. tell me that they have gotten bugs... thrips . spidermites.. springtails.. fungus gnats.. among the few I know about.. umm have seen ffof full of bug eggs. and have seen dudes growing with ffof only for years have grows go tottaly fucked 4 weeks into flower..

switched to promix.. and used more nutes since its not full of them.. and haven't looked back....

next will be a COCO / Promix mix that works amazing best of both worlds.. smell and taste.. plus a fatt harvest compared to soil


I highly recommend using a different soil mix next time. I had these same exact problems growing in FFOF and after suspecting something was off with the soil mix ph or salt content I changed brands and sure enough problem solved. Then the store ran out of the new soil mix. I grabbed a bag of OF thinking it must have been a fluke and here I am at week 5 in flower with the same exact shit happening again.

I do not know the exact cause, but what I do know is that it has been directly related to using FFOF in both grows I have had this happen. It seems to hit more sativa leaning and sensitive plants first and hardest. It can outright kill them. It is even possible that there is some sort of pest that has come with the soil but I think it more likely to be something off in the soil chemistry.

was told by the hydro store guy.. to check the soil ph wen u buy it.. and add dolomite lime to help .. but u gotta make sure the soil ph is all good. so mix the bag up.. and test.. and he told me to check EVERY BAG.. and wen I was using 20 bags to fill the transplant.. I said fuck that. and bought a bail.. of promix bx.. sometimes sunshines the only thing they have.. and its ok.. but promix hasn't done me rong in the last 8 grows.. so I stick with it.
It seems like BM's are being overly diagnosed these days. I had a small issue with my last grow that was universally diagnosed as broad mites. I flushed, corrected PH and had the largest harvest I've ever had. I hit 2.1lbs under one light, and averaged 1.8lbs per light on the other 3. Turns out there were no mites.

Karmic Farmer

Active member
Fox Farms Happy Frog is a much better soil mix than Ocean Forest (and it's cheaper). Strawberry Cough also requires a bit more Nitrogen a little further into the flowering cycle than most strains.
Hope everything works out for you. I'd also like to hear if you did the potato test.


This is a pretty epic wild goose chase we've got going on here. Maybe we should take a step back...

* A pH of 6.9 in organic soil is JUST FINE. There is no need to micromanage a few tenths of one pH point. If your pH is roughly between 6 and 7, I assure you pH isn't your problem.

* Have you fed the plants anything other than Jamaican guano (phosphorus), kelp (trace minerals and potassium), and Meta-K (potassium)? I don't see ANY nitrogen input whatsoever. Plants use more nitrogen than ANYTHING else during their lifespan. This would explain the overall yellowness of your plants. They depleted the nitrogen supply in your soil, then you hit them with phosphorus, not nitrogen.

* You are overloading your plant with phosphorus in relation to it's other needs. A plant can only grow at a pace determined by the availability of the nutrient that is in scarcest supply (in your case nitrogen). This is known as the "Law of the minimums". Excesses of the non-limiting nutrients won't help at all (likely causing the necrosis you see).


Well I say next grow gut out the guano I have used it in the past and it did what you have going on so I quit using it and it's a for sure. I use PRO MIX BX and ALASKA FISH FERTILIZER and Neptune harvest and EPSOM SALTS and molasses that's it and I have the best bud in the world. I think some growers over think this shit. Keep it simple.


Active member
Completely agree. I tried FFOF twice and chased my tail on nutrition deficiencies and definite nitro burning. Went back to Happy Frog and never saw the same problems again. Been using it for maybe 10 years, its very consistent.

That's not to diss the folks who like FFOF and have themselves used it for years. To each their own, FFOF was a fail for me but HF is excellent stuff.

Fox Farms Happy Frog is a much better soil mix than Ocean Forest (and it's cheaper). Strawberry Cough also requires a bit more Nitrogen a little further into the flowering cycle than most strains.
Hope everything works out for you. I'd also like to hear if you did the potato test.



Dr. Doolittle
have you checked the sticky complete guide to sick plants? those spotty necrosis in between the leaf veins is a sign of PH flucuations...... ocean forrest is very strong and it seems to me strawberry cough may go through sensitive nutrient needs when in flowering..... did you feed them after putting them into fresh soil?
What did you use to balance out the ph? ocean forrest comes with pH balanced so you do not need to balance. if you are then you are causing the pH to become messed up by most likely feeding or your pH of your water is hard.
