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Whats a good job for a stoner?


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Secret shopper. All the free food you could eat.

B. Self Reliant

You creative at all? Go with a creative field. Graphic design, photography, & video editing all use outsourced "labor". Even if you don't know these skills, there's always pre-work that needs to be done that's repetitive and boring, but you can work from home if you're at all computer savvy and smoke. Usually it pays by the job. Shit, you can sit at home with your balls hangin' out as long a you get your work done. For example, basic post-processing for still images is easy as hell and it pays well. of course, this only applies if you have an interest in a creative field to begin with. Find a regular client or two and you can make good cash on your own time.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
i agree best job ever hahah

breeders in here need to come up with an obama strain . . like obama-rama

Last thing we need is a strain named after a false hope.

Stay on topic.

Most of your jobs are going to do a preemployment drug screening, random tests every 3, 6, 12months, and one prior to promotion. No employer wants someone clouding their head with any intoxicating substance WHILE on the clock. Duh!

Residential construction work might be something worth checking into. Pretty much any labor intensive job(not heavy construction), doesnt care if you use drugs or not, long as you're bustin ass.


Well, there are lotsa good jobs, not to mention starting your own business. My personal rule is I don't smoke before or at work period. There is a time and a place for everything, and to be honest I come off as a comlete L 7 square. Which is the way I want it, no one even suspects that I may smoke on occasion. Once someone said that she thought I was a mormon lol. I don't socialize at all at work either, don't hang out or anything, just go in, do the job, and leave, while always being pleasant. You could always abstain and pass any piss test. How bad do you want it? You could grow and sell weed. If you smoke a gram of dank a day, that's enough to justify growing your own pretty easily. That alone will save you money in the long run, and free up any money you make at a j.o.b...


The Hopeful Protagonist
Well, there are lotsa good jobs, not to mention starting your own business. My personal rule is I don't smoke before or at work period. There is a time and a place for everything, and to be honest I come off as a comlete L 7 square. Which is the way I want it, no one even suspects that I may smoke on occasion. Once someone said that she thought I was a mormon lol. I don't socialize at all at work either, don't hang out or anything, just go in, do the job, and leave, while always being pleasant. You could always abstain and pass any piss test. How bad do you want it? You could grow and sell weed. If you smoke a gram of dank a day, that's enough to justify growing your own pretty easily. That alone will save you money in the long run, and free up any money you make at a j.o.b...

I was just going to post something similar....self-employment is THE WAY to go. When meeting new clients or making a new contact in the financial industry, I'll tend to refrain from smoking a fatty beforehand.....but on the way home baby....:woohoo:....Put the top down and let'er Ripppppp!

Making your own schedule and out of town road trips FTMFW! :yeahthats


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
best job imho is a blowjob.... coot coot coot coot.... this here is roscoe p. coltrane!!! peace..

or you can be a technician and do teabagging from 9-5...

Haha all and all pretty good suggestions, I was thinkin porn would be good too, but now I have a gf so im not sure. I'm not going to admit to anything but I love this website for a reason, so I realize farming is a good idea, but I got other shit I need cash for besides herb. Looks like I'm going with shitty telemarketing, wish I could be like Pineapple Express and be a law server or whatever but you gotta get a licence for that shit and I'm not going to stop for a piss test no one can even tell if I'm stoned or not its just me.


Active member
Last thing we need is a strain named after a false hope.

Stay on topic.

Most of your jobs are going to do a preemployment drug screening, random tests every 3, 6, 12months, and one prior to promotion. No employer wants someone clouding their head with any intoxicating substance WHILE on the clock. Duh!

Residential construction work might be something worth checking into. Pretty much any labor intensive job(not heavy construction), doesnt care if you use drugs or not, long as you're bustin ass.

Attention breeders, if you ever make a strain that feels like your gonna have a great time and get blasted, smells awesome, tastes awesome, full of resin, 10 minutes in and the "great oncoming high" is over a short time after coming into effect (epic implementation) and your left burnt out and feeling terrible, please, name it, Obama-(d)rama


Active member
what about a bein a bum?

ive never been, but it doesnt look easy....ive known quite a few ppl who make more work out of trying to not do work than if they actually worked.


I asked my wife's son when he was 7 what he wanted to be when he grew up.

He thought about it for a minute touching his head and making faces.

He told me he was just going to work a whole bunch of jobs. Which ever one he didn't get fired from is what he would be.


Dude pot grower! One the best stoner jobs out there, you get to "baby sit" for a lot of the time. Most the work is in the begining and in the end. Occasionally you gotta change a rez or pluck a fan leaf or two.


cannabis enthusiast
a bowling alley, summers have a lot of young ones but when schools in cant beat it high all the time and bowl all ya want