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What's a good guerilla spot look like


thats a good way to look at it man i planned on doing a few so i guess ill throw some beans there and see what happens with them


hamstring is wise... nowdays, I can pick up the spots at the entrance of trails where couples usually go off the trail to make out and stuff... I stopped following them trails they leave from just one time visit after I started stumbling upon panties and condoms... yuck.
I don't mean to disagree too much, but let me explain why I can be pretty much invisible in the bush if I want to. I've spent the last 8 years of my life working doing all kinds of Forestry surveys up and down mountains all over the place. I spend 50hrs/week hiking in the bush, not on trails and just like anyone who does their job long enough, you get good at it; a dentist who spends every day drilling teeth get's good at it just the same way I've gotten good at walking through thick forest.
I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'm a little different from the average flat foot Joe-Blow hiking around I guess...believe me when I say that I can be pretty much invisible if I want to be.

As for rippers hiking way up mountains, that's always a possibility but considering how many grows I stumble across that are RIGHT off a main logging road or an easy to access spot with a massive trail leading right to them I'm not as concerned. Just gotta stay one step ahead of the idiots out there planting in obvious and easy to reach spots and leaving big trails.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
There is only 1 factor that makes a guerilla site a "good" site. ISOLATION

You can mend the soil, carry water or create the grow hole, but if people come there then nothing else is relevant.

The perfect site is one were know one ever ever goes. Ive got some spots that no one has been there but me in at least 10 years.


theres no tracks of any sort in my area and the tracks on the old road are so old, someone dumped a boat that looks like its been ther 15 years, the only trails are deer and rabits


Active member
Its always smart to spread your plants out anyway. If the cops for whatever reason do find your grow its better to be caught with 5-10 plants than it is 50,60,70+ all in one area. Scouting my spots I go for no more than 5 in one area and all 5 will be spread out over a few acres or more depending on what I am comfortable with and if I know choppers fly in that area. If someone finds 1 that's fine. 2 I'll live with it. I doubt someone is going to find all 5 spread out in rugged locations and the plants being worked into the vegetation. None of my locations are close to each other either. If cops or rippers find 1 there looking for more. Me personally, I am not giving these shitheads anything this year or any other year.


Your spot looks pretty nice. I personally avoid blackberry patches and the likes as many here in my area harvest the berries and sell them for $20+ a gallon. I too have the copperheads and ticks, chiggers, etc... to deal with as well as massive helicopter flying due to being in a HIDTA. I have found that the helicopters do not fly on weekends and when it is raining. Also I have found that valleys with trees on both sides as well as areas that have power lines are somewhat avoided because the pilots are more interested in the surrounding area thus distracting them while looking for our beloved plants. Poplar thickets are great as the soil is rich and usually very deep and loose. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck on your grow.:tiphat:


thats what im doing i should have 5-10 spots hopefully yeah im not trying to give any of my ehard work to any of those dick heads


oh yes theres tons of ticks in my area ive burned alot of my dog had one in my ear once too, and yes the vegetation is great almost smells like fertilizer, no one harvest these black berries because its also an old black berry preserve and therers tons of ponds and swamps like a shitload


A lot of good advice in this thread but the main thing to remember is this. NO patch is 100% safe no matter what. You have to deal with rippers, police, wildlife, weather, and just bad plant genetics. I have no control over genetics and weather. The wildlife I can deter up to a point, but as far as rippers and 5-0. If they do find my sites they are going to have to work to get to the plants and get them out. No free lunch here.

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