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Whats a CO2 deprived cola look like?


breathe deep
Good day folks.
I am having a bit of a struggle trying to figure out why some of my day 30 bloom plants look like they are on day 14.
This is a high yielding strain i have grown before and the plants look healthy. really they have a minor tip burn but are healthy plants. I am sure of this.
I have experienced this before and i am attempting to conclude that this is a CO2 issue. Here are my reasons. I live in a place that is quite cold and so my air flow is not all it could be. keeping the temps above 60 and having a lot of air flow are two competing issues.




are the shitty plants off to the side? sounds like its not getting enough light. is the containers with the shitty plants really heavy and water logged?
i'd like to see a pic as well.

i grow in a basement and i have a 8" vortex sucking air out of the basement but nothing pumping air in. i just harvested some green crack plants and the top nugs are still only a half inch thick. i suspect low co2 or perhaps a light leak... but otherwise all of my stuff was fine, similiar to you.

i know that air is suppose to find it's way in somehow and intake fans aren't really necessary but i'm thinking that maybe my basement does need one


breathe deep
thanks for the replies folks. The shitty plants are not off to the side and in some cases are directly under the lights. They are under 600 W HPS.

They seem to be uptaking because the pots dry out on a regular basis. not completely just a bit. They are in coco and fed daily at lights on.

Here a few pics.




Overkill is under-rated.
Well, judging by the leaf shape you do have some sativa in it, my lemon thais took a while to develop too, your plants will probably need 9 weeks or 10 even to flower fully. They look healthy. Unless you're growing inside a sealed refrigerator it's unlikely you have a Co2 deprivation issue, atmospheric conditions (300ppm) are sufficient to grow any kind of plant.


breathe deep
hmm. thanks for sharing Lazyman.
The pictured plant is an ASH pheno from Mr. Nice and definitely leans Sativa. I have found it to finish in nine weeks. Last time it was grow in was MUCH fuller when it was starting its fifth week of flower as these plants already have.
Here is a pic of Heads G13xDiesel. This is a G13 leaning phenotype and always finished in about 60 days.
Most of these plants look stunted and they have been in nice positions under the lights.


I suppose it may have been a temperature issue as there was a lot of fluctuation at the start of flower. One day it would snow, the next it would be seventy...
One thing i know for sure this is not what these strains look like normally after 33 days of flower.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah, the temps or cold incoming air is probably causing stress and stunting. If you are sucking in air to compensate for something (like high RH) get a dehumidifier instead, so you don't have to drop your room temp to 60 from 75*.


breathe deep
Lazyman! I am bringing in the air to get my ladies some fresh CO2. There are a bunch of them and they use the CO2 quickly I thought. I also have a dehumidifier running and that does a good job.

Should i assume the plants would be happier with less fresh air(CO2) and more consistent 70-77 degree temperatures, than more air and swings into the sixties? I know its a guess but make one!!!

Thanks and praises


Overkill is under-rated.
Yes, less fresh air would probably be fine, consistent temps are very good for plants, as wild temp fluctuations DO stress plants. I think you'd be surprised at how well your room will maintain CO2 levels, just you breathing in the room for half an hour will often raise levels by several hundred PPMs.


breathe deep
Thanks for sharing Lazyman. Kind of you to offer the time to help. I have been using your CO2 guide thread to get me started on my recent room build. Much appreciated!


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep the Co2 test kits are kinda neat, break off both ends of the glass tester and slowly suck some grow room air into it with their fat syringe. The little stick inside the tube turns blue further and further up the inside and corresponds with level markings on the glass. Piece of cake and replacement testers are not super expensive, I think about 10 bucks each.

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