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what you guys think about this setup



whats going on been thinkin about this new growtent its a homebox twin http://shop.bushplanet.tv/the-homebox-twin-12-x-08-x-2-m-p-2912.html i think its a pretty cool system btu i need some input maybe someone has used it befor. ive been using the regular homebox xl just doing seed runs but now thinkin about changing to run a 400watt on the bottom for flower and a 250 mh for veg and clones on top gonna do the other box for mothers n shit so what you guys think?


noone has any input on the setup?? damn cus i was wondering if ide have heat problems like that most likley will put it into cooltubes both of the lights


A lot of people won't click on links outside of IC.

After that, unless you're bound and determined to use HID, fluoro's are a bit cheaper and a little easier to manage, heat-wise. But, if you're still set on HID to veg your clones, you would do well to consider a CMH over MH.


ok ill get some pics but yea deffenetly wanna go with hid systems most likely in cool tubes you but im looking to try n post the pic of it


ok thats the tent the sizes of it are 120 cm by 80 cm and 200 cm high the lower part is 140cm high the higher shelf is 60 cm high


Speed of Dark
I use a lot of HID. I went to fluorescents for veg a few years back, but now I'm in the process of changing stuff all around and one of the reasons for the change up is CMH.

I used MH for veg, good enough to be the control everything else is compared to.
Used HPS for veg, no stem strength or root, but good leaf.
Used CMH, better than HPS, but leaf growth still outrageously faster than the rest of the plant.
4100K fluorescents are the closest light to MH I have used. 5000K and 6500K get progressively coarser leaf structure.
Another four frequencies are in process, but no information yet other than straight 420nm really toughens the fibers in month old clones.:thinking:

Once again, all the 'better than' and 'slow grow' or 'faster' is in relation to MH, which I ran for years and am familiar with. All things are relative.

I'm in a cold climate and enjoy the extra heat from the HID's:kitty: so I'm good with keeping them if possible.


i mean it aint that warm where i am either do to ceiling height im gonna be running cooltubes just picked up the 2 cool tubes yesterday n will be using a hps with more of a blue spec i coudlnt get myself a cmh but yea it should be fine with the 250 hps in more of a blue spec for veg in the higher chamber cant wait to start it off usually in the summer i dont run the room just keeping my mums good and healthy for when i turn on in august when the weather cools down again