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What Ya Sippin On, This Evening?

Bud Green

I dig dirt
a "Phillips head"; that is a moonshine/orange juice screwdriver for the tool-challenged out there . :biggrin:

It's easy to find the ingredients for a "Phillips Head" up here in the hills where I live.
Well, maybe getting the orange juice presents a little bit of a problem....It involves driving all the way to town..


if it smells like fish
It's easy to find the ingredients for a "Phillips Head" up here in the hills where I live.
Well, maybe getting the orange juice presents a little bit of a problem....It involves driving all the way to town..
I can get the moonshine here and the oranges down the hill in the groves of oranges ...yeehaw


tonight is a German lager called "Burg" ..it's 5.6% and so it's on the upper level of Alc for my taste and liking..I catch a nice buzz from 3 x 500ml cans

but on the other hand a 4.5% beer more often than not tastes and feels "thin" to me...watery but good as a lunchtime beer