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What would you do....?


So I have a little setup in my closet now, only a T5 florescent light. I have only had it for like 4 days and seems to be working fine. I was planning on flowering on my rooftop balcony but today I found out I might come up on a free $400 to $600 and am thinking I should buy a light I can flower with. Its a washer and dry closet that has ventilation running directly out the roof and plenty of room. What size light would you recommend. I have pics of the closet and current setup, but no idea how to post them...

Dr Dog

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I would say no much more than a 400 depending on the size of the room, I am going by the regular washer dryer closets I see, about 3 ft wide, 3 feet deep 8 feet high


htgsupply has great deals on 400-600 digital set ups!
check em out.
Good luck!


uninformed said:
150-400w HPS.

If you're creative you could put together a really nice lighting system using both HPS and CFL.

Thats kind of my plan right now. Would a 250w HPS and a couple of CFL's be enough to flower?


Personally I'm use to larger rooms but I would go with a 400 or 600 verticle to maximize efficency of the room..maybe even some basic benches to make a colosium...anyays to answer your question any light can be used to flower but a 250w HPS as you said would be good....i'd just go with a 400 or 600 ... you can get alot more yeild :)I'd use those t5's for veg or sidelighting or for clones... PEACCE


LiftedLA said:
Thats kind of my plan right now. Would a 250w HPS and a couple of CFL's be enough to flower?
The CFLs, unless you plan on going for big ones, are not going to have near the penetration that a 250W HPS would have. While it sounds nice to have the additional spectrum you'll probably just get more heat and more bother trying to get the CFLs positioned to where they will make a difference.

If you're really concerned about spectrum in flower then go HID spectrum. Check out this thread:
Ceramic Metal Halide

The 250W CMH will work in an HPS ballast and it's got loads of additional spectrum.

As far as the wattage is concerned: you want to shoot for around 50W per sq. ft or better. Don't go crazy though, after a certain point: it's a point of no returns and more bothers with heat than it's worth.

Also, start thinking about how you're going to control the smell now. Because if you stick around here, you're gonna be growin' some stinky stuff. :smoke:


-Q :rasta:
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Thanks a lot, this has been really helpful. I was trying to post a couple pics so you guys could get an idea of space, but everytime I add a pic t says I need to remove the url before I post. Maybe Im just to


If you can get a 600w go for that man, if not go with a 400w :yes: ,
i've been using a 400w in a modified growroom approx:
7ft tall, 4 foot wide, 4 and a half ft long

peace :joint:


Look online for prices. HTG has already been mentioned, also look at Discount Hydro. They have 400w switchables for ~$220 with an aircooled hood.


Deviant420 said:
Look online for prices. HTG has already been mentioned, also look at Discount Hydro. They have 400w switchables for ~$220 with an aircooled hood.

What exactly is an air cooled hood? If that means I wont have to worry about cooling then thats perfect, but what about power? :rasta:


An air-cooled hood has holes and flanges so that you can run your exhaust duct directly to it. You will still need to buy an exhaust fan and ducting.


To get an idea on how much space I have...

And the setup I have going now, everything seems to be healthy and growing. This was right after I put the clones in, seeds were still germinating.



well i would consider a 250HPS for the money you have to spend... Dont forget you gotta buy a sheild($$20ish), bulb($$40-80ish), some kind of odor control if your gonna be producin real yeilds... check out my thread, i'm running a 250HPS for 13 girls in about the same exact size closet.... also are you gonna grow perpetual?? if so take those CFL's and make a little veg chamber....


And what do you guys think about flowering outdoors? That was the original plan, and I think I still might once. I know my results wont be as good, but what would be the best method? A greenhouse?


yes my HPS works great, but why would you buy a HPS if your gonna flower outdoors?? if your only vegging indoors you should stay with a blue spectrum...


Well flowering outdoor was the plan, but if I can indoor then why wouldnt I? And Im still new to this, "Blue spectrum" anyone?

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