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What would you do..?


it is still a relevant question 2 years on.

Staryout-what happened? Did you work out if you killed them or if they were on the way out when you got them? Just out of interest.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, Doc, i'd give friends a small number of babies if they were going to run them themselves, of course, but am i expected to give away thousands of babies, often to people who are career criminals, for little thanks and considerable risk on my part? That's just silly, why would i do it? Sure, capitalism has monetised the earth and the sky but what about providing for my family?

Re: the original question-if your babies died soon after you received them it is quite likely that you killed them. I've had guys kill up to 3 batches of robust , healthy babies one after another. It is not in the interest of the supplier to hand over fatally wounded babies to you because sooner or later you will twig and stop using him/her.
Is the supplier a person of integrity? Are they in for the long haul or just there to make some quick cash? How well do you know them, and for how long? On what scale do they make babies?

These are all pertinent questions you should ask yourself if your babies kick it soon after arrival. Also-how experienced are you? If babies are that sick some signs are, normally, visible. Extended cold shock may be the exception to this rule.
