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What Would You Do If You Found $175K Worth of Marijuana Hidden in Your Yard?


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
A Los Angeles man got the surprise of his life when he peeked into a vault under his backyard hot tub that he hadn’t touched in two months. Inside the vault was a duffel bag he had never seen before — and it contained 61 jars, bags, and vacuum-sealed packages filled with $175,000 worth of marijuana.

Mack Reed, a former Los Angeles Times reporter, was having a solar technician survey his property ahead of installing solar panels on his roof when the discovery was made. Reed told the technician about the unused in-ground hot tub in his backyard, and when they lifted the hatch to the vault, there the duffel bag was.

“Thousands of dense little marijuana buds stare back at me, through industrial vacuum-sealed plastic, through thick Ziploc bags, through the crystal-argyle pattern of glass jelly-jars — all labeled in looping Sharpie letters with names like ‘Lemon Haze’ and ‘Bubble Mix,’” Reed wrote.

Suddenly, fear washed over him as the gravity of the situation sank in.

“Oh. My. God. Someone’s coming back for this,” Reed wrote. “Some evil bastard has stuffed a bag of dope into a hole behind my house and turned my life into the backdrop of a James Ellroy noir. Any minute now, some neckless mook with steroidal shoulders and a bullet-shattered voicebox will stalk up behind and beat me bloody with his pearl-handled Desert Eagle .45.”

Reed called the police to report the dope find, but it took longer than an hour and a half for a sergeant to show up at his door. Cops surveyed the contraband, packed it up in a police vehicle, and left, the Los Angeles Times reported.

After the drugs were gone, a cautious Reed left a note on the hot tub hatch door for the owner of the pot.

“We stumbled across it, and called LAPD. They confiscated it and are now watching the place. Sorry,” read the note, accompanied with a photo Reed took of police surveying the drugs in his backyard.

Shocking marijuana discoveries in homes seem to be a dime a dozen lately. Recently, a family from Utah began getting sick after renting out a beautiful suburban home in Cypress, Texas. That’s when they found out that the home previously was used for a massive marijuana grow operation. And a California house fire earlier this year revealed a huge pot operation inside. Because you just never know: If you’re worried that your neighbors might be running a hidden marijuana operation, here’s how to find out.

This article originally appeared on AOL Real Estate: Mack Reed Finds $175,000 Marijuana Stash Under His Hot Tub in Los Angeles


Well-known member
what would i do? lets see now, what would be a fair "storage fee" for that much weed? then, how long would it take to make hashish out of it? hmmm... :woohoo: :thank you:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
fucking stoner probably forgot he hid his shit there.....

then finds it
with someone else there!

fuck.... what is that? whered that come from?
oh shit



who the fuck stashes their weed on someone else's property ? grow it? ..... yeah, but i've never heard of a guerilla stash:noway: .........:thinking:

betcha a quarter this weed is stolen


Well-known member
i wouldnt turn it in.......id have to crack a jar open and smell, and then maybe smoke some.

maybe wash it thru a bho tube and re-pack into the jar, let them come back for it.


Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
I'd go get me a script, then vend it out to dispenceries cheap for the sick and poor.

2 Legal Co

Active member
Not quite sure how you fit $175K of pot into a duffle bag..... especially if there were Masons involved. My guess is the jars, at minimum would have had to be MIA.

Who cares? Parteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. If the previous owner shows up he/she can have what's left.... "I bought this place, Lock, Stock,,,, and Barrel. Couldn't ebay it so I had to smoke it"....lol

Prol'ly the PO is/was enjoying filtered sunlight, and couldn't come get it. Surely NOBODY could forget a duffle full of good weed?


Active member
Shocking marijuana discoveries in homes seem to be a dime a dozen lately. Recently, a family from Utah began getting sick after renting out a beautiful suburban home in Cypress, Texas. That’s when they found out that the home previously was used for a massive marijuana grow operation.

if i found a shit load of weed what would i do? smoke a shit load of weed of course.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
the only thing to worry about is if it belongs to a cartel. If they dont get news it was found by Leo they might be back kicking in your door.. I dont want anything to do with it. It just screws up everything. if you have plants growing in the house you cant call Leo without them doing a search in your house. Leave it with a note if its still there in 2 months then take it...


the only thing to worry about is if it belongs to a cartel. If they dont get news it was found by Leo they might be back kicking in your door.. I dont want anything to do with it. It just screws up everything. if you have plants growing in the house you cant call Leo without them doing a search in your house. Leave it with a note if its still there in 2 months then take it...
Cartels are behind the multiple train cars full of weed you see getting busted from time to time.

I seriously doubt the cartel stashed a duffel bag of jars in some guy in the united states hot tub


I would bet that it was stolen by teenagers from house less then a mile from where the hot tub guy lives, probably within blocks.

They were fleeing the robbery/burglary, scared shitless, and stashed it in the first place they came across.