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What would be making my stem and all the shoots turn purple?


The leaves are turning yellow as well. Would it be Phosphorus deficiency, maybe magnesium deficiency? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also what course of action should I take?

How long has this problem been going on? 3-4 days

What system are you running? hand watering

What STRAIN are you growing? Unknown, gathered over 1/2 year from Trainwreck, Sour D, Juicy Fruit, and some Purp's. So your guess is as good as mine

What is the age of your plants? 3 weeks old.

How long have they been in there mixture they are in now? since they popped

What PHASE are the plants in? Veg.

What Technique are you using? ??

What substrate/medium are you using? MG organic

What is the Water temperature? Room temp

What color are your roots? white

What Nutrient's are you using? None

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? N/A

How often are you feeding? N/A

How often are you giving nutrients? N/A

What order are you mixing your nutrients? N/A

What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? ???

Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? N/A

When was your last watering? Today

What is your water temps? Room temp

How often do you clean your system: N/A

What size bulb are you using? 150hps

What is the distance to the canopy? 12"

What is the canopy temperature? about 62-68

What is the current Air Flow? 2 4" fans both sucking in fresh air, outlet for air going out

Is the fan blowing directly at plants? yes, but not very strong fans. 4"

Is your water HARD or SOFT? Bottled spring water

What water are you using? Same as above

Are you using water from a water softener? N/A

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched? Nope

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? Nope

Are plant's infected with pest's? White Flies


guessing....a bit overwatered, is there any perlite in that mix? and you have fungas nats? transplant or start over. good luck


guessing....a bit overwatered, is there any perlite in that mix? and you have fungas nats? transplant or start over. good luck
*head hung in shame* Nope no perlite. Ya I am going to try an experiment and I am going to break down the root ball and plant in some Ocean Forest soil and blend in some perlite. I am in need of some cloning supplies and some nutes. Fuck I hate having to drive 300 miles(round trip) to a damn supply store.

I mean if they are going to die why not try the transplant.
MG Organic and fungus gnats seem to be synonymous. The larva are in the soil by the billion it seems. If you didn't add any dolomite lime it's probably the beginning of lockout. MG-O needs lots of love, you're better off with soilless mix 1 from Beginner Organics thread. That MG-O is garbage garbage garbage. Tons of sticks, unbroken down material, random trash, and plenty of fungus gnats. It's also really heavy for some reason, and it seems to kill off my seedlings.

MG-O needs at least a lot of perlite and some dolomite lime to even begin to be viable imo.


Resident pissy old man
PF is right. Miracle Grow is known for tons of fungus gnats. If you are going to the hydro store, get some Gnatrol. It is expensive, but 3 applications and they are all dead. What is the PH of your water and nutes? Looks like a Phosphorus problem due to PH problems. Nute lockout. Flush the plants heavily with water Phed to around 6.7 and let dry. Check your run-off periodically and make sure it is between 6.7 and 7.0. You can still save these girls.


Thanks PF and Pops and dbfr3sh.

I know, stupid ass me and the MG-O.. I knew better, I hope I can save them, those were the only seeds I had.
Big Mama started showing and she's far from happy.
I agree with Pops, definitely looks like a pH lockout. Had similar thing happen to me before I got those little pH drops at the local pet store and realized my pH was way too high.

Test it, fix it, flush it.

They will be much happier.


Ok, just tested all four plants

Ok, just tested all four plants

First 7.0-7.2ish

Second 7.0-7.2ish

Third 7.0-7.2ish

Fourth 6.0


well from your results i guess you can tell which is right and which is wrong lol. transplant and add perlite.


Let's hope the gamble paid off.
If it works, I'll post what I did. If not I'll have a quiet service for the peeps..

Denial N Error

I'd just re-pot and continue on, those top two look like they'll fine, just need some N and bigger pots. The third, time will only tell..


I think they will pull through, water w/ some hydrogen peroxide, i forget the exact ratio per gallon like a tsp, and that helps plants that have fungus gnats and helps the roots w/ oxgenation.

I would first let my plants dry out completley before the next water though.


Doesn't look big enough to be root-bound yet, but definitely needs to be re-potted in some better soil + perlite. You said you are not feeding them anything atm, so it might be a nitrogen deficiency. They looks like they will pull through fine though.


I think they will pull through, water w/ some hydrogen peroxide, i forget the exact ratio per gallon like a tsp, and that helps plants that have fungus gnats and helps the roots w/ oxgenation.

I would first let my plants dry out completley before the next water though.

I look it up. I also learned they are not fungus gnats but they are white flies..

Thanks friend


Resident pissy old man
Coonhunter, if you have whiteflies, you need to start fighting them now. A female whitefly has a lifespan as short as 16 days and can lay 150-300 eggs in that time. They suck juices out of the plant and can transmit many viruses to the plant. Use yellow sticky traps to catch them. If not available, yellow hanging fly traps will reduce numbers.

I live in an ag area that has tons of whitefly and I have to fight them constantly. They feed and excrete a sticky sweet "honeydew" that can cause sooty mold. During veg, you can use Raid concentrated indoor fogger to reduce adult numbers, but don't use it during flower. Use Safers insecticidal Soap and Neem Oil. Alternate use every 3 days.


Coonhunter, if you have whiteflies, you need to start fighting them now. A female whitefly has a lifespan as short as 16 days and can lay 150-300 eggs in that time. They suck juices out of the plant and can transmit many viruses to the plant. Use yellow sticky traps to catch them. If not available, yellow hanging fly traps will reduce numbers.

I live in an ag area that has tons of whitefly and I have to fight them constantly. They feed and excrete a sticky sweet "honeydew" that can cause sooty mold. During veg, you can use Raid concentrated indoor fogger to reduce adult numbers, but don't use it during flower. Use Safers insecticidal Soap and Neem Oil. Alternate use every 3 days.

Ya, I threw up 4 hanging sticky traps and I have caught alot, I also got all new soil introduced and I haven't seen to many. Maybe 2-3..
I'll pick up some of the stuff you recommend