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i'm probably one of the few who wishes i could have discovered weed after college. i've spent nearly every penny i've ever had since 13 all on weed, thousands within 7 years but i'm making more from weed now . all in all i probably would have excelled in school much more. weed has definitely contributed in transforming me into a lazy half ass person. my short term memory is shot, if i meet someone a lot of the time i'll forget their name like 2 seconds after they tell me. I don't retain information as easily, find myself rereading things more than a few times, i lack motivation, and i never dream anymore. Weed has become a huge part of my life, shit, i love weed more than words can explain, i want a zip thrown in my grave.. only time i've ever quit was for probation. i felt like i didn't need weed when i completely quit for 6 months. it's never too late to change though. back in the day it started as a huge event, gonna smoke this weekend man!! in time it went increased to every day, to multiple times daily.. i still get high but only the first smoke of the day is when i'm noticeably high. i've been trying to quit but it's hard when you have mason jars full of bud sitting next to a nice bong. when i'm not smoking i'm thinking about smoking.