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What weird dreams have you had?



Last night, after having shaved my head yesterday, I dreamed that I was some place (don't know where) and I was trying to climb up on this shelf to get some weed. Up at the top, there was some other guy with dreads who was living above the ceiling in some type of secret area handed me a large bud in one hand, and an egg in the other. The egg was for some reason a source of intense negative emotion in my dream. I'm not sure to the how's or why's, but I was supposed to deliver the egg to someone important in exchange for being able to have sex with my ex just one last time, and as such I was walking some place and looking from hand to hand...egg to bud...egg to bud. I remember thinking in my dream how the bud was too dry. Then I woke up cursing out loud. Oh yeah, and I had some real morning wood going on, too. I'm pretty sure I had been humping my mattress quite vigorously as I sometimes do in my sleep

Stay Puft

~ Seven years after quiting Yay-Yo.. waking up with the taste in my mouth! (weird..I know) I sat on the edge of the bed for 15 mins and realized that I was remember-ing some shady dealings I was involved with in the past! (It wasn't that bad....I didn't "smoke--a-pole" or anything ;) )


Yeah a couple weeks ago, This was after I drank a quart, I have vivid dreams with drugs, I remember being in a large mountain terrain style canyon, caught in a storm and while mountain biking around I came up on this white picket fence type house that "appeared" or merged out of the slopes. I mingled with a family for a little while out front and the weather started turning darker and darker, we all took notice and were staring at the storm moving in. It wasn't an ordinary storm, I can't remember much lightning but the thunder sound was sharp, it had earthquake sonic-like cuts into the opposite, sharp planatary gurgling, a storm chopping black holes and it was scary, like discovering there could be something far worse than a f5 tornado or an earthquake.

This shit would fuck up existence scattering it into more realms than imaginable and not wanting to get hit I had turned for the house and was up the escalator and inside. It was a country side type place and I ended up on a couch watching solar max from reflections in the giant windows making up the walls and part of the ceiling, my father was next to me with his arm around me and while watching the reflections I noticed someone approaching from the front of the house. It was two or three troops in uniforms like black cult firefighters, FBI SWAT JANITORS, My dad squeezed my shoulder, I sat up and a lightening bolt struck followed by sliced-up, explosive, time-warping thunder just as I caught my reflection in the tv to see I had a pure pearl-like set of horns that had come out of no where, see here,

I hadn't intentionally drawn these horns on her when I drew this picture and I didn't notice or know they were even there until I had this dream. I then realized these troopas' were trying to taint my fucking horns and preceded to jam this older unihorn looking scepter into my horn pressing like they'd be able to win me over, the storm was raging now and they didn't get they just couldn't break from gravity I caught there weakness pretty quick and didn't even really have to resist, my dad faded away and the room and the house and the scene, I just kept my cool and woke the fuck up, opened my eyes, the sun was shining, and I guess I had made it out alive. I pressed the gg button and took to the bathroom :bump::bump: