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what to hell is this guys problem ?


Active member
I have to vent because I am steaming , A guy showed up at my home while my wife was there . He told her (to tell me) not to supply his ex wife her boyfreind or his oldest son any smoke . Now this guys son is over 30 and his ex wife has been his "ex" for a long time now . He has a younger son thats 14 and he said that I was the reason he was toking up . Now this guy that was here tokes himself I know this for 100% , and this is not the first time this has happend . I have to say right out that in no way would I ever give a kid any weed and if hes getting it , its from his mom (the ex wife) or his older brother . Either way wtf can I do about it , its not like weed is hard to find but in this guys eyes I guess Im the bad guy . Also this same kid got caught toking with a buddy last summer and imagine this " I stole the weed from my dad " Is what the kid said when asked where it came from. Either way my stress level is above 10 and paranoia is up there as well . I have once again cleaned house of all "major" evidence just in case he calls the cops which is what he indicated w/o saying it . I left the 6 plants I have going (5 wks into flower) in the grow shed and feel that if they do come then fuckem they can give me my summons and bee on there merry way . But wtf do I do here , I cant have this guy coming here once a year threatening for this or that , but I cant go beat his head either cause he will just call the cops . MAn well I feel better anyway just typing this and am sorry if you expected more from reading it but like I said I just had to vent!

peace all


Get a dog, and a bat, and the next time bozo comes near you or family - introduce him to both.

Where his ex and her kids get their weed from isn't his biz - but he has made it that, and he has you in headlights.

I'd go for the subtle but effective jump and beat - but you might wanna make sure no grow could be found at your house first, because he will call the leo.


Active member
tell the guy that his ex-wife said she misses his HUUUUGE american penis. he will saunter away all happy-like.


Active member
learn and move on would be the calm and best way... in my opinion

I know you want to be all hotheaded but that'll just help your pride for the moment, but in the long run it's not going to do anything good.

You obviously messed up by slangin to the wrong people and word got back to you. I'd stop fuckin with all of them bitch asses.

get your shit straight and carry on.
noone should even know that you grow...thats your first mistake. you should not be selling bud anyways; that brings this unwanted stress. Your stash should be that; your personal stash. Its okay to lookout for buddies, but dont tell em you grew it...just make it seem like you just bought an extra fatt sack and you want them to sample the good bud you just bought. I think you're bringing all this unwanted drama into your life; when it all could have been avoided with a few extra steps. I wish you luck, and hope you stick to being quiet. Also your wife may be a future risk as well if your relationship sours in any way.


Active member
hmm i dont think I worded things right ?

hmm i dont think I worded things right ?

midwestganja said:
lol. why would you even admit to any of that on a forum.
Now hold on ..I never admitted anything in fact this guy is way off base other than an occasional joint. They do not know I grow either , he lives whithin eye sight of me and I have known him for a very long time and avoid him as much as is possible. That is where the surprise comes from , I would say the younger son just blurtd out a name when pinned by his dad . In fact roles are just the opposite than he thinks . The ex wife is my go to person when i am out of my own head but with out stirring a whole lot of shit I cant just go tell him hes wrong . And that is why I was fuming because the people to actually blame are not coming clean with info and this guy is just assuming . The older brother who lives a few hundred feet from "dad" has a farely large grow himself so like I said if the kid is getting weed its not from me unless he stole it which I know is not the case . As a normal routine I do cover my ass its just hard with this situation as I have known these people for a very long time 20yrs + . Some people reading this assume I am a street level dealer trying to turn a quick buck , which 5 or 6 yrs ago would have been a possibility . Its kind of like a random person walking up and saying " I know what you did " and we all have skeletons in the closet. This dude is just pointing his finger in the wrong direction and there not a thing I can do about it with out shit hitting the fan . i hope that clears this up some as to what some people have said here...I just ignore Bignugget lol

peace mutt

Weedman Herb

I'd eliminate the chance of future problems ... or move ...

I'd eliminate the chance of future problems ... or move ...

Simply tell him that his former family doesn't get any weed from you ... if that is the truth. If it isn't then make it the truth. It sounds like someone is Playing you. You need to realize that people playing games like this gets people Hurt or Imprisoned. I'd sit them all down and try to get to the bottom of this (if I were as guilt free as you say you are). He isn't in the wrong for wanting to protect his child so if he's acting on the wrong assumption because you're the "fall guy" you'd better say/do what you need to soon. If dude says to a LEO that you gave/sold/traded weed to his 14 year old it won't matter what you or anyone else says when they kick in your door and find a small grow op.
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Active member
It is a wrong assumption and I should have written that in the first post , I was thinking it but did not say it . I understand his reasoning in protecting his son as I am a dad too . Its his reasoning for showing up here that I dont . he is a very unrational dude and is not the type one can sit down and talk with . Like I said Ive actually known him for a long time . I did find out that the mother did not know the son was smoking so its the big bro and I will have a long talk with him . I also found out the dad had no intentions of calling the cops ( but he is unpredictable ). As far as moving thats not an option at this time , I hope to be next summer but for now Im just being antisocial and saying screw everybody . As the saying goes "with freinds like this , who needs enemys" . I will talk to him directly after the smoke clears a little , till then Im gonna be on the edge of my seat .
I can say that this is so far a reality check on how secure things are . Whether I brought it on myself from past carma or another persons irrational thinking , it is none the less a problem . It is hard for me in this situation (as fucked as it is ) to turm my back and tell them to go away as they are like family. Any way I have cooled off and Im hoping he has too now I just have to get my anxiety level back down and hope for the best.


Rubbing my glands together
Stinkymutt is stand up people folks. He's welcome in my section of the trailer park any time he wants to drive the cart over here!
Sorry to hear about the problems brother. Hope things get better really soon.


Get two birds stoned at once
Did you say you don't sell weed? Maybe if he shows again say you buy weed from her now and again and that he's barking up the wrong tree and that you feel for him.


Active member
I believe the smoke has cleared a whole lot now , I am going to try taking a beer down to him and sit and tell him how things "really are" . If it screws up there little family affair at least I will know it does not involve me . I turn my head for a lot of crap people do and just ask that they leave me alone to do my thing . No I dont see "help Im busted post happening" . Thank you for the positive vibes R.R. and all who sent them . I will let yas know how things go with "the beer talk" .
I have to vent because I am steaming , A guy showed up at my home while my wife was there . He told her (to tell me) not to supply his ex wife her boyfreind or his oldest son any smoke . Now this guys son is over 30 and his ex wife has been his "ex" for a long time now . He has a younger son thats 14 and he said that I was the reason he was toking up . Now this guy that was here tokes himself I know this for 100% , and this is not the first time this has happend . I have to say right out that in no way would I ever give a kid any weed and if hes getting it , its from his mom (the ex wife) or his older brother . Either way wtf can I do about it , its not like weed is hard to find but in this guys eyes I guess Im the bad guy . Also this same kid got caught toking with a buddy last summer and imagine this " I stole the weed from my dad " Is what the kid said when asked where it came from. Either way my stress level is above 10 and paranoia is up there as well . I have once again cleaned house of all "major" evidence just in case he calls the cops which is what he indicated w/o saying it . I left the 6 plants I have going (5 wks into flower) in the grow shed and feel that if they do come then fuckem they can give me my summons and bee on there merry way . But wtf do I do here , I cant have this guy coming here once a year threatening for this or that , but I cant go beat his head either cause he will just call the cops . MAn well I feel better anyway just typing this and am sorry if you expected more from reading it but like I said I just had to vent!

peace all

thats some funny shit same thing happened to me 2 months ago some guys old lady got my number from him and she called me and told me the same shit. I got my number changed and stopped messing with the guy as noone in my city knows where i live anyway!

Weedman Herb

Yeah ... what Norkali said ^^^ Stinky was in Yesterday so I'm guessing no bust or beat down happened.
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