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What to do with people that do nothing??

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Active member
What do we do about these folks?? The ones that look you in the face and tell you one thing, then do another?? What to do about people that do nothing? Its getting so bad i cannot avoid them,lol, they are everywhere, arghhh.. What can we do as a society, even as humans to change the " whateva" vibe that permeates the species??
"A little less talk, a lot more action"
This is my mantra :)


What were we talking about?



They're like a virus...the zombies will get them first anyway, then you can just kill'em


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Just try to be of inspiration and never loose a chance to make them get up of their own asses ;)


They're like a virus...the zombies will get them first anyway, then you can just kill'em

they are the zombies

*note that I have no problem with the people you are talking about*

we all have different phases in our lives

how about if you expected less from people ?


Active member
thank bush and obama,When slick willy was in office things were great.In those days if you were not working was cuz of lazziness and being scum ,nowadays good people do the wrong thing ,thinking its the right reason.Might not make sense but at 43 this is the worst I've seen it.It 's gonna get worse IMO
My goal in life is to do roughly nothing as often as possible. What's wrong with reading a book all day instead of hustlin'? I don't really want a new Beemer that bad. I'd rather just relax most of the time. I know this creates a problem in a capitalist hierarchy, but why does it bother you personally?

Pretty sure the problems of society stem mostly from the pursuit of mindless materialism which, most often, is aggressively pursued by those with impressive work ethics.

Hippies in Ward, Ned and Boulder may be kind of annoying. But all the lazy and apathetic people in the entire state of Colorado have done less damage to the world than say, Bill Kristol, whom is notorious for 90 hour work weeks.

I think Carlin has a quote of something like "show me a guy who doesn't leave his moms basement, and I'll show you a guy who isn't fucking anything up too badly. It's those ambitious cocksuckers you've got to keep your eye on."


Honestly, I thought this thread was a joke :dunno:

Truth be told, I don't 'expect' shit from anybody, nor do I have any expectations of humans, they will disappoint you :)

And as appealing as it's sounds to sit around and diddle all day, it ain't helping me get that new M5....na mean?:dance013:

they are the zombies

*note that I have no problem with the people you are talking about*

we all have different phases in our lives

how about if you expected less from people ?


Active member
Most people who think they are doing something arent really doing anything anyway. Welcome to the hamster wheel. Who is the fool the person working his ass off to buy more stuff or the one who gets by doing the least. What you earn, purchase and consume doesn't define you.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I get bored when I do nothing. But I'd rather do something fun or helpful than to clock in for 9 hours to ensure stockholder profits continue to rise.


Call them out, most of these people never get confronted for their lack of integrity.

Not a physical thing, a brain thing....( look at your sorry self, they should be ashamed ;) )

I can not waste time on people that live in a non-real world...ya know where there is no integrity.

Actions match words = integrity.


1. Its possible you are 'projecting.' I read about this on the internet before, you have to watch yourself and make sure you aren't doing it. In this situation, you may also be a no-good, do-nothing, piece of shit, and don't like that about yourself and therefore project your shitty traits onto others. Something like that.

2. This may be the beginning stages of a long, sustained misanthropic personality disorder. I don't know how old you are. You sound pretty young to me, so there's still time to fix you. Go talk to a shrink. Trust me, its much better to spend your life recklessly popping pills. You will still hate people, most likely, but the important thing is you tried and contributed to the pharmaceutical industry.

3. Maybe you are on to something. I think we should just kill them all. Come to think of it, this would tie in nicely with that other guy who is all wound up over world population. Maybe the problem isn't population per se, its that most of the current population is worthless. Let's just kill the lazy people, reduce world population. Problems solved, bro.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Call me lazy if you want, but 40 hours of my week is too much, way too much. I can support myself (legally) on 10 hours a week. Thats the reason I chose what I do, its not fun at all, but its not fun for only 10 hours a week, as opposed to 40.

Most of the week I do what everyone else considers "nothing", and what I call "what I would rather be doing" or "what I like doing." I'm looked down upon by my family/friends and neighbors for this. Why, I don't know, maybe they are jealous, maybe they have some implanted idea that you have to work 40+ hours a week for "the man" to be considered a decent/respectable person.

I do what I have to do to take care of myself and the things I care about, and those things combined aren't much. If others require more materialism than me, I don't look down on them, we're all just human beings, live your own life however you want, leave mine alone.
I work hard to make a living for my daughter, fiance and myself legally. When I go buy groceries and see a person able to work and buying a pizza with food stamps not to step on any toes but fuck them! A person should like Sam said work 10 or 70 hours to make a living not sit on your ass all day! Unless they have disabilities.
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