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What to do with lots of PM infected trim/sugar leaf



pretty self explanitory, just wondering if there is anything to do with lots of PM trim?


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I have heard putting it in the oven at low temp for 10minutes'ish removes the pm,

try it with a little and see?

Puff on


Lotus Triple refined butane, made in UK, bho. It's very pure and flavorless. Some companies add sulfur, like ronson butane...so leaks can be identified through smell. Lotus is the best, there is a Butane that has been refined 5 times, called Vector Quintaplus, Vector is made in Korea. Theoretically, it should be more pure, and just overall better, but it's not, get Lotus.

If you have never tried butane honey oil extraction, it can be great, and mold spores can survive in extreme conditions, bubble will not remove all the pm, heating in the oven, would degrade the thc, so much as to be not worth the trouble. What I do with BHO, is add it to my purest bubblehash, 3 parts Bubble, to 1 part BHO, makes a Jelly Hash, and its truly out of this world, amazing texture and packs a beautiful full melt punch. PM is slightly danger to inhale, not worth the chance of a chronic lung infection, I have 2 dumbass friends who didn't think to research moldy cannabis, and the bubble they made looked fine, but after week, they had to go to urgent care with shortness of breath and chest and sinus pain. If you are unfamiliar with the process and methodology, please research the subject and know the process and safety requirements before you jump in with both feet, it can be dangerous, if you don't take proper precautions. BHO or alcohol extraction are the healthiest method, I'm not willing to deal with a lung infection by turning trash into stash. Go the foolproof methods, not worth rolling the dice with PM.


yeah if it was me i would toss it, its a friend who doesn't post, wanted to know. I would never mess with anything with PM, ive had lung complications and pm and mold makes your lungs ripe for that to happen.

thanks though


Active member
if hes determined to use it than a couple ISO baths might be the best washed a few times the oil should be sterileish maybe.


Toss it. Mildew and mold infested trim is not worth it.

Would taste nasty unless all the spores are removed.
I found a jar one time covered with it and thought,perfect.It ended up in the bin,the mold ruined it.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If we are talking infested then ya there is nothing you can do. If its not covering all the buds and is mostly on the leaf then you can make Oil or Bubble from it. Just use common sence

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
PM produces no know aflatoxins, so if you extract the oil using BHO, QWISO, or QWET and filter the dissolved oil to below a micron, all the solids and spores will be removed.

We filter at 0.45 micron and again at 0.2 micron using a syringe filter. There is no taste of flavor remaining.

Be sure that it is PM, using a microscope. Some of the other molds produce deadly aflatoxins, which are not removed by filtration.


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Thanks. For some precise info, this is an issue which comes up too often, and I really needed some a tried, true and measured approach to PM using infected bud/trim.