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what to do in this space?


Hey Guy's,

I have access to a huge space but Im not sure how to utilize it most effectively.

It is 24x12ft with roughly 40" of height, concrete floor, insulated celing, below grade so heat shouldnt be an issue.

I'm just wondering what the best and most cost effective way to light it up would be.

I am thinking obviously of pretty much a pure indica strain, vegged to say 10-12" then flowered out, probably many plants in smaller pots.

Thanks in advance.
That height is a problem, even at a SOG your going to run into rough issues. It's your growing medium that right there takes up quite a bit of your vertical. I'd try to light from the sides, maybe some CFL's for the centers. It's the only option that I'd feel secure with, not sure how to visualize side lighting with a room I've never seen.


thats kinda the feeling I have, the room is a simple rectangle a little over 12 x 24 max celing height 40".

Never seen side lighting kinda trying to imagine how that would work.


at the same location I also have the option of using a 8 x 10ft space with some actual celing height, I may start with that and see what I can do with the other space.