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What the HELL is wrong with these plants???


Day 58? how long of a strain is this? If you are close to finishing, I would just flush them.

Otherwise I would flush them with water for a day, and add new nutes. Add some Cal Mag.

Havent you been running low nutes all along? werent you at 500PPm a while back?

I think you have been running low PPM and you need to get your PH measured more accurately. 5-6 is a broad range. You want to let your Ph shift a little but it needs to stay in the 5's

yeah i've been running lower than normal nutes for a long time. the res is really fucking big and i have used like 6 bottles of nutes so far. ridiculous.

second, i thought it was NUTE burn early on and thought these suckers were just sensitive. but it appeared to be a ph problem. I've seemed to fix most of the problems in the next grow.


you can't save money by skimping on nutes. If you need them, you need them. Now look at the mess you got yourself into. How much did you save?

buy big bottles
wow maybe some people should be a little less aggressive when answering dudes questions, he has a problem and came for the best solution not a flurry of everything under the sun, play it safe and flush them out your almost done anyways, cal deficiency is the most logical answer, fix that and you should be in the clear man, good lookin out for your next run though


Can you describe the bugs you have. if they look like little black gnats you may have phyloxera...root aphids. I have found that a white bucket of water is the best way to catch and ID these little shits. Sticky traps don't work. I discovered this by chance when I used a white bucket for my dehumidifier. They look almost like fungus gnats but do a search for root aphids and you'll find pics. Good luck.

i agree as i already mentioned this,. i can almost guarantee when u look at your roots you will see bugs
heres a good thread for you and everyone to read!!

its thrips !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i garentee it !!! iv just got rid of the little fuckers and thats excatly the damage i had !!!!!

do you see little tiny black flys from time to time ???


Crap didn't notice this was kind of old until I already read it, probably like the others who just replied to it. But since I already read it, I vote ph swing locking stuff out, mainly calcium.


I remember a pic in the book "Sinsemilla: Marijuana Flowers" just like this one. The claim was a slight nutrient o/d but nothing to be concerned about.