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What the heck ate it?


Ok I just put out a female king kush which was the only one I had to survive and a female m.i.s 2 days ago. I sprayed liquide fence around it and put up some netting. I go to water em today and something dug up and ate my King Kush. I live in central VA anybody no what could have done it?:mad::fsu::wallbash:
Put up cages, it works well, later you can use it later to train the plants. Also you can put up bamboo tomato stakes, break em in half and then sharpen them on the ends to a fine point. Surround your plant at different angles, to get a poke at deer height, and at lower.
:biglaugh: makes your plants look like some sick shit from a videogame as a n added bonus :abduct:



no wont a deer or rabbit iam guessn it weighed bout 15 pounds plus i had scratch marks on one the poles attached to the netting plus the liqued fence was for deer and rabbits Iam guessing the liqued fence attracked what ever it was. Plus the plant right next to it was fine.


Active member
Put up cages, it works well, later you can use it later to train the plants. Also you can put up bamboo tomato stakes, break em in half and then sharpen them on the ends to a fine point. Surround your plant at different angles, to get a poke at deer height, and at lower.
:biglaugh: makes your plants look like some sick shit from a videogame as a n added bonus :abduct:


Great idea. How bout you shit and piss on the punji stakes while you're at it so the enemy gets infected wounds. Hey Captain Overkill, your buddies from the Viet Cong called and they want their psychosis back. Just put up a proper fence. Booby traps make us all look like assholes.
hey ass hat, those stakes are painfully obvious to a human, even in the middle of the night. And i do piss around the area, cuz that help keep some animals away too. I use the stakes because they are much lighter and easier to carry for me then fencing to make a proper cage.


This happened to me also with some of my plants, i strongly believe it is the new soil that they find curious and/or a additive in the soil.


I dont know what herbivors you have over there apart from Jack-rabbits and white-tail deer,probably one of those though??


Cut a 1' square of chicken wire or other woven wire mesh. In the center of the square of wire, cut a 1" hole for the stem of the plant. Plant the seedling and feed it throug the hole in the wire mesh and then cover the mesh with 1/2" of soil. I use 2 u shaped landscape fabric pins to hold it down. This disallows any animal from digging up your plant up ever.

As soon as the plant is about a 1' tall, tie it to a stake. Then when a deer or something tries to eat it, the most they can do is tear the top of. They cant pull it up and they cant dig it up.

Rotten egg concoctions, (deer away, liquid fence, etc.) won't repel hungry deer, but will attract both skunks and opposums that are attracted to the putrid odor.

I have made an extract tea from plants in my area that the animals don't eat. Im using wild onion juice currently. My plants reak of Wild onions and I have nt had an animal touch them. The key is to make animals think your plant is something that they don't eat.


I think so dkmonk. The only difference in wild onions and garden onions is the intensity of the scent. Wild onion are intense. I believe after you soak your garden onions for a few days and get the juice out, let it ferment in the warm sun a few days to ripen it a bit. Better still, dig around under the sink and find that half rotten onion which is what wild onions smell like - intense, half rotted onions.

But it doesnt have to be onions. Crysanthimums, marigolds from the garden will work, but there are many plants in your enviroment that for one reason or another, nothing eats it. Watch for poison stuff, but look around. Im trying a cedar tree sap concoction that seems to be working.


Based on your observations and without pictures it indeed sounds like a raccoon. Did your area/plant have any type of fish emulsion added lately? As you indicated the plant was "dug" up but was there anything at all left from the plant, leaves, stem? I have had coons dig up a bunch of plants myself but that was due in my opinion to my use of fish fertilizer but they did not "eat" any of the plants, just dug them up looking for the "stink" Good luck on the rest of the season.


Active member
Never use fish or blood ferts outdoors (in the wilds)!

Never use fish or blood ferts outdoors (in the wilds)!

They will dig it up every time! :yoinks::badday:


Active member
yes, fencing is the only way to keep animals out. I also believe it is the new wet soil that makes them curious. i say rabbit, i used to have that prob years ago before i strated using fencing. i put out a cpl of steel traps. what i caught was rabbits.


Mo actually I did add neptunes harvest fish/seewead in the water I used

Bingo! I love the results of fish emulsion but it definately brings the critters around. Even my cats hover around the potted plants for a good 20 minutes trying to find the feast after watering. I personally do not use the fish emulsion in the bush anymore, but if I ever do in the future I will use Silverbacks screen in the dirt method. Sounds like a great plan. Hope you have a few more plants going as backup. Take care.:joint: