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What the 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup is all about....

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yeah Harry Gypsna

it would be a real shame if you didn't make it. you can always just get the day pass, which is only 30 euros as far as i read. that way you still get the chance to smoke on most of the entered strains. if there is some way you can make it, you should. the 420 ic mag cup is just not to be missed.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Harry, ill kindap ya to get you there if i have to........and the boot of my car all the way to Amsterdam aint gonna be very comfortable.....seriously though you need to be there, as long as you can afford to get in thats all your need, i plan on having a nice size jar of my own to share around and dont plan on needing any other money other than to eat and drink so a it can be done on a budget, especially with all the good peeps there.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
well, i am happy that you all want me to be there......but i wont be able to go...i sat last nighgt and thought about it and ecided to treat myself... I had planned to borrow the extra bit of money from something else i was saving for....but then i realised its all academic anyway.
A couple of months ago./..i ordered some seeds and basically once again my erratic finances took a dive((I dont have a steady job, i have been trying to set up a small buisness for myself doing gardening and other general home maintainence)) and so i am one of those people who hasnt honoured payments at sbay, so will be unable to buy a pass anyway....


Harry, the day passes cost €30,00 and are purchased at the door ONLY, there are no advance sales. If you wish another type of pass, I would be more than happy to purchase it for you with my own Seedbay account....

If on the other hand you just don't feel up to it....well, nobody's gonna make you LOL :D Everyone would simply love to have the pleasure of your company, as you can plainly see.

Have a nice evening :smile:
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
WOW...Your giving nature never ceases to amaze me.... Last night i was all geared up...im over the price thing.
If you are willing to do that for me just to get me there, then i cant refuse... If this is permitted i will be able to send the money in this week for an indica pass.(the new fancy petrol lawn mower can wait anither couple of months lol the old one works fine anyway i jus wanted a shiny new one lol)
You dont know how touched I am at this... I dont think Ive ever "Met" any1 either online or in real life who is so generous and happy to help a friend.


Hey Indigo :respect: thats very nice of you to offer :yoinks: and shows how kind you are,thats what makes IC a Family Forum(but R rated sometimes,lol).Hey Harry :wave: Happy for you Bro,its a trip of a lifetime and if you get any sort of chance at all that will bring you closer to that, then :yeahthats HELL YEH!Great feeling i get just from reading this :ying: ,Karma Karma Karma for everyone :headbange .Peace DancesWithWeed :wave:


glad to see thats all sorted out now lol. i look forward to meeting you guys there. you got no more excuses now Harry Gypsna LOL, just kidding.


Traktor driver
Harry's coming :yoinks: :woohoo: Looking forward to seeing you mate :wink:

I got all inklusive tickets with hotel etc as christmass present of my dearest so we're coming for sure now :joint:


New member
Just got myself a ticket today. Been playin with the beans for quite some time now, been through several UserNames over the years, but this'll be my 1st-ever cup event. Man am I looking forward to it ... coming back to a cold Euro-Spring all the way from Costa Rica for this, so you can tell I'm keen ... ;)


Thanks to OldBuddy bringing the cup to my attention....I think I might try to make an apperance. My first time to a cup, my first time to europe...I'm sure I would fit right in, being from Canada. I'll get a shirt printed up with Lugen007 on it, so people know who i am, they can stop me and be like 'your the canadian, lets go sample', lol....
I'll have to find accomadations, flights....


Hey Gypsy or Dutchgrown,

whats the latest news on the 420 tourboat? will we still have boat tours?

as the time comes closer, its starting to become reality again. only 2 months to go...



hey gaius...the tourboat will be there :D:

In addition to voting rights each type of laminate includes, the following are inclusions for ALL Guest or Judge laminate holders:

·Entrance to all events at The Sugar Factory April 18, 19, and 20, 2006. Includes expo, live music, awards ceremony and any/all other events TBA.

·Grow seminars with Q&A sessions conducted by select expert breeders. Times TBA.

·Unlimited boat travel on the 420 Boat around Amsterdam, visiting participating companies and coffee shops. Times TBA.

·Welcome ‘goodie bag’ including loads of cool stuff to augment your 420 Cup experience!

·Auction. Your chance to bid on lots of cool stuff . TBA

·Escorted visit to one of Amsterdam’s top grow shops which caters to both commercial and personal use growers with tour of their active grow room.

·Daily Wake ‘n Bake (location(s) TBA)

·Joint rolling competition

·Haze party & vendor sponsored parties (locations & time TBA)

·Daily ‘door prizes’ to be given away at The Sugar Factory. Must be present to win. Time of daily drawings TBA.

·Option to join the ‘Trichome Riders’ bicycle tours. Participants receive a special Trichome Riders t-shirt.

·Other activities TBA. (Will be listed here...so check this thread often for new info)

Keep your eye on this thread for more info:

I doubt things will be subtracted from what's already listed, if anything the "Other activities TBA" sounds like more fun in store..... :woohoo:


Indigo said:
That's right Harry, don't let the cost of passes scare you off, you'll find yourself refusing weed halfway through the first day....its like a Roman orgy with weed replacing sex ...LOL!

lol @ indigo......I reckon by the late afternoon of the first day will have sorted out the lightweights from the heavyweight smokers....the floor will be strewn with white-outted, lightweight, over indulgers like me

will there be a chill out (crash down) area with beanbags or cushions at the Sugar shack?

will food be available at the venue...or only bar snacks?

free coffee and tea?

is the venue big enough so you can get far enough away from the rock music and still be able to sit around a table and talk without screaming loud?..but then again, talking might be a mute point at night time ..most will zombied comatose or at least feeling subdued a little by the time the live music comes on...I know I intend to be!...I'll try to keep my composure, even as I slide under the table

post 9pm conversations might consist of ..

"I'm really fucked up!" screamed loud over the music

" We know, Kifit, you told us seven times in the last 20 minutes"
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