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What strain is best for tree grows


New member
Hey people it seems there are a few tree growers on this board.I was kind of wondering what strains you guys have used? were there any failures due to strain? What strains would you recomend?What sort of yield did that strain produce for you?
All help would be appreciated any pics of your trees and strain would be very benifical as well.


Active member
i heard good things about nlxbb. you might want a strain that 50/50. Krusty also mention hash, champagne. we all know that bcbb is the winner.


yep herd good things bout nlxbb myself! anything with a bit of sativia would be good tree bucket strains! like u wana get them big thats the oint! indica pure strains dont like to be big! its not natural for them! anyway as for bcbb i belive from my freinds in the us it dose grow big and fast but smoke is soso? i dont know this personaly but this is the info i have been givein! generaly a good comercial crop not a smokers bud!
no-one said:
generaly a good comercial crop not a smokers bud!

I thought that is what we were going for here. .. . .

Shit. .. I can make more money with a commercial crop and then buy my own top dollar shit already ready to smoke -

Think I'm gonna be lookin for a new strain REAL soon because my favorite - BUBBA KUSH (( plant #6 in my grow )) is a HEAVY INDO and is growing just too short IMO.

~ SYK ~


New member
I have some Hashplant #1 coming from Reeferman seeds. According to their description its mom was a high yielding Cali Hashplant that did phenomenally in K-buckets.
