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I've been using the fox farm line of nutrients with pro mix and started mixing in their all purpose 5-5-5 with extra guano. So that's my main source of nutrients. But I also have weed easy soluble seaweed that's like 18% k but I have been cautious to use it. I suspect this strain is just a heavy feeder during bloom


And I have also been mixing fish and cow compost--1 part to 2 parts pro mix but im still not sure how in th he world its still up between 7 and 8. I have a bluelab soil ph pen that I'm about to try out.
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If I wasn't so long into flowering and had some more forgiving plants ready I'd just toss that strain out. But I guess it will be benificial if I try to correct the problem


Well-known member
Which Promix??

I use the BX. Both the BX, and HP have an Initial PH of 5.8, and ill stabilize to 6.2-6.2 after a few waterings to get the Calcitic/Dolomitic Lime activated.

But whatever, you need to get the PH down to PH 6.5, ad 6.3 would be even better. 7+ is to much. Especially if its approaching 8.

At those PH levels IMHO theres no doubt theres a lockout problem.

Also with the fertilizers you mentioned, it looks like they could do with more Potassium. Weed likes 2x the amount of K vs Nitrogen, and it basically likes the same amount of Potassium as it does Nitrogen. Potassium also supplies Sulfur, which helps produce Terpenes, and increase production, and immune system.

But at this point Id get the PH down.


Well-known member
I think maybe you took whomever said you don't have to worry about PH if you grow organic out of context.

All Organic Farming isn't the same.

Its true if you do Living Organic Soil, Korean Natural Farming you don't have to mess with the PH, because the ingredients you are adding are SPECIFIC, AND IT WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE IT FIGURED OUT WHAT IT TAKES TO KEEP THE SOIL, AND MICROBES HEALTHY, AND CREATE AN ENVIROMENT, AND INGREDIENTS TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

BUT if you just get some Promix Seabird Guano, Seaweed, and whatever, you are not supplying the soil in the same way, vs Living Soil, and Korean Natural Farming. They feed the soil, and microbes. You are just adding NPK, and micros.

So in your case, you DO have to worry about the PH.
At a PH between 7-8 your killing them slowly.

Its true, they can seemingly veg fine in crappy PH, but when they start to flower, their food consumption goes through the roof.

They will require more, and more of everything up until the 6th week on and 8 weeks ( 56 days ) flowering strain. Nitrogen Included.

But weed also likes 2x the amount of Potassium, as it does Nitrogen.
Weed basically likes a 19.5-20-39 base formula, with ever slowly increasing amounts, and in weeks 2.5-5 of flowering , they can use a Mono Potassium Phosphate Boost MPK 0-34-52, and in weeks 5-6 they need a Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur boost.

Also IMHO your mix is lacking Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur.

Official Clackamas Coot Nutrient and Mineral Kit - KIS ...

Clackamas Coot has done so much for our community, now is your chance to grow using his recipe and also support him for his sharing and knowledge. This kit is based off of Clackamas Coot's own soil mix and 10% of the proceeds will go directly to the man himself. In the past Coot has gotten no revenue for products on the market in his name and we at KIS Organics think it's about time for that to change.
In this Nutrient and Mineral Pack you will receive the following:
For Blending and Topdressing:
Malted Barley
For Mixing in Soil:
Crustacean Meal
Kelp Meal
Neem Cake
Karanja Cake
Oyster Shell Flour
Apply at a rate of 2 cups per cubic foot or approximately 1/4 cup per gallon of the mix when mixing soil.
Coot's Soil Recipe per cubic foot of soil (7.5 gallons):
1/3 Sphagnum Peat Moss
1/3 Aeration Amendment (pumice, lava rock, perlite, vermiculite, rice hulls, etc..)
1/3 High Quality Compost and/or Earthworm Castings
2 cups of Coot's Nutrient and Mineral Pack above
2 cups of Malted Barley (blend 1 cup into a powder then mix into soil, the other cup will be top dressed at a rate of 1/4 cup of malted barley each week starting in week 3-4.
You will want to blend the barley right before applying it).
NOTE: The key to this mix is to use high quality compost or earthworm castings. The compost and castings portion contain the highest concentrations of beneficial microbes which are needed to break down the nutrients in to a plant-available form.
Our compost and earthworm casting options:
Oly Mountain Fish Compost
KIS Fungal Compost
Earthworm Castings
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So I just looked at that kit. So basically you just mix the nutrients into your soil mix and that's it for your grow its all figured out? I'd never figure out those ratios or microbes or anything else. But I'd be willing to give it a try if it would fix my plants. But until I get to that I'm still looking for a simple way to control the PH. I thought that just using organic fertilizers would take care of all that.


But another thing. I've seen that recipe before. How do those nutrients bring the npk to 19-20-40? Or does it just not rely on npk¿ That really does not seem traditional.


That makes me want to look towards a trusted line of nutes specifically designed for cannabis. Either that or give those soil recipes a try. Seems like a totally different job trying to work all that out, whilst having to tend to your garden at the same time

Mr. J

Well-known member
Promix with "organic" nutes from a bottle is not exactly what I would consider organic. It's a whole lot closer to some kind of halfway hydro type of thing than it is organic. Pretty much the same thing as promix and any other nutrient from a bottle.


The Tri Guy
Realistically, at this point I wouldn't worry about being fully organic certifiable. If your not reusing the compost, you prob won't see much difference between fully organic and at a half way point.
Something simple may be better for you. A basic peat Moss compost with the hesi grow and bloom bottles and buddhas tree pk 9-18, any cal mag and bio silicon combo should really get you close in a simple add and grow setup. The bottles will last longer than you expect them too as a little goes a long way.


Cool I have never seen hesi before. Looks like a complete cannabis specific nutrient line. I may try their starter pack


Active member
looks like calcium deficiency to me, but like the man said all organic growing is not equal. Find you niche and stay with it for a while and learn from it. Just my 2 cents.


ICMag Donor
Here's a small pic and problems....might help. Good luck!


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