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what my friend did

he had a few northern light clones in reg beer cups that looked ready for 1 gal container.instead of tryin to leave as much promix intact on the roots and in the shape of the beer cup,he shook all of it off and then transplanted to a 1 gal pot..after 2 wks the plants are funny lookin.a whole lot of small shoots that look like suckers....wtf happened?
never remove the medium from the root system. there are tiny hairs that become damaged, and these are what feeds the plant. once damaged, the plant has to re-grow these before it will recover and regain growing.

Sat X RB

will probably regrow. when it does cut off the extra shoots to leave a 'leader'. then all should continue as normal.
friend took cuttings from these plants and an amazing thing happened. they rooted in 4 days. it usually takes at least 8- 10 in his daisy cloner. i mean really nice lookin roots also. hmmm...anybody have an idea what that means?


I love my life
friend took cuttings from these plants and an amazing thing happened. they rooted in 4 days. it usually takes at least 8- 10 in his daisy cloner. i mean really nice lookin roots also. hmmm...anybody have an idea what that means?

Quick thought is the stress plants that the cuts were taken from had been a few weeks into 100% root growth stress mode, and this probably caused the plant to produce lots of hormones and other biological processes needed to produce rapid root growth. It sounds like the cuts were predisposed to rapid root growth because the mother they were cut from was in that stage of growth / root damage repair.

I am not a botanist so this could be completely wrong, but that what I would hypothesize.

friend took cuttings from these plants and an amazing thing happened. they rooted in 4 days. it usually takes at least 8- 10 in his daisy cloner. i mean really nice lookin roots also. hmmm...anybody have an idea what that means?

It could be the condition of the plant but I also think NL may be a quick rooter too because my NL99 mom roots about twice as fast as any other.