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$5,000 cashier's check from my mother's estate, and limited possessions from her estate, as well as his belongings, including some collectible coins of value from my mother.

Friends from Alaska who were living in L.A. came down to take me to dinner, and while we were out, someone at his residence tried to get into my suitcase where the $5,000 check and my 669 were at.

The fellow I believe was the doer was a Vietnam vet and beach bum, who claimed that the reason for his bloody fingerprint(s) on my brother's private bathroom light switch was the result of his checking the neck for a pulse, then washing his hands off.

But in my mind, you're combat-experienced, there's brains on the ceiling, and you can check for a pulse at the wrist or the neck, with LOTS of graphic damage to the neck and head. Granted the neck offers a stronger place to assess pulse, but in that circumstance, which area are you checking?

And the angle and area of entry and exit was not in line with a self-inflicted shooting; it was slightly behind the ear and a bit lower, exiting the crown..

The cops did a GSR test, and concluded the roommate hadn't fired a weapon. I asked them if they were aware that a GSR can be beaten with bleach and thorough scrubbing?

Closed case.

That's fucked. Lava soap or orange cleaner would prolly most definitely clean off the soot