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What makes a good dad a good dad?


Active member
Not very educated on what really counts as far as males. Learn me something boys and gal's. Very intuit on females and have an idea of breeding havn't gotten it mastered yet but time heals all. I'm just interested in learning what qualities most of you look for in males.



New member
this grower only uses males from non hybrid strains

this grower only uses males from non hybrid strains

such as Skunk #1, Haze, Northern Lights, etc. and i only cross them with other pure strains or F1 hybrids. this way i can start to isolate the characteristics i am looking for, size, structure, yield, potency, finish time, etc.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Males are good for helping with the STRENGTH of the odor so I would look for a stinky male, anything with trichs on males especially alot is also something worth looking for. Short internode spacing as well as tight ball structures packed tight.


Andinismo Hierbatero
a good male should have excellent smell, vigor, good plant structure (like meduser420 describes), and it can also be tested for potency in various ways.

but none of this determines that the expressed traits in such parent will be passed on, as we don't know if they are dominant or recessive; unless you have many males from the same source showing the same good qualities you are looking for, this usually means the traits are dominant... there is trial and error and luck involved as well.

good luck


ICMag Donor
a good male should have excellent smell, vigor, good plant structure (like meduser420 describes)

All really good points! :yes: ^^^

Also,, using the male plants that you hold,, passion/energy for,, some faith in ,, and/or a positive attitude towards ,, can really help in the selection process.

Some of the best breeders working from seeds only (like Growdoc) simply love the plants in their gardens and aim to transfer this "love" (whatever you want to call it) back into the seeds/plants in each generation... this way growing males is always exciting and rewarding :D

Studying male plants in different gardens,, from different lineage,, also helps :canabis:


ICMag Donor
We top males out as they show sex ,, ,to see which one grows back with the most vigor...


GDS Bubbledust male.. 1 in 200

... this also delays procreation for a week or more,,, so the females grow on and yield more seeds overall :canabis:

You can see some glands forming on the leaf-blade of this W.Widow x Free Tibet male... this is another visible aspect we look for in males...


Hope this helps :joint:


Active member
smell,potency.growth patterns and floral cluster formation. but what makes them a good dad is when they actually pass the desired trait on. and you dont know that till a seed run


Active member
Do not know if this is true, but sometimes if breeding for yield ill take the male that produces the most 'balls'


What about the male that shows balls the earliest, could this be a sign that itll pass on early flower traits?


Andinismo Hierbatero
the coota, if the trait is dominant, it is possible the offspring will flower earlier. but maybe the full trait should be that it shows balls the earliest but also drops fertile pollen the earliest.

showing balls early is not good according to dj short, they have a tendency to pass bad genes onto offspring. dj says the best males also have female flowers, tight internodes and tight flower clusters.


I read this and thought it was asking about dads; as in, parental fathers. Then I was wondering why it was posted in the Breeder's Lab, and not Toker's Den...then I realized I am pretty high and wrote this.

* Then I edited it 4-5 times for errors.


New member
good topic. Guess it depends what traits your after. I tend to go with vigour firstly, longer or shorter flowering off spring (depending what flowering times i’m chasing) and biggest, most plentiful clusters.

If outdoors and I still want variation. For example lots of males to choose from it’s easy to pick an handful rip them out of the plot , cut them down to 1 or 2 lower branches, bung them all in the same pot together and keep them a distance from your fems but close enough to use when time comes. Easy to look after then and don’t use much water either.

been a while for me anyway my 2c


I personally dont like to use early or first flower. Most my males wont be used if they cant pass some stress testing and light testing. Maintaning all male sex and not going Auto. I like to take cuttings of males and subject to different experiements. Are we strictly looking for showing sex, Dropping pollen, or do you guys consider them directly related. I like a male that is very reserved with in the vigour deptartment. Slow and steady. Has anyone expirmented with timing flowering of males and compared it to female times. Im noit even sure if it would be relative cause a male has reached its purpose in life. we mostly leave females looking to reproduce for weeks until they give up. Id like to know what the average afghani male flowers. 10 week strain hazes etc. If anyone has any journals that are documented well with males and time til pollen drops please look.