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What lamp? CMH or MH? 2X6 Closet


I am working in a 2 x 6 area with around 10-13 AF plants.
I am most likely going to be using a
[FONT=&quot]Super Sun 1 Reflector as I've seen great reviews on it. This also allows for air-cooling so heat shouldnt be as much of an issue.
What would your guys light recomendations be?
Right now Im thinking of using this bulb
[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]SUNMASTER 400w 3K Warm Deluxe Metal Halide Lamp[/FONT]
Its a regular MH bulb but has great reviews and good foot candles etc.
Phlips MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide HPS-Retro White
Its a CMH bulb - Also great reviews!
Would a single one of these work for this size?
Im going to be using only one type of light for seedlings,veg,and flower, so I need the best overall light for that.
Any other specific recomendations?
Also will a CMH bulb (looks like these may be better than a regular 400 w MH for my needs) fit into the super sun reflector? It says it works with all HID bulbs
I can order online but there is a well stocked hydro store close by so I can always stop by there and price match.
Thanks guys!


Okay I think Im going with this one
Phlips MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide HPS-Retro White
it produces more light, lasts longer, and is a better spectrum.
I just need to get a ballast for it now.
Any HPS 400 watt standard remote ballast will work correct? Ill just go to the hydro store for one


Yes on the standard core & coil (magnetic) ballast. Good choice on the bulb. Have fun!

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
if you already have a mag MH ballast you can either go with the Hortilux Blue which is almost as good as the CMH. Or you can just get an HPS ballast and run the CMH and their better than the MH versions. Its really up to you.


The Hortilux Blue is costly, burns hot, and fades faster. A good bulb for sure, I just think the CMH is a more economical choice over the long haul. I have used them since their release in 2001.


Just make sure it's the 4K protected version.

BTW...for a 12 sq/ft area, you could put another 400w in there. That will put you at about 66.67w per sq/ft. You might need a ventilation upgrade, but it's something to consider.


Well I dont have a ballast so I think Im just going to get a standard HPS 400 W ballast and then get one of the CMH bulbs.
Im going to get my ballast at my local hydro store but they dont carry the CMH bulbs. Should I just get it online?
Any recomendations on a website?


Also do you think one 400 W CMH will be enough for my 2 x 6 floor plan? it may end up being a little smaller than that due to the cab I need to build


We are Farmers
To a point more light is better IF you can keep the temps in check. If you are able to exhaust the heat I would run two 400s or you might want to consider a light mover. You would get almost the same coverage but use less power and generate less heat.


How expensive are light movers for a decent one?
I'm already going pretty high tech in this setup for my first closet grow so.. Also how big are they? Store will be a problem next year. The hood is going to be hard to store for me.
I don't think I can find place for two hoods if I need to use two so I think sticking with 1 is the best option. I am going to be using an air-cooled super sun 1 hood with glass in between the plants and lamp. I'll need to ventilate the rest of the room with a 4" inline fan.
One thing I'm confused on is if I'll need more than one fan. One for the aircooled hood and one for exhaust. Im just going to use a passive intake so I dont need a fan there.
Im also goign to be using 4" ducting to keep size down.



Also I am thinking about going with this website and ordering the Ballast through them too as a package type deal. Do you know if this ballast is any good? It looks quite a bit more complicated than most ballasts and is alot cheaper. Im thinking that spending the extra $70 for a nicer ballast is probably a good investment.
Here is the ballast that comes as a package deal.


You Definitely want the CMH over the MH any day, hell the CMH covers all of the MH spectrum as well as all of the HPS spectrum so you can use it straight through from veg to flower. I just ordered one and need another one for my other light. I missed delivery so I will get it on Monday.


We are Farmers
One inline fan can be used, start with a carbon filter and duct it to one end of the hood then duct the other end of the hood to the inline fan and exhaust the air out of the room.

A light mover is normally mounted to the ceiling so I would think you could leave the track mounted when not using it and just take the motor off but if you would need to totally remove it then it might be a pain in the ass. I just thought about the fact that mounting in a closet is usually difficult because there is rarely a joist in the center. A 6' Hydrofarm mover is around $120.


Hmm so a light mover might be too big/not supported in my dimensions? Im going to be making a 2X6X6 or 7 ft large plywood box with a sealed door and caulked edges. Would it even be worth it to have a light mover for this grow?
Also I think I'm just going to get the ballast at the store. Its quite a bit cheaper and easier. Im just worried about it not fitting the bulb. Just a standard 400 W HPS will work correct?
I want one that you can just plug in and go, not too noisy or hot.

Thanks for all the help
Im hopign this will be a beneficial grow!


We are Farmers
For a 400w just make sure the ballast is ANSI S51 spec. You could always add a light mover later or add another light for that matter but I don't think the light coverage on the outside edges will be great with one bulb but I also think for a first run one light would be acceptable. The mag ballasts do generate a bit of heat so you might want to build a box inside your cab to mount the ballast in that will keep the heat out of grow area.

On bulb fitment both of my CMH bulbs were tight going in, I used steel wool on the bulb socket and turned it in and out several times before it seated all the way in.


We are Farmers
FYI - I am no expert, I am on my second and third grow right now so do not take what I say as gospel. I highly recommend reading up on the topics we have discussed, there are many excellent threads here on IC MAG. But I do not mind sharing what knowledge I do have :joint:


I appreciate your knowledge greatly and know that any tips can help big time!
I will definetly make sure it is the right type of ballast. Also you're saying inside the cab is where I should mount the ballast? Wouldnt it be better outside so it doesnt generate a ton of heat inside the grow?
Im thinking of just putting it on the ground outside of the cab inside the closet, probably on a metal or wood stool with a sponge or foam padding under.


One more question sorry! and if anyone else wants to chime in it'd be great too although MAJ is helping a ton
I am looking at temperature control and wondering if I need to buy a thermostat.
There is one at my local shop that moniters both night and day temps (can go colder at night I've read) so I could change my fan to output more during the day based on the temperature. Is this really required or needed though? Its around $90 which is a bit expensive but I figure I'll have it for a while so it should be quite useful.
What do you guys think?