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What kind of animal was this?


So I hit up one of my spots to dig a few holes tonight. I'd never been into woods at night by myself so I was already a little spooked (lol) and about 30 feet in I heard an animal take off running making a loud screaming sound and certainly freaked me out at first. I couldn't see what it was but it continued to make this screaming noise all the way down the hill and as it got farther and farther away It eventually stopped. It sounded like a damn seagull was dying. So as I made my way through the brush I hit a game trail and I could tell right away there were some kind of tracks so I turned on my flashlight and saw what appeared to be deer tracks. I sat on the hill for a second looking down into the valley to scope it out and for a split second I caught the green glare of an animals eyes. Anyways so I headed down in that direction since it's where I needed to go and proceeded to dig my first hole. I didn't get very deep maybe a hole big enough to hold a gallon of soil before I hit some rocks. So i moved to the other side of a dead tree hoping it would be a little better and I heard something walking of to my right and all of sudden it took off running again making the same screaming sound. It was so loud and once again headed off in the direction in which my other planned dig site was at. I decided i'd just come back another night since I didn't feel like startling this animal and hearing it scream again lol. Plus the fact it was running towards the edge of the woods to which houses back so I didn't want people wondering what in the world was going on.
I know deer make grunting noises but I've never heard one scream it was so high pitched. I want to think it was a deer but i guess it also could have been a bobcat?
Figured i'd share my story and see if anyone else has had a similar experience.


racoons and bobcats make a hell of screaming noise..i live in the woods and in the summer you can hear the coons at night just screaming and fighting..drives my big dogs nuts all night..neither will bother your plants as i grow outside every summer and never have anything bother mine..i have this one coon that comes around everytime we grill, just sits on the bench about 20 ft. from where i cook waiting for a peice of food..of course we chuck him some chicken, he;s actually pretty kool sitting waiting patiently..peace


Yea i'm thinking it had to be a bobcat it certainly wasn't a raccoon. Hopefully it/they won't bother me i guess i'll have my shovel to protect me haha. And yea it's funny you mention that about raccoons and being able to get close to them. They'll just go about their business while keeping an eye on you and will only run if you get to close. I'm thinking my other site is more towards where the bobcat or cats may live since theres some rock crevices which would be suitable as a den. Hopefully I won't have any problems from them/it.



if you heard it WALKING, it wasnt a bobcat, they are pretty much silent(walking), and I also doubt a cat would have just bumbbled up on ya, they are uber-aware of their surroundings.

sounding like you describe, I'd bet it was a startled coon. were you near a stream?


Well-known member
raccoon bro, they can be pretty vocal sometimes

make the hair on yer neck stand up?:D


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Sound's like a Wild Boar ,They scream like hell !!!
and sense it didn't leave the area ,
"They are not scared of human's at all.

I N Hail


Well-known member
My bet is a fox. We have them in our suburban neighbor hood. If you have never heard one you would be amazed at what they sound like. In my neighbor hood red fox raise their kits ever year right around this time.

They can be heard screaming at cats in the neighborhood for blocks. The first time you hear it makes all the hair on your head stand up, the craziest thing your ever heard not what you would expect to see coming out of a dog like animal. When I walk my dog they will follow close by screaming at us trying to call us away from their den sight.

My guess is that they had a den sight near by and were protecting it. If possible look during the day to see if any den sites are near.

Check out this link and click on a few, not just one, including distress call and see if any are close to what you heard its really one of the freakiest sounds you will hear.



Well now I have no idea what it is. I really don't think it was a raccoon just because of how loud it was walking over dead leaves and it sounded quite fast but i've never seen a coon run so i don't know. And now that I think about it i'm pretty sure I wasn't even moving at the time when the animal took off (because I was trying to let my eyes adjust to the dark) not to mention the game trail was probably 30 yards away from me. I mean i guess it could have heard me but i defiantly don't think it saw me because I was in bamboo which was higher then myself. And the second time I don't get why it didn't take off while I was digging a hole because I kept hitting rocks so It was pretty loud. And then like I said i moved over like 5 feet and stepped over a downed tree when I heard it walking and i'm pretty positive i stopped dead in my tracks but it just started doing the whole screaming thing again and took off. I know someone said you shouldn't hear a bobcat walking but aren't they like 30-40 pounds I figured they'd make noise walking over dead leaves more-so then a raccoon.
I did go back this morning during the light because I wanted to look at the tracks but it had rained pretty heavily this morning so it seemed the tracks washed out. I found a few spots in some sink holes that appeared to be burrowed out so i guess maybe something lives in them. I decided not to peek down in them though.
I did find one more thing that kind of creeped me out, it was a makeshift hut and when I looked in there were some kind of bones hanging from the ceiling (im going to inspect more next time) and also a box turtle shell (wtf) i mean who kills a box turtle?


To Have More ... Desire Less
maybe a badger or possum.....they'ell holl'er load and mean like
could just be a old wild ferale ally cat reconvereted to the old wayz and doing well ie...phat and fulll 20 pounder or so....
and on the litter side....peacocks scream and holl'er all the time.......:abduct:

ps...that little HUT could be troulble......i.e someone else around...doing other illegal thangz in the woodz.....NOT good......
whanna get shot.....maybe there mak'in meth or moonshine......
BUT hopefully just some old hunters shake.....or kidz hide out....either...way.....NOT too safe to grow the MJ.....too many eyez and earz.....

Weedman Herb

Coons kind of scuttle and don't make much noise when moving and they are more likely to have gone to the trees to escape or outright attacked you if young ones were around ... the bobcat wouldn't have uttered a peep and you certainly would not have heard it walking or running ... they have more of a cracking yowl than a scream ... what you probably encountered was a fox ... they cry like babies, wail, howl, whine, yip, screech, bark, growl etc... You got the warning scream and the "I'm going to rustle around in the underbrush to sound real big and scary" ... if that doesn't work they try a lead you away from their den/young ... which it appears to have done as well ... having a Fox Den near your grow isn't a bad thing IMHO ...

One Love

Am I the only one thinking SASQUATCH?!?! Those fuckers love ripping late season guerilla grows! Just kidding of course.

A mountain lion's call sounds like a woman screaming. If you're in the woods in total darkness and hear this sound you will shit on yourself. Sounds like a demon/banshee or something. Take heed if it was a mountain lion, they are 'fairly' rare and beautiful, but have been known to attack humans on occasion.

Be careful mane.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
A Bobcat would have ran away from you and not stuck around....I'm guessing a raccoon. But, that totally depends on where you are....could have been a mountain lion.

That's crazy though...I would have freaked out!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
A sea kitten? LOL


Weedman Herb

Moldy has it ... or it was the Easter Bunny with Ozzy Fudd hot on his tail ...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Actually I didn't want to scare you, but there have been increasing reports of a dreaded screetching beast that loves to run around and suck the living daylights out of bud plants :


The dreaded Chubacabra!


Haha ohh no it's bigfoot!! I'll just have to make him dig my holes.

Well from what everyone's saying it seems like it would most likely be a fox. I've never seen one in this area but they are in my state. As far as the hunter goes well he really shouldn't even be hunting in these woods anyways. I can't go into details for security reasons but he must bow hunt if anything since using a gun in this area wouldn't be safe. Plus i'm only planning on 4 plants anyways since the area is to rocky to begin with. (The hut is right next to surrounding water so maybe he just uses it to skin his fish possibly)
So the odds are in my favor that he won't come across them and even if he does it's not like he'll know who they belong to. It'd be nice to access them at night for security reasons but I don't know since i'll have to be hearing a fox scream. Anyways glad you guys enjoyed the story this was only my first spot and I have a few more to do, so it'll probably be a crazy year.

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